That’s me in the middle.
If you know who that is, you’re excited!
But you might also think something looks a little funny. Here’s the real picture:
Within moments of posting that photo, a friend edited it.
I met Jonathan Scott (and only Jonathan) at a Swiffer (and Mr. Clean Magic Eraser) event recently. (Remember, I’m a Swiffer ambassador this year.) He’s a spokesperson singing the praises of using Swiffer products to make it easier to keep things clean after a move. Here he is sharing his cleaning tips on video.
Y’all, he was so nice. Very funny, very excited to talk to anybody and everybody, and just generally fun.
Some of my favorite tips Jonathan (my friend Jonathan . . . ) shared that are perfect for those selling a house or moving into one (or anyone else, really):
If your hardware (drawer and cabinet pulls and handles) is in bad shape, clean it with a Magic Eraser. He says that many times, these pieces are just grimy and a good cleaning makes a huge difference.
Pay attention to the areas around doorknobs and lightswitches. They get nasty. Use a Magic Eraser to clean them off easily.
Use a Magic Eraser to easily remove stickers and their residue from the bottoms of coffee cups, etc.
OK. Now that I’ve written the tips I remember, I realize they’re all about Magic Erasers instead of Swiffer. But we all know how much easier cleaning is with Swiffer, right? If you’re not sure, see the other posts I’ve written as a Swiffer ambassador here and here.
I also loved that Swiffer gave me an assignment to gift a recently-moved-or-moving-soon friend a set of Swiffer goodness! I knew immediately who I would surprise with the two green boxes. My friend, just moved into a home with all wood floors. She (and her cutie-pie) were excited to get the tools. This is something that Swiffer often does for people who move Habitat for Humanity homes, giving them the tools they need to maintain their new places!
And y’all, because I know how excited you get, I get to do ANOTHER Swiffer giveaway!!! Same old rules, but I’ll state them again. GIVEAWAY IS NOW OVER.
You must comment on this post to be entered. (If you’re reading via email, click on the title of the post to get to the blog and leave a comment.) U.S. residents only. (Sorry!) One commenter will win. One comment per person. Prizes are provided by Swiffer, not me. I’ll use to pick a comment number randomly. If (and this is the most important part) you are the winner, you MUST reply to my email within 48 hours of the time when I sent it. So pretty please, use an email address you check regularly. The giveaway will end at 9 p.m. Central time on June 20, 2016. See all my giveaway policies here.
Here’s what’s included:
Swiffer Sweeper Small Box Starter KitWet refillsDry refillsSwiffer DusterDuster refillsAbout a $50 value.
Wow! Thanks for the chance to win. 🙂
I love the swiffer sets!
Thanks for the chance!! Would love a swiffer!
I’d love to win this package, and will have to check out the Magic Eraser too.
With doing a kitchen reno, Swiffer products would be amazing!
So cool! I’m cleaning up after the end of one school year and getting ready for the next one to start. All the supplies would come in handy
This would be great! My 15 year old daughter is about to be on summer break with no job so I’d love to put her to work in the house and maybe we can wrestle this mess into a presentable home before she goes back in the fall. Some new tools would sure sweeten the deal.
I would love to win this. I had one that I got from a promo that Swiffer did with Tupperware many many years ago. Admittedly it mostly just hung and didn’t get used. But then I saw you posts about how good of a product it is and went back to use it. And it literally fell apart. So, this would be a great way to remind myself how great it cleans and picks up the stray cat litter that never seems to stay in the box or special mat designed to catch it! Thanks for the opportunity!
We aren’t getting ready to move or sell our house, but I still want that just moved in feel (No, not the stacks of unpacked boxes! The other feel…). That feeling that everything is fresh and new, even if it’s not. A good Swiffer cleaning may be all that is necessary to achieve that!
Magic erasers are really magic! They removed red crayon from white painted trim when we were getting ready to move that my daughter had colored 3 years earlier!
Yeahy!! I hope I win! Mine broke so I need a new one, I have never tried the duster so that would be nice to try.
