Last month, I traveled to Cinncinati, Ohio, to learn about all things Swiffer as a paid brand ambassador for Swiffer. They’re calling us Swiffer Fanatics! While I’d normally not be able to travel in the summer, the timing worked out just right as my kids were already headed to Cousins’ Camp with my parents for the days I’d be gone!
I had so much fun!
We learned all about the Swiffer Effect, and the Swiffer Effect is exactly what I need in my life right now.
I’m writing a book. Ummmm, y’all, the pressure is intense. And the task is consuming. And the deadline is looming.
Every hour I can find, frequently including a few hours in the middle of the night when I can’t sleep because Book Things are spinning my head, is spent in Book Writing Mode.
I’m doing my best to keep the basics done so things don’t get out of control, and having the tools specifically designed to produce the Swiffer Effect is a relief.
The Swiffer Effect is defined as helping you clean as effectively and quickly as possible so you can spend more time doing the things you want to do.
Yay for things whose entire existence is devoted to making my cleaning life easier.
As a fan of Cleaning Nerdiness, I especially enjoyed learning about all the science and creativity that goes into the development of the Swiffer line of cleaning products.
We learned about Swiffer’s patented technologies (which mean the knock-offs legally CAN’t be the same).
Swiffer’s goal is always to produce the most effective cleaning products. Here’s a test of various dusters. Five dusting products were tested by being shaken around in a glass jar with “a week’s worth of dust.” Swiffer was the only tool that got its jar sparkling clean.
The visible difference between them was amazing. No residue, no cloudiness. And afterwards, when shaken, the Swiffer Duster didn’t release any of the mess it had cleaned up.
But not shocking. I love Swiffer dusters.
Swiffer dusters totally produce that warm-fuzzy Swiffer Effect in my heart. I can dust anything and everything with them. Whatever those Cleaning Scientists did . . . works. It grabs the dust with a few flicks of my wrist, in and out of corners and all around the grooves of the few dust collectors I’ve deemed worthy of staying in my home.
But don’t worry (not that you were), the trip wasn’t all learning. We danced and sang (literally, and my team won for our rap about Swiffer), and had the opportunity to surprise moms of little ones and a doggie mama with their own Big Green Boxes full of Swiffer products.
I’ll share more as my year as a Swiffer Fanatic continues!
NOTE: Giveaway has ended.
I’m excited to host a giveaway for one of you to get your own Green Box of Swiffer products so you can experience the Swiffer Effect in your own home!
The box will include:Swiffer Sweeper Small Box Starter KitWet refillsDry refillsSwiffer DusterDuster refills
Just leave a comment telling me what the Swiffer Effect would mean for you. What could you do more of if you could spend less time cleaning?
One comment per person, and I’ll use to choose! The giveaway will end September 23rd at 9 p.m. Central time. U.S. AND Canada residents can enter!
I would definitely spend nap time resting instead of cleaning if I were cleaning better and faster!
i am teaching my kids how to help sweep the floor. Let’s just say they leave a lot behind with the broom. The stiffer would really help what’s left behind!
I would love to get into better cleaning routines to have more balance between work (chores) and play (literal play with my 2 1/2 year old). Thank you for this giveaway!
My Bright Blue House
I really dislike vacuuming, sweeping and mopping, but I know they make a huge impact on my homes cleanliness. Any new tools, toys or gadgets that make it more enjoyable & efficient would be awesome!
First the Swiffer Effect would mean my guests would not be frightened of the hairballs rolling across my tile, and I wouldn’t have to spend my time corralling them. Maybe with all that extra time I could spend more time walking my dogs and myself.
We are moving toa home with hard floors soon and starting up homeschool. A quicker cleaning time means more time to focus on family.
I would spend more time with my 8 month old son on the floor becuse it would be clean from using the Swifter tools and products!
I would spend more time being creative. Thank you for hosting this giveaway!
I’ll be interested to see how the swiffer goes for you. I’ve always wondered what the convenience v’s environment v’s cost would be like and have stuck to my old methods, but maybe I should give them a try?
Toddler + cats + husband in construction = nonstop mess
Swiffer would help keep up with the aftermath, since I’m always on damage control.
It would mean less dustbunnies made of cat hair under my radiators….;)
I’m unsure if this giveaway ships internationally, but hey, why not give it a try anyway….
Oops. It doesn’t. So sorry!! I’ll go add that!
