Clutter. My definition of clutter is whatever I can’t handle. Clutter is anything that consistently gets out of control in my home. Decluttering isn't about deciding what I do or don’t need. It’s not even about knowing what I should or shouldn’t keep. It’s about understanding what I can handle. Even if I believe in my heart of … [Read more...]
How to Get Rid of Clutter
When the urge to declutter hits, I want to know how to get rid of clutter now. Like, right now. I want to get rid of clutter fast. The fastest way to get clutter out of my house is to donate. If a place will pick up and take whatever I have without making me sort out clothing from electronics, they can have it. I know, though, that many … [Read more...]
Decluttering never ends. Ever. While daily habits are key to keeping my home under control, decluttering makes real progress possible. A daily pick-up can only help so much when there’s just . . . too . . . much . . . stuff. Below, I've shared links to posts about the decluttering strategies I've developed over the years by working to … [Read more...]