After many years of hard use, my awesome Swiffer finally quit working yesterday. It seems like perfect timing that you’re doing this giveaway now! I must be meant to be! Have a great day~
I love Magic Erasers, especially since all of the doors in my house are white. I would love to win a Swiffer kit to get my house back in tip top shape. Love your blogs!! They make me feel like I am human and there are more people like me out there in the world that struggle with cleaning. Thank you!!!!
Swiffer and Magic Eraser helped to get our house ready to sell a few years ago and i would love some now for our new home. Thanks for all you do!
This would be awesome, lost of dust bunnies here … :-/
Thanks for the cleaning tips and chance to win.
I use Magic Erasers for SO many things!! Thanks for the chance to win!
I love every post–thanks for giving the rest of us “slobs” a vocie.
This is an awesome giveaway! Thank you!
What a great giveaway! Just what I need! Thanks Nony!
Love using the Swiffer products – and my daughter likes to help clean using them too! Thanks for the contest!
This would be great! I ve five kids ages ten and under, and we’re trying to get our house ready to sell. It’s a disaster. I have so much work to do, and the younger kids undo almost as fast as I can clean. O.o
First time entering one of your contests! If I win my 7 year old gets it to keep the duster in her room. No reason she should have any dust!!!
Thanks for the chance to win! Your blog has been a huge help in habit formation for me! This week (and however long it takes), keeping up with the mail every day is my habit.
I love swiffer! #swifferfanatic
My mother is a big Swiffer fan. After using the products at her house I have come home and purchased them to use at my house. My favorite product is the Swiffer duster.
It’s my favorite too!
Thanks! We have 5 kids plus pets, and we live on a farm so we can get really dusty in the summer….love Swiffer!
I love my swiffer and magic eraser products. Yesterday, after I had tossed my last magic eraser mop head I discovered my dog had had an accident under the dining room table in a hard to reach area. What to do, what to do? I pulled out my swiffer dust mop, sprayed my enzyme cleaner on the spot and mopped it up with the dust mop. Worked beautifully and I could just throw away the cloth when done. Life was good again. 🙂
AWESOME picture! I would LOVE to meet him….or just stand next to him in awe! 😉
I have new hardwood floors. I have not tried a swifter on them yet. I would love to see how they work. With a dog, two cats, and 2 kids…. I’m not sure what to use to keep the floor clean! I’m open to suggestions!
Could sooooo use this!!
Wow! How cool that you go to meet Jonathan. Next time you could ask him to autograph the magic eraser. LOL 😀
We are currently under a larger renovation and my mom is moving to a new house, so these items would certainly come in handy for us to split and get everything clean, clean, clean!
Ooo, pick me! Pick me!
Check your email!
Swiffer – a wonder of modern technology!
It really is!
I have three hairy cats PLEASE pick me I need help with their shedding
Thank you and Swifter for the chance to win!! I LOVE the products of theirs that I have tried, would love to use them more in my home, and would be happy to share the results!! Thank you for the opportunity!
Sometimes it makes me laugh when I realize how excited I get for a cleaning package giveaway. A reminder that I really am an adult! lol! Thanks for the giveaway!
I would love to win the Swifter products I am so trying to become clean and organized this summer before school starts again. I will use them to make my home sparkle and shine!!!
With Much Gratitude,
Whoops,I just figured that was you with both of the Scott twins!
Awesome! Thanks for a chance to win 🙂
Love the Swiffer idea!!
Magic erasers are also awesome for cleaning pencil and crayon off the wall when your preschooler decides to do “art”. 🙂
I use all these products. It would be so nice to have two swifters….one on each floor of my house.
P.S. I am so jealous you met my imaginary boyfriend…lol
Woohoo!!! Thank you for your blog and for being real about cleaning for us slobs trying to change! Keep up the awesomeness!!!
Thanks for the chance to win! Your blog has been very helpful to me as I continue to work on deslobifying our house. Dishes are an almost every day occurrance. Paper piles are my nemesis right now – working on processing mail daily now.
I’m moving this summer and would LOVE this!