That’s ok, already assumed it a little;)
Before I retired, I noticed the professional cleaning crew at work used Swiffer products. Since cost of supplies and time necessary to do a job are always being analyzed, I thought this was a pretty good recommendation.
I would so LOVE to win this prize!
Sweeping is my almost 3 year old’s favorite past time, but I hate the dirty broom he flings around. This kit would put my momma nerves to rest.
Tthe stiffer prize would help my allergies so much! I live in south Texas and am allergic to every native tree, bush, and grass. It seems my 7 month old daughter is also bothered by whatever grows outside our house and she just started crawling, so this would be such a help in our effort to keep our floors clean.
Oh My Word! I want to win this badly!! As a mom of 3 boys (teens and tweens) and a big yellow Lab, this would definitely help me out. The amount of dog hair, grass, and mud I sweep up on a daily basis is crazy! We have wood and laminate flooring all throughout our lower level of the house, so this just might help my sanity (maybe)! And I might actually talk a boy or two into helping SWIFFER :)!!!!
Less cleaning time means more time for swimming for fitness! I never have enough time, it seems. Thanks!
I stumbled across your blog back in may and between your podcasts and habitrpg app, I’ve finally started conquering my cleaning habits and for the first time in my entire life had a home that was presentable for more than a day. It was spotless for months! This with two cats! My current work schedule has side tracked me as I need to do 12 hrs work days but its temporary and as soon as work gets back to normal, so will my house! I’m actually more stressed now when my house isn’t spotless as I see the dirt now, unlike before I found your blog! I’ve started to become addicted to cleaning wanting to clean when I’m visiting family or friends.
I’ve just introduced my mom to your blog last weekend and she’s excited to start her own routine. This would be amazing startup kit for her!
Thanks for being brave to start this blog. Its been a tremendous inspiration knowing my slob habits are not alone, that cleaning does not come naturally, but simply developing a daily routine (just 15 mins!) and having a home for everything can make a huge difference. Finally its clicked.
Less cleaning time = more time to spend playing and reading with my kids!
I love having a small house with 2 boys in college and all their friends coming and going. But they leave a mess in their wake! Add a hunter husband who tracks in muddy boots and we are a family in need of the Swiffer Effect!
The Swiffer effect would mean more free time….just kidding, it would give me more time to help with homework. But I can dream can’t I? 🙂
The Swiffer effect at my house–if I could spend less time cleaning–would mean that I’d have more time to spend with my daughters, who are growing too quickly!! Thank you for the giveaway.
Lass cleaning time would give me more time to spend enjoying the fall in the Smoky Mountains where I live. THANKS for the giveaway!!
The swiffer effect would mean reading a book and not feeling guilty about the romping dust/fur bunnies in the house. I’d have to close my eyes and ignore things a little less.
would love to win the swiffer products. i have 7 kids and i think something new and fun would be motivation for them to enjoy cleaning more and that would give us more time together thats not cleaning nagging related
I would be able to clean, and get my workouts in — there is never enough time in the day, and spending less time on cleaning means more time for improving my health! Also, Swiffer is so easy to use…I may be able to convince the hubby to help clean too! 😀
Thank you for the giveaway opportunity!!!
The science geek in me loved this post – yay for Science! Less time cleaning = more time doing any/all of the things I truly love. (Yes, I can admit, I don’t love cleaning.) Family time, play time, sweat time, theater time, outdoor fun time! Yay for less time cleaning!
Doesn’t it just make you geek out to think of all the research and microscoping and data that goes into making things to clean up dog hair?? I love it too!
I presently use Swiffer dusters and love them! I would enjoy the opportunity to try out other Swiffer products.
I would love to have more time available to be field trips for homeschooling my kids. We could swifter and out the door!
We have hardwood floors, and three and eight year olds who feel that the floor is their personal depository for crumbs. With a quicker clean up I’d like to say I’d spend more time with my kids, but let’s be honest, I’d spend more time reading.
I would use the swimmer effect to clean all of my hardwood floors in my home.
Having more time would be huge for me. I work full time and when I am home I am caregiver for a family member with dementia.
With more time I could pursue my hobbies of junking and jewelry. Swiffer effect bring it on.
Having the swiffer would encourage us to more frequently clean our hardwood floors. Our 7-year-old boy loves to clean so I could safely put him to work… hmm, while I read (?), oh, no… But we could accomplish our dog-hair corralling more easily with a Swiffer.
