A sponsored post!
Are you a jingle lover, too? I may not remember a thing from Algebra II, but I can belt out catchy commercials that I haven’t heard in 20 years, word for word.
When I was a freshman cheerleader (yes, really), I volunteered to write and direct our squad’s skit for cheerleading camp. I took a great idea from a friend and had the Generic Family speak only in commercials. It was a huge hit because everyone knew every word, and as soon as they realized which commercial Kerry (or Jerry or Terry or Mary) Generic was reciting, they joined right in and said it (or sang it) with us. Such fun memories.
I am happy to join in the fun of sharing the update to Mr. Clean’s classic 1958 jingle for #FlashbackFriday! Same recognizable jingle with a modern twist for millennial households.
I wasn’t around in 1958, but I either remember some version of the jingle or it’s just catchy enough that after about 15 seconds, I feel like I remember it!
Do you recognize the tune? Do you remember the tune?? How many seconds before you started singing along?
Mr. Clean changed how people clean back in the 50s, and I’d say he’s done it again in my generation with Magic Erasers. I’ve been trying out some of Jonathan’s tips and am working my way through de-griming my kitchen cabinet knobs and icky by the doorknob grossness! That doorknob in the pic below was so ridiculously quick to clean with no muscle oomph required.
Well, I wasn’t around in 58 either! But that jingle certainly sounds awfully familiar!
And yes, I was singing right along!
I arrived in this world soon after this jingle first aired and yes, I was singing along with this little walk back in time! What a fun little commercial! I, too, belt out commercial jingles, embarrassing my children in all sorts of places.
We recently moved and I armed each of the children with a Magic Eraser to clean up doors and light switches and walls!
This is the one I thought of, from my childhood 🙂
“Mr. Clean is the man behind the shine…is it wet or is it dry??” 😉