I have 5 cats, they have messy feet occasionally, it would help with that. Thanks !
I enjoy using the Swiffer because it loves all the dog hair that is scattered throughout my home. I now call my dog the German Shedder instead of German Shepherd. Needless to say, a new Swiffer would be wonderful…..and thanks for the tips!
You fooled me with that first photo, had me thinking, “Wow, those twins really are mirror images of each other, and how cute that they dressed exactly alike!” LOL! I’m so gullible!
I’m amazed at how realistic the editing was!
I need this giveaway. We have 5 dogs to clean up after!
My 2-year old loves helping me vacuum with our Swiffer Sweep & Vac! Thanks for the chance to win some great Swiffer products!
How fun to meet Jonathon! I’d love some swiffer products! Thanks for the opportunity to win some!
Swiffer makes cleaning easier!!!
I am moving into my first house in July (closing soon!) and this would be a big help! I LOVE Magic Eraser and would love a chance to win a Swiffer package! Thanks for the chance!
Yay for swiffers! Count me in!
Love my swiffers!
We love to use all the Swifter products in our house! This would be great to win for my 10 year old to use when doing her daily chores during the summer (lol) ☺?
Ha! It took me a few minutes to realize your friend mirrored the photo to make two copies of Jonathan. I thought she just edited in a photo of Drew!
I totally hadn’t realized you could use Magic Eraser on cabinet hardware, that’s awesome! I do love a swiffer to dust blinds with! It keeps the dust from flying everywhere. That and for picking up glitter! I don’t want to say no to glitter, so I just use the swiffer to clean it up quick and easy!
This makes me laugh! After a dance recital last weekend, I definitely understand the need to clean up glitter
We love to use all the Swiffer products in our house! This would be great to win for my 10 year old to use when doing her chores over summer vacation (lol)!! ?
Every single time I see one of their commercials where a box is magically placed on their doorstep I get chills. I hope to myself that one day, that could be me. Nony, will you be that magic that puts one my doorstep?
I’ve asked if I could possibly ever do that for one of my readers! Wouldn’t that be so fun!?
I am so excited to see you in this article.
This would SO help me right now because I’m trying to get ready to move and I have a bad back. I SO NEED THIS!
Hi Dana! We are in the process of selling our house and buying another, so this giveaway would be ideal! Hope I win! ❤️
I THOUGHT the twins looked a little TOO much alike!!! Thanx for clarifying!!!!!
It would be wonderful!
Would love this. I’ve never invested in a swiffer. Thanks for the giveaway!
Great post and great picture!
Anyone ever use a Magic Eraser on the shower? I’m a little scared to, because of the shiny surface, but I am really wanting it to work its magic and take off pink spots, black nasty, and other things.
We are currently starting to clean out our house with the mindset of we want to move and NEED to have it in a show-able state. That is our motivation. A swifter set would be a great help.
I am always overwhelmed by the mess! Help!
We just moved in to The Townhouse of Awesomeness and I’ve been driving myself crazy trying to keep it clean. With brand new hard wood floors, a Swiffer would be amazing!!
Pick me! I would love to replace my dirty old mop!
Who couldn’t use more swiffer stuff?
Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!
Thanks for the tips! I never new magic eraser could do all that. Yay for the swifter contest! I’m all out and dust bunnies are plotting mutiny ??
I love Swiffer!!!
With a three story house and all the dust that comes with living in the country, I could really use me some swiffers! 🙂 I would love to win this! Thanks for the opportunity. You rock!
I use a ton of magic erasers too!
Thanks for the opportunity to try to win! I’m pregnant with number 4 and have 3 cats, so anything to make my life a little easier is definitely appreciated! Thanks!
Thanks for the chance to win!
I love your picture! Thanks for the giveaway
I’ve been inspired to declutter and the dust is getting deep. Hope you pick me!
I am so jealous! How fun.
The best thing I learned was I could use the stiffer pads when moving into my new pantry. It got up all the gunk from the wood shelves.