I have 6 kids so there are ALWAYS messes to clean up. If I could clean faster and more efficiently, I would be able to actually spend more time with them having FUN instead of making games out of chores.
This is going to sound ridiculous, but spending less time on sweeping and dusting will give me a bit more time to spend on some of the other housework I need to do. I have RA, and walk (too darn slowly) with a cane, and *anything* that makes cleaning easier is a blessing. Some days I feel like I’ll never be able to keep up with things if I don’t have a magic pixie helping me. Heh.
My back has a pulled muscle–this would be lightweight solution to my cleaning.
It would be nice to just relax after using my Swiffer. I bought one of the brands that you can reuse, but it really isn’t as good as a Swiffer.
Having fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome in conjunction with OCD pretty much spells a cleaning disaster in my house.???? Swiffer products are my only chance to clean effectively (up to my standards) and quickly (to enable me to get rest and off my feet). I have used everything in this box and love them all! Hoping to win! 😉
It’s would make cleaning my house a lot faster and maybe my kids would LOVE to help out more instead of me being the only one cleaning the house.
The Swiffer Effect makes it easy to swipe up all the hair that seems to be falling out of my head by greater and greater numbers!
Swiffer cloths are my all time favorite cleaning product EVER. they pick up hair better than anything, and it doesn’t take anytime to do a quick once-over on floors.
The Swiffer Effect would make my cleaning more effective and quicker. I do use a Swiffer in bedrooms and would love to try more products.
I would relax more and not be thinking about dusting or cleaning the floors and could be more present with my family and enjoy being with them instead of thinking about the cleaning that needs to be done.
Swiffer products are awesome and if I win I will spend the extra time finishing projects around the house.
I could focus on sorting/downsizing/decluttering to prepare for an upcoming move!
i have used and enjoyed swiffer dusters before, but the disposal factor plus needing to remember to go to the store to buy more plus the actual price are what have kept me from using them continuously. i’ve never been a fan of swiffer sweepers though. I didn’t feel like they got the floor clean enough. that being said, free giveaway? uh yea, i’m totally in! 😀 lol
I was just lamenting what an atrocious job my current dusting implements were doing this weekend. I felt like I dusted forever, and even when I was done there were still traces of dust! So frustrating. Clearly I need to find something that’s going to do a better job (or is better suited to the heavy duty dusting I am going through now after NOT dusting for umm… years?)
It’s hard to imagine spending less time cleaning right now as I am still in the thick of mass home decluttering (and re-decluttering – I agree that is totally a thing). On the bright side the kitchen, living, and laundry rooms have been clean for 3 months now thanks to 28 Days to Hope. And since those basic spaces haven’t been in a state of constant disaster I’ve now been able to add the master bedroom, master bathroom and master closet to the maintaining the clean list. The play room and study are still works in progress. But I am getting there… one day at a time. Washing the dishes, and sweeping the floors. 🙂
Less time cleaning??? Music to my ears. It would enable me to not feel guilty about spending most of my time outdoors. And it would help me not be so embarrassed by drop in company. And it would make me feel like a better homemaker. Bring on the Swiffer Effect!
I would love to spend less time recovering afterwards. Stupid dust allergy. Then maybe I could make some progress on the clutter.
I would love to have more time to read and just be with my kids without having a list of things that need done hanging over my head.
Having the Swifter system would help my wife. She has a lot of muscle pain and while I try to help her…she tackles the cleaning way too much and the Swifter system would maybe reduce her pain, at least some. Thank you for your consideration.
I’m on disability and thus most cleaning is left to my poor hubby. I try not to “supervise” too much, but how he does things is not like I would. 🙂 I can swiffer and feel like I’m helping. Thanks for sponsoring this giveaway.
I’d love to have more time to spend with my family! With three boys and a dog, my house is never clean!
less time cleaning would mean more time entertaining. I would love to open my home more, but like you am too afraid of what people might think. Being a slob is also my deep dark secret. Maybe these tools would help.
I would use the time I save to help my 4 year old dance and sing with her own Swiffer! (And breathe easier that my 11 month old and 2 cats aren’t getting any questionable snacks off of the kitchen floor!)
Less time cleaning would allow for more relaxation time, or craft time, or reading time. Anything is better than cleaning. 🙂
Oh, I’ve been looking at Swiffers for a while and would love to win this! My ceiling fans get dusted about once a year because no matter what I use, the dust goes everywhere and they’re a pain to reach. And my floors…Swiffers look like a lot of fun and I bet I could get my son to help out!
