Nony here: I loved this email from one of you. I'd love to hear what you have laying around waiting to be returned! Dear Nony, Let me start by saying....I am really bad about returning items. I (or hubby) will purchase things, get home, find they don't work for what we needed/don't like it, blah blah. So I'm just like, Oh well. Put it over … [Read more...]
The Money Saving Mom’s Budget Audiobook Review
Money Saving Mom was the first blog I ever read. I didn't even know what blogs were when I found hers. For me, her site opened up the world of writing-on-the-internet-in-a-format-that-people-might-actually-read. When the opportunity came up to review the audio version of her new book, The Money Saving Mom's Budget, I was excited to do … [Read more...]
How We Manage To Pay Cash on Vacation
We're heading out on our family vacation soon, so I thought I'd share some tips I've found that work well for this scatter-brained-budget-what-budget-we're-on-vacation! mama. I've mentioned before (fine, many times) that we're Dave Ramsey fans. We totally see the value of paying cash, especially when we're combining a finite budget with a mood … [Read more...]
Forced to Change my Grocery Shopping Style
This post has been rolling around in my head for almost two months. Today, Money Saving Mom is sharing her financial goals and is hosting a linky, so I decided now was as good a time as any to write it. Her goals are lofty, mine really aren't. I've been irritated since learning that my normal shopping routine was going to be … [Read more...]
Scared of Commitment
I wrote recently about participating in the Pantry/Freezer Challenge over at Money Saving Mom and Life as Mom. I'm doing it because it's something I was already thinking that I needed to do, and their challenge was a good push. One of the main things that I put in my goals was to use cash, getting out 50 for each week this month, and using … [Read more...]