Ok so to be honest I tried the store brand “swifter”products. But was not impressed. I read an article from a slob comes clean and it said that swifter products at patterned so the store brands will not work the same. SO I tried the swifter brand and now I am sold! I totally love it!!!???
Love hearing this!
I thought something was up with those guys! How fun that you got to meet your friend J!
Thanks for all the ME tips. I didn’t know they took off sticker residue!
I’m so jealous that you got to meet Jonathan! I love their show and wish he could come do my house :-).
When my daughter was getting ready to leave the nest and move into her first apartment, I was so ready to give advice and buy anything and everything needed for her new place. I started laughing when she stopped me and said ” i want everything swifter has ever made “. Now her 2 sons ages 4 and 2 years old get excited when they get to use the swifter duster.
I love my swiffer and use it almost every day. And I am also a huge fan of Magic Erasers! Thanks for the giveaway!
My only daughter was getting ready to leave the nest and move into her first apartment. I was excited to buy anything and everything she needed. Even offering my cleaning advice. I started laughing when she stopped me and said “all I want is everything swifter has ever made”
YAY ! Another giveaway
Swiffer is so GENEROUS ! Please Thank them for us
My previous Duster wore out right before I was laid off 6 years ago. So with money tight, I have resorted to using less-efficient, old, worn t-shirts.
Good Luck to my fellow hope-to-be-ex-slobs.
Peace, Love and Blessings!
Yay, would love to win some Swiffer stuff!
I haven’t used a mop in over 9 yrs. I love my Swiffer. I still have the original one and it continues to clean awesome!
Would love to win! Thanks for the chance!
First time I’ve lived on hardwood flooring and I desperately need a Swiffer to keep it clean!
I love the swiffer products. Thanks for the giveaway!
I would love to have a new Swiffer set! And I really need to give Magic Eraser a try.
I love Swiffer products. They save me so much time and effort….especially the Dusters.
We might be moving soon, so this would be great!
Love Jonathon! How awesome to meet him! Thanks for the giveaway!
Need all the help I can get to stay on top of things, especially when school is out.
I am working hard this summer to declutter my house while I am off work for the summer. I am also trying to get my kids involved in the process as well as building cleaning routines. Swifter products would make it easier for them to be involved.
Great giveaway! My floors are my biggest struggle and a stiffer could help with that!
Thanks for the giveaway chance!
I never thought to use the magic eraser to take off stickers. Thanks for the great tips!
Thanks for the chance to win!
Love your blog and would love a chance to win – have a new (messy) puppy!!
I love the Eraser and use it on a lot of things but hadn’t thought of getting stickers off that way. I hope I win the Swifter.
I’m going to moving in the next 2 months so this would help me out big time! Moving here the movers broke my original Swiffer . I bought a cheapo replacement one from the dollar store (not as sturdy as the real deal believe me). Thanks for this giveaway!
I love these products, thank you for the giveaway!
Yes, please! When is the give away anyway?
Well oops! I forgot to put in an end date! I’ve done that now! Next Monday evening.
This would be fun to win
I need this!
.I love the photo editing. 🙂 I’d love to win a Swiffer too. I’m moving in a week so it would definitely be useful.
This is awesome! I would love to get a Swiffer set! (secreting it into existence)
I love all of the tips you share with your followers. I would love to win this Swiffer giveaway. I have 2 dogs and 2 cats…so you can imagine the hair I sweep daily off the hardwood and linoleum floors.
Great prize!
Thanks for sharing what you learned, and for the giveaway! We bought our first house a few months ago and while it wasn’t spotless when we moved in, we are trying to keep things looking clean and organized. I find that doing the dishes each night and sweeping the kitchen really helps. The other thing we’ve learned is that by hosting a group from church most Sunday nights we are ‘forced’ to keep up on some of the less urgent things that tend to slide. We’ve also gone from carpet to mostly hardwood or tile floors, which are lovely, but it’s sure an adjustment to see just how much dust and hair accumulates in a day or two.
Pick me pick me!