Swiffer products make my kids fight over who gets to clean!
No more doggie and cat hair flying around.I would be able to get all of it the first time around the room!
Less time cleaning would mean more time to take my kids to the park!
It would mean a great deal to me. I have a lot of back problems and heavy mopping nearly kills me. I put vinyl planks all over my floors and the Swiffer products are light in weight and do a nice job on the floors. It would really be nice to have ALL the products at one time. Someone has to win, I just hope it is me.
Having the right swifter tools means great cleaning with less time so we may have more family time…
Easier cleaning would mean that my kids could do more to help. It’s discouraging to them to try and sweep with very little success.
There is so much that I could accomplish with less time cleaning, but the one thing that’s been on my mind a lot is getting my home business back up and running. Everything is so overwhelming, and if just ONE thing in my life was less overwhelming, it might help me get the business going again. I would love that!
Less time cleaning would mean more time to read for nerdy me. I remember when the Swiffer was test marketed 17 years ago in the area where I lived at the time. It was instantly a big success! Extremely useful and popular! People complained vociferously when the test product disappeared at the end of the test marketing. I just found a snippet about the roll-out: “Procter & Gamble Co. will launch its first transcontinental test market Sept. 1, when a multinational brand team introduces Swiffer, a lightweight mop with disposable cleaning cloths that picks up dust, hair and other dirt using static electricity. Test markets include Cedar Rapids, Iowa; Pittsfield, Mass.; and Sens, France.”
I have hardwood floors and two little boys. Our floors are constantly a mess. With more time I could enjoy loving of those little guys as they make messes instead of freaking out! 🙂
pleeeease enter me in the giveaway 😉 but I’ll keep buying swiffer products even if I don’t win! I especially like that my 6 year old baby loves to swiffer!
I could finally keep up with all the pet hair????????????????????. It’s never ending.
As a working mom I would love it if I could spend more time in the evening with my kids and less time cleaning up. With Swiffer tools it sounds like it household chores would be completed much faster and I would have more time with my family!
If I could spend less time cleaning, I could spend more time playing with my wild and crazy 1 and 2 year old boys!
I have three cats, twin 2 year old boys, and three adults living in my house. I’m going through my own de-slobification process (I’m drowning…help), and I can use all the help I can get. All kidding aside, Swiffer products would be great in my home because my children and husband have Asthma, and I have severe allergies. I need a product in my home that can clean chemical free, and not make us sick!
This says convienance to me! Lots of saved time!!!!
I will dust once per week, not once per year. Usually kids keep space dust free????
I would let the kids go at it. With regular dusters they just flick the dust everywhere.
My niece and nephew love to help clean with swifter products. This would free me up to do the fun jobs like clean the bathroom.
Receiving the swifter would mean my floors may actually get cleaned. And then perhaps I would have time to sew my daughters Halloween costume.
Thank you for having this give-away! This would help my life soooooo much, my son is severely allergic to dust, so having these tools would make keeping the dust out of my house so much easier, and me and my son could play together more!
I would just keep my house cleaner, period. And stop wasting time thinking about it and not doing.
As a result of building our retirement home, my husband discovered woodworking. Heavy, gorgeous mesquite woodworking. Customers trotting through, shoes tracking sawdust woodworking. The Swiffer Effect for me would mean a quicker, more efficient way for me to cope with a woodshop just outside my door.
I’d get my house clean(er!) and then I would enjoy more crafting time!
To be honest, I hate housework. I’m retired and I watch my 3 grandons, while my daughter works. The 2 & 4 year old manage to get into everything sticky, and especially dirt from the yard. I also have 2 dogs & 2 cats. Help! Lol… I have arthritis and anything to make the job easier so I can enjoy playing with my grandsons is greatly appreciated! Thanks!
The Swiffer Effect could help me to spend more time playing with my doggie than cleaning up his little messes! He’s a chewer so almost daily there is an area of the living room with an exploded stuffed toy or chewed up pieces of hard dog toys. For a 7 pounder little Thor is pretty rough on his toys!
The Swiffer Effect in my home would mean I would get to spend less time cleaning and more time enjoying and nurturing my 2 little girls!
The Swiffer Effect would mean more time with my daughter! She is only going to be little for so long!
I have five kids and we live in the country . . . the California drought has made all that county dirt even dirtier. I’m always looking for new products and methods to keep my little country house cleaner and still allow my kids to enjoy the freedom and fun of country life! 🙂
Swiffer Effect…maybe I’d actually have time for baseboards & touch up paint?
Less time cleaning, more time packing for a move (soon to be unpacking) and enjoying time with my youngest.
I would spend more time relaxing. It is hard to relax when your house is a mess. I feel guilty that I should be cleaning instead.
I would love to win the stiffer effect! I just found your blog and can totally relate! You are inspiring; I’ve already done a ton of reading and printing, now it’s time to take action! Thank you for “airing your dirty laundry” and being real about the journey to a clean house!
I would spend more time reading ???? and,enjoying my girls! Thank you!
If I spent less time cleaning with a Swiffer box…
– I would spend more time with my kiddo
-I would have quality time with my amazing husband who I often just don’t have time to connect with
– I would work on those little tasks I neglect because my floor is sticky and I need to clean it. Again. Thanks cute kiddo! 🙂
– have my parents and in laws over more for family time and not push it off or feel embarrassed that the place is a wreck.
And last but not least…
– I would take care of myself better… Being preggy (thank G-d!!!) does have it’s drawbacks. Everything takes longer and I don’t feel too well most of the time. So being able to cut the time for one chore would be amazing!! It would be easier on this tired (with an aching back) and nauseous mommy! And I won’t feel terrible at the end of the day that my family is living in a neglected mess!
And we have allergic people in my family so less dust would definitely help!!!
Have time to enjoy the pets rather than spend so much time de-furring the floor!
Family childcare and a husband that does not like to pick up after himself.
less time cleaning which that seems all I do as a stay at home with 4 boys. I can enjoy spending time with my boys instead of cleaning all the time I have hard wood floor which are a pain to keep clean with boys running in and out of my house please help????
If I could clean faster with Swiffer then I would have more time for decluttering! And baking! And reading! 🙂
I would get my house cleaned faster and have more time to spend outside.
After spending the last 13 years as a stay at home mom, all my kiddos are now in school. I have started taking online classes to prepare to re-enter the workforce, so the less time I have to spend on sweeping and dusting the more time I can spend completing my classes.
I’ve always thought a Swiffer would be the best cleaning solution for my house. I have four cats, one dog, two kids and 1400 sq. ft. of hardwood floors. I am constantly chasing dust bunnies, animal hair, dirt and dander, you name it. I’m convinced that a Swiffer would make the job faster and easier. I know I’ll be much less frustrated, too, and have more time available for my kids, pets and myself
I love swiffer makes cleaning a snap. I am all about easy and letting kids try 🙂
It might actually mean a clean house for me. DH would be most impressed (quite a feat). Been thinking of purchasing such products but am too good at procrastinating. Will use what shows up on my doorstep. Thanks.
would be able to dust faster…..
Anything that helps with cleaning with less time and effort is wonderful to me! I would sew or knit with the new-found time.
Chronic pain has me not following my routines. That big green box would help!
The things I could do!!! I would play house with my 3 year old granddaughter and show her how easy it is to keep it clean with a Swiffer! And read more of your blog! If that doesn’t help me win, will anything?
The Swiffer Effect would mean less time cleaning the tile floors throughout the house and more time to catch up on reading!
I recently discovered your blog and have been working my way up to the present. This is the first giveaway since I found you and it couldn’t be more perfectly suited to where I am in my own deslobification process.
I would be able to spend more time doing volunteer work if I could spend less time cleaning. Of course a lot of the volunteer work I do includes sweeping and mopping the various Girl Scout properties where we hold events for girls. I suppose the green box would have to decide whether it would be for a GS Property of for my house. I might have to use the random number generator too! 🙂
Spend more time reading (for fun – you know like fiction….I think there is such a thing….LOL)
I could spend more time doing things for my children’s church, and spending more time w/ my husband. Things I enjoy beside cleaning~
I would love to use it to have more time to focus on decluttering our home!
Hi. I started reading your blog after I purchased a bundle a few months back. I read your e-book about decluttering and felt like you really got me. Finally, today I was fed up enough to purchase your 28 days book, because I haven’t admitted how bad things have gotten at home and I have a million legitimate excuses. Reading the whole book today, of course, I was laughing and crying. Thank you. I have hope.
More time playing with my son!