Jonathan Scott! So jealous!!! I love Swiffer, my mom thought it was a gimmick when it first came out but if it made my kids excited to help clean then I want a lifetime supply 🙂 Thanks for the opportunity to experience MORE!
I want to be able to maintain a move-in ready house!
I love Swiffers. Also, your blog had been so helpful I realizing that it is important to take little steps and set routines.
Thank you for the chance to win this! I LOVE Swiffer products! I don’t have all of them, but what I do have, I really like. They make cleaning so much easier! They need to come up with a Swiffer tub cleaning device. 🙂
Ooo, ooo pick me – we’re moving in a few weeks into a home that’s all tile!
Awesome! I love Swiffer! 🙂 Thanks for the tips!
With a new puppy, we need this!
Love love love your blog, website and podcasts! They give me life and so much encouragement. I would absolutely love to win a Swiffer. 🙂
Oh thank you so much!
My kids love to use the Swiffer products.
Oh! I would love this. My knock off Swiffer just broke and with five kids, I need another sooner than later! This would be perfect.
I have always been curious about the Swiffer products. We live in the country, and dust and dirt can really pile up. Would love to use these!
I would love to win!
I love the swifter commercials. It would be fun to win the giveaway. Thanks!
Thanks for the giveaway I can use all the help I can get.
That is so cool that you got to meet Johnathon! I love that your friend edited the picture to look like you were with both of them! I also like the tips you provided. When I go home I’m checking those areas to see if they need some cleaning!
My boys recently broke my Swiffer using it as a limbo stick! I loved it until it became half its size!
I love Swiffer and Magic Erasers!
Post something here, win, use! Clean home! Yay Swiffer!
This would be great to help my children learned to clean properly.
I would love to win some Swiffer stuff, I am right in the middle of cleaning my whole house. I have a 7 month old boy that is getting into everything, so I have been cleaning everywhere! Thanks for the chance to win! 🙂
Do you or Jonathan come with the package? 🙂
Gotta love PhotoShop! Glad you got to meet Jonathan. That’s awesome!
Would love to win! Need to get my floors clean!
I would like to win!
Would love a new swiffer!! So fun!
I love Swiffer! Thanks for the opportunity to win!
This would be great to win! I’m not a fan of mopping the old-fashioned way and the Swiffer set sounds like it would be amazing!
Your blog is amazing! So helpful and I can SO relate to everything you say– I read parts of it aloud to my husband and he says “are you trying to tell me that you have a cleaning blog?!”
I would love to receive this awesome giveaway!
That makes me laugh!!
Thank you Dana, for being the segway to a possible win!
Love Swiffer! Makes cleaning (which I DREAD) go faster.
I can use all the help I can get.
I love Swiffer products.
I love Swiffer!! 🙂
I used regular duster 10 years ago. It was a disaster. Hope,Swiffer will help me to start over.
So cool!
I absolutely love all the swiffer products on the market! As a professional house keeper using anything by swiffer makes my job not only easier, but I get to watch my clients light up when they arrive to a clean home! It would be such a blessing to win this package! Not only would I be able to use this in my clients homes, but my home as well! #SwifferAddict
would love to win!
It must have been great meeting Jonathan. Used to live watching Property Brothers (no longer have cable). Thank you for the chance to win!
I just wanted you to know love your posts on FaceBook and your blog. It is helping me go through and purge my house as I recover from cancer treatment. This would be a great start to help keeping the floors clean and the furniture dusted. Thanks for all you do and share with us.
Would love to win this! We have hardwood floors all through our house and it’s so hard to keep clean. A Swiffer would be a life saver!
Thankx for the opportunity to try and win this. Swiffers are handy tools!
I love Jonathan!!! I’d love to win a Swiffer box. I have a 3 year old and an almost 1 year old who is crawling like crazy through all my dust!
I’m a big Swiffer and Magic Eraser fan. Thanks for the giveaway!
This is awesome! What a great giveaway! Thanks for this opportunity!!
Above all, that’s for all you do!!!
I meant to say….above all, THANKS for all you do!!