I’m allergic to dust and so often dusting means getting that dust into the air so I avoid dusting. I think with Swifter I could get actually get rid of the dust without flaring up my allergies!
Experiencing the Swiffer Effect would be awesome. If I could spend less time cleaning….then I could spend more time sipping wine while soaking in a bubble bath.
I am a homeschool mom who has fibromyalgia. I love anything that makes cleaning faster and easier! Also, of course, using Swiffer products would definitely count as Home Ec. If I could spend less time cleaning, I could spend more time catching up with my friends on Facebook and reading great blogs like A Slob Comes Clean. 🙂
Winning the Swiffer Effect? A chance to try out the products for myself, and save time by not having to go shopping for them! And a little variety on house blessing day is always welcome!
I’d used Swiffer before. But not since being laid off at work 5 years ago.
More Swiffers would save me time to do more job searching.
Winning the Swiffer would be such a blessing to me. With 4 kids under 7 it seems our floors never stay clean for long. This would definitely help me in cleaning the floors faster, and I would even be able to have the kids clean up their own mess. With the extra time I would be able to spend more time talk and reading with kids.
3 kids + husband + dog = messy floors. Anything that would help clean up the dog hair and spilled *whatever* faster would enable me to focus on another task such as decluttering. Thanks to you and your blog, I currently have 5 boxes by the front door waiting to go to the thrift store!
Less time cleaning=more time playing soccer with my two girls and two dogs. And maybe working out. Thank you
Less time cleaning would mean more time reaching my 11 year old and snuggling my 7 month old. 🙂
With 3 cats and 2 dogs in our house, and two allergy prone kids, having an easier way to corral the pet hair and dander would be life changing!
The Swifter would give me more time to spend with family and help with all my families allergies by getting rid of all the dust. Very excited to hear about the Swifters dust locking abilities!!!
Hello! Mom of 4 Littles here…..Do I need to say any more?
I could spend more time decluttering if cleaning were faster and easier!
Woo Hoo for Canadians being able to enter!!!!! The Swiffer effect for me would be possible motivation to actually sweep the floor. There’s lots I’m good at cleaning and organizing. Somehow, the floors are almost NEVER done.
I would love the box. I have 3 kids, one is a toddler, and I’m pregnant with my forth. My husband works off so is rarely home. The box would help make cleaning so much easier for me and keep from from having to climb while pregnant. The time I would save would go to spending more time with my kids.
The Swiffer Effect would clear up time to work on pens (I am trying to get a bunch made for a Christmas bazaar). There are never enough hours in the day!
We have dogs and it is very hard to keep up with. This would make it so much easier!
The Swiffer Effect would mean less dog hair on the floors! Hauling out the vacuum multiple times each week is a pain so being able to Swiff between vacuuming would be great! I’d spend more time in the yard reading if I had to spend less time cleaning.
No more dust bunnies and a clean kitchen floor!!!
The swiffer effect would mean that I could spend more time playing with my 2 year old at The park but still feel like my house was clean enough for the almost 4 month old to roll and play on the floor.
I would love to win this. I have new laminate flooring and think this would be excellent for cleaning these floors.
The Swiffer effect would mean my current broom and the hair it’s collected could disappear
Thank you. This would be great!
I could sweep twice daily every day of the week and still have dog hair on my floors! If Swiffer does what it says, I could spend more time “playing” with my family 🙂
Both my kids love using the Swiffer Wet Jet, so I’d probably use more swiffer products to trick them into doing more chores.
Oh what a true blessing to dance around when the big green box of cleaning love arrives! I would love to use each and every product and teach my 17 year old some new tricks in hunting dust bunnies!! My six year old may want to gather them all up and make them a home….but we have years to work on her. 🙂
I’m Excited!
I love, love, love your blog and e-books, including minor product placements, like the Dawn thing etc. , and I know this is a sponsored post (thank you for being so blunt!) – but as blunt reader response – this ad was beyond my comfort level as a reader (even as a dust-concious astmatic). Best of wishes for the winner of the products, but … Swiffer FANATIC? I’m, I don’t know, I’m … really? But you’re an artist! A decluttering, re-organizing, re-picking-up-ing, non-relenting empress of hope! Not the *swiffer* fanatic. I’m sorry. I wanted my first comment to be all “duh-duh-duh-empressNony-rules-duh-duh-duuuh-empressNony-stylee-duh-duh” – which is still my main outlook (more e-books? please, pretty please!) I’m sorry. I guess I was taken aback by the sponsorship. I’m European though, we’re weird. Sorry. Please delete this comment if it’s beyond what’s appropriate for this post. I’m sorry.
Totally respect your opinion. And I’m publishing because I love all the compliment stuff! (Even though if you’re in Europe you can’t actually win.)
I’ve never used swiffer products before – but you make them sound so great!
Having one of these would mean I might have clean floors on a regular basis! AND I would have time to write and paint and read and and and……..
I love Swiffer products! If I spent less time cleaning, I would probably spend more time baking with my kids, which would create more cleaning 🙂
If I had a Swiffer I could spend less time cleaning and more time decluttering. 🙂
It would mean my kids having a working mop to help clean with . . . 🙂
Yay for including Canada! I would spend more time cuddling my kiddoes if I was spending less time cleaning up after them!
I would spend more time baking if I could spend less time cleaning. I love to bake…clean, not so much.
Right now it would mean that I have more time to take care of my husband. He just (yesterday) had his 24th surgery following an accident he was in 8 years ago. Between caring for him, our 2 kids, 2 pups and 3 rabbits, the less time I could spend cleaning the better it would be for all of us!
Hopefully writing – love Swiffer products!
Having a Swiffer gift box would definitely help motivate me to clean my house more often. I’m a working mom with two active boys, and I can barely get the dishes and laundry done. It would be awesome, if I felt like I had time to dust and mop the floors too!
Hang out with my kiddo!
We just bought our first home and I am obsessed with keeping it clean!!! I need this to feed my habit lol
The Swiffer Effect would mean more time with my kids. I have a messy husband, 2 dogs, and 2 toddlers and all hardwood floors so it takes quite a bit of time to keep the floors under control. Oh and just the general dust in this house is crazy.
I would so love to win. The drawing is being held on my 50th birthday. What better was to start a new decade by decluttering and easier cleaning!
More time homeschooling!
Definitely would spend extra time with the kids!
If I didn’t clean so long, I’d be happy outside taking more pictures! Photography lights up my world and I always push it to the back burner for life things like cleaning.
Swiffer makes cleanups so much quicker! I’d have more time to read or catch up on Episodes of Cedar Cove.
we are a swiffer house and our wetjet just snapped in two from overuse so we really need a new one! this would be awesome!!
Swifter would give me more time to focus on the people that are important in my life as opposed to the house I keep.
I would sew more quilts if I didn’t have to spend so much time cleaning. I love a clean house but I really, really enjoy sewing.
I would have more time to exercise and play with my kids!
I am recovering from a major surgery and will have to have another here soon. The swifter duster and mop would so make my life easier as my energy levels these days go downhill in a flash. This way I could spend more time with my family and less worrying about what has not been done.
I could get things done! Since we started school (homeschool) this year, I have been on survival mode and just getting the laundry and dishes done is a good goal for the day! Maybe if cleaning were quicker and easier, I could actually get it done! 🙂
I love the Swiffer Vac. It’s cordless and so much lighter than the vaccuum. BEST. INVENTION. EVER!
I would spend more time doing projects with my toddlers. I see craft projects online and think about how fun they’d be for my girls but I feel like I’m constantly playing catch up at home!
We are moving in 1 month (what?!?!?!) To a house with lots of hard floors. I’m going to need a little more Swiffer in my life!
I would spend more time with my family! I love Swiffer products but sadly buy budget does not allow me the money to buy them. I have a whole house of hardwood floors and vacuuming just doesn’t cut it! so I am down on my hands and knees with a cloth. It takes so long and this old body just can’t take the way it used too! 😉
The Swiffer Effect would mean that I could walk across my kitchen floor in my socks, and NOT collect an entire pet’s worth of pet hair on them. I could NOT write my name in the dust on the slanted desk top, and could NOT see dust-on-dust on the baseboards. Sounds great to me!
If I could use Swiffer to spend less time cleaning, I would spend more time leaning to speak sign language and read storybooks in Spanish for my grandchildren. : )
Winning would make me look good! I could give my daughter and son-in-law a good start as the move from our home ( a temporary 6 months stop) to begin their new church position across the state. While living here they discovered the “magic” of my Swiffer mop and sweeper clothes. I figured I would need to send them off with their own! Please pick US! ????❤️????
My children love swiffer and would be able to clean the floors all by themselves.