We know the challenge of keeping a house show-ready! Our house just went on the market a few weeks ago and I’m already dreading dragging out that old mop and bucket again. It’s not an easy feat to get and keep a house clean with 6 people, including a very very busy toddler! Oh please, pretty please, let me be the winner!
Swiffer and Jonathan Silver Scott-what a combo!!
Stiffer is the BEST! So excited for a chance to win!!
Would love this, planning on moving soon! Your blog has saved my home!
Who would love for this box of goodness to arrive on their door step!?!
This would be great to win! I’ve never had one. Thanks for the giveaway.
I would love to win a Swiffer kit! Swiffers are handy tools for all types of cleaning in the home. I also love you blog as it has helped me so much in maintaining my home!
I would love to win.! I love your blog also!
Yeah for clean!
I recently moved and my house is no longer in move-in state. 🙁 I’d love to try to restore it to that!
We just moved into a new apartment and its filthy! Nothing is worse than living in someone else’s dirt! We need a Swiffer box gift badly, please help us!
Oh, I have to be in a partricular mood to want to clean and SWIFFER will get me there sooner!
I’m new to your podcasts and I’m loving it! I really didn’t think anyone else could think the way I think! I’ve learned so many concepts from you. The whole idea of a container, whether a tote, a drawer, or a shelf – blew my mind!!! Explains a lot of why my organization projects just go right back to unorganized!! I need to purge and bad!! I would love try the Swiffer and I will for sure be using those tips about the Magic Eraser. Thank you for being you and sharing.
Thank you!!
I need new cleaning supplies to motivate me.
We just moved too! In the middle of May. I would love to win this package.
Love the Magic Erasers and Swiffer Dusters. Never tried the floor model, so I’m hoping to give it a try!
I love my swiffer, I use it on my wood floors and the vinyl in the bathrooms it makes cleaning easy.
Love new ways to keep our house clean! Thanks for all your inspirational posts!
I always forget about the magic of the magic eraser. Thanks for the reminder. Thanks for the chance to win a swiffer set. Sounds awesome. P.S. I love your blog. Thanks for all of the encouragement!
Just the other day I was thinking that I would love a swiffer!
Love your blog and would also love to win the swiffer set. Thanks for all the great info you share.
I love how real you are with your post and your easy cleaning tips! Thanks for the chance to win such a fun and useful prize package!
Winning this set would be so wonderful! Daughter heading to college in fall and we both have “slob brains”….like mother like daughter…but we own it! I think this could help so much keep things less overwhelming.
Having the kids home with busy summer schedules (okay…lazy summer schedules) means the easiest path is usually the most taken when it comes to household chores. Swiffer would make it so much easier and faster. And Magic Erasers are…well, just magic!
I hope you and the family have a wonderful summer!
With 3 boys (1 is a teenager!) and 2 dogs at home, I NEED all the help I can get. Would love to win just to tell my boys, “look at what I won for you!”
Thanks so much for the chance to win! I love Swiffer products for the floors, would love to try the dusters.
I’m a big fan of my swiffer. But, I’ve never tried the duster!
We’re moving soon, and I would love to get into new habits! Every little bit helps…
Love swiffer! Thanks for the great give-away 🙂
Hi Dana;
I have recently moved to a new home as well with all wood floors. My two small dogs make keeping them clean a real challenge, I have tried vacuuming it up but it still leaves a residue behind and I am afraid of using water on them.
Not sure if I am eligible as you do not say that you have to be in the U.S.A. to win.
Good luck with your contest
The amount of disaster that my toddlers can create on the floors in 5 minutes is amazing! I would love to have a Swiffer! 🙂
Being back to move-in ready would be a dream!
We have a dog that sheds year round…needless to say, this give-away would be a true blessing.
I have a house that’s a dust magnet! I NEED a Swiffer!
The Swiffer products are the only way I can get my children to clean anything. My son will only mop if he has the Swiffer. It’s also great to keep the cat hair at bay!
I seriously need a Swiffer kit and I love the picture. 🙂
You and Swiffer- great team!