I hate cleaning and my wife has arthritis so swiffer would make cleaning easier.
You have so many comments already, I ‘m amazed. I am a single, type A introvert, who organizes and cleans often. I am also a grandma. My grand-kids are the joy of my life, but the makers of the biggest messes. So if I won the products, I would be able to clean up after them quicker, and have more fun time to spend with them.
I would use it spend actual quality time with my kids. I am a teacher with 2 kids and a disabled brother to take care of
If I received these Swiffer products the time I would save on cleaning would be spent with my two amazing kiddos!!! I have a daughter (Ava Mae) who is 5 years old & a son (Rylan) who is 3 years old. Both of them deserve more “mommy” time, but my daughter is Autistic, & mostly non-verbal, so she can definitely benefit from any extra time I can spemd playing or working with her! Thank you for doimg this giveaway!! 🙂
The tile and grout through out our home is not level. It was installed by the previous owner and we’ve not had the funds to replace. Its very hard to clean, having to go over and over it to get the dirt that is lower in the grout lines. Would a Swiffer product work for me?
I would love this gift. I work 2 jobs and never have enough time to clean beyond the clothes, dishes, and bathroom like I want to. My hubby world also use this products to help keep things clean. Thank you in advance.
Once upon a time I owned a swiffer. Then we moved on to other things and I don’t have it any more. Maybe it would help my daughter do a better job cleaning the linoleum, since its a chore she isn’t fond of. Swiffer dusters are the best for ceiling fans and my fan needs a good dusting.
What a fun giveaway! I love swiffer!!
I need help with keeping dust under control. We all have dust mite allergies. Two of us have asthma, three if you count the cat. One of our cats has allergies and asthma just like us.
We live on a farm. Dirt and dust is a major part of our life. Open windows for a lovely breeze and in comes a fine layer of dust to settle on everything! Definitely could use all the help I can find for keeping it under control.
I’ve dreamed of a big green box after seeing all of the Swifter commercials!
I love the idea of being able to clean faster and be able to have more time to actually organize our spend time with family.
Between a 9yo who leaves crumbs everywhere and a cat who is CONSTANTLY shedding, I can never seem to stay on top of the dust in my apartment. When I dust, I can be certain that by the end of the day a light layer of dust will already be back. I like to dust first, THEN vacuum, but the vacuum kicks up so much into the air that it’s hard to tell I dusted first! If I could save time on the cleaning, maybe I could actually get the rest of my place cleaned more often!
I recently moved to an old small house. It has hardwood floors. What? I don’t know what to do with them?! I’m used to carpet. 🙂 I’d love to find a way to clean these floors!
Less time cleaning is more time reading to my kids (ok and myself:))
I need the swiffer effect since what I thought was only” a dishwasher leak has turned into a three month nightmare of contractors, sanding, painting – and then a ceiling collapse in my bathroom with plaster falling by the minute .I need something to help me stay on top of the dust and mess this is causing, while trying to care for four cats and a very old dog. I know everyone has a story like mine, s good luck!
The swiffer effect would mean for me to have more time with my kids, my kids might even help out with the chore more often if it looked easy and fun! It would also mean less stress on my body (I have chronic pain) by being able to clean more efficiently.
I could so use these! I feel like I’m being swallowed up by cobwebs and dust bunnies this year.
I would love to be able to spend more of my weekend enjoying my granddaughter instead of having to spend so much “free” time cleaning up after my dog, and the debris we bring in from the yard. Being a single working grandmother, I have to do it all, bring home the bacon, maintain the yard, and CLEAN everything.
I could hang out with my fiance more.
I would win the war!!! Me vs dog fur!!!!
I would be able to spend more quality time with my children 🙂
I would LOVE to spend less time dusting, more time playing games with my kiddos – and less time with all of us sneezing from our dust allergies! lol
i would love to say i would love to try your products it takes me forever to clean my house and dusting takes forever i have so many knickknacks and lots of things i dont want broke so i wont let the kids do it and so it takes me a long time to clean and i have several kids that have allergies so i have to keep the dust clean and floors clean as well and i have allergies and asthma and copd and my daughters lung does not work good so this would be a god send to me thank you so much
The Swiffer Effect would just help me to do everything better, faster, and swifter related to cleaning.
What do I need to do to get the big green box at my door. Sure would be very helpful for my 87 year old Dad and myself to make cleanup a breeze