Hubby cleaned the kitchen during our Whole House Overhaul last week.
I knew he did a good job, and admired the uncluttered look of the countertops.
But it wasn’t until Tuesday (four days after he cleaned the kitchen), that I noticed my food processor was missing.
Not in the place where it has been for years!
I didn’t notice until I was opening a can of chickpeas to make hummus for my lunch. I immediately sent him a desperate, stressed out text, and started looking everywhere.
It wasn’t in the cabinet below its HOME, or in any cabinet where it would have made sense to me to find it.
Lucky for him, I thought to look in one last spot before he sent this hilarious reply: “Look on eBay.”
Timing is important in comedy, people.
Sixty seconds earlier, before I’d found the missing appliance, his “joke” wouldn’t have been the least bit funny.
I calmed myself down enough to not be mad, and looked around the kitchen again.
This time, I looked without the desperation I felt earlier when I discovered the food processor had been moved from its designated spot. I had to admit that MAYbe it made sense that a helpful husband wouldn’t realize how passionate I am about things being in the exact place where they should be when that exact place had so quickly been filled with this:
Grocery bags from yesterday’s bread and milk run.
A box of popcorn specially requested by a birthday boy who normally likes mom’s stovetop version but thought his friends would prefer the kind that makes your teeth greasy.
Right. The counter that had been beautifully clear and clean two days ago (thanks to Hubby) had become a resting place for all sorts of randomness.
But still, don’t mess with my systems. I do have them. Really.
Aaaaahhhh. So much better. Y’know, after I took the 2.5 seconds required to clear the counter space. One handed. While holding my plate of hummus and naan in the other hand.
This made me wonder why I don’t like my systems messed with. I wonder if it may be because I already made a decision about that and chose that particular way. I don’t like making decisions at all. Now I have to make Another decision; is this important enough to me to ask for my system back—or not?
So, where was it hidden? I’m having a similar situation here with a square cake tin. Hubby seems to think it lives with the other cake tins, but I only ever use it a a miniature roasting tin…so obviously it lives with the big roasting tin, right?!
Love your post-but not for the reason you may think. It was the comment about groceries that got my attention. See my slob vision is about 95% cured, except on grocery day. Grocery day is my nemesis. I love doing the shopping. But getting everything in the house, put away where it belongs and getting the bags put away-ugh!! Usually if I have an unexpected guest now, I can invite them in with no embarrassment. But not grocery day, or the day after & possibly the next day too. Got any ideas for me?
I just keep at it until it’s done.
My kitchen is actually also where we come in & out of our house. So the cold stuff gets put away quickly.
I fold & put my reusable bags by the door to slip back in the car ASAP.
Any plastic or paper bags get folded or stuffed into their homes immediately (if it’s me) or as soon as I get into the kitchen if it’s hubs putting food away.
I keep pantry items on the table, and they just sit in our way until I do bit by bit, or all at once. That can take longer because there is more rotation, and sometimes cleaning involved.
One thing that has really helped, is I’ve gotten my piles that used to live on the kitchen table gone through, and they now mostly get set down on a smaller counter that’s more out of the way.
So a table that stays clear 5 days a week is easier to clear after a grocery run.
I”m curious too! Where was this mysterious hiding place? 🙂
BTW – my husband is the SAME exact way. He doesn’t care where it goes – if you can’t see it, then it’s clean. I spend half my life searching for things in random boxes and on random shelves in the basement where they get shoved. It’s one way to keep things clean, I suppose :/
I think our husbands are twins!
Oh, I loved this from the second I read the title!! I know I need help to keep up with the putting away, but I really dislike hunting for things after others have put them away. My cooking utensil drawer is usually arranged just so– even without dividers– but let someone else do the job and I am grrring all over the place. Of course, my counters are a mess… but PLEASE, if you want to help me, do not rearrange what belongs there! Like Linda suggested, it may have to do with decision-making. Once I have decided where something goes, I don’t want to have to think about it again.
Even more important– Do N O T touch my desk. It is nearly always piled with unfinished paperwork… but if anyone else moves anything or adds more to the pile, I will be so disoriented, it may well take me an hour just to even start on something. I seem to be able to approximately memorize what is on there and needs to be dealt with… but if someone else messes with it, they are messing with my mind. =/
Oh sister, I hear you on this one. Boy, do I ever! I, too, am wondering where it was found.
I can also relate to grocery day. We live pretty far away from our usual stores, and by the time I’m done shopping and carrying it all in, I’m pretty much exhausted. No wonder; I logged 3.57 slow miles at Costco alone the other day!! But alas, half of the stuff was still out in bags or boxes the next day. And some of THAT stuff got shoved into my extra pantry 60 seconds before my hubby came through the door that night, and remains there still. At least I now get the cold stuff put away nearly right away. I had to run to a couple of stores yesterday, and now those bags are piled up where I dropped them, too. I need a better system for shopping days. I need to factor in that time and energy somehow (yesterday I had listened to the first 10 minutes of the Seahawks game on the radio and was in a hurry to watch it on TV). Now it’s the day of rest, and we’re in that afternoon window when I actually could rest, but I know my husband’s anxiety will continue to build until I get that stuff done. So, I’m sitting here at the kitchen table, lingering over my now cold bowl of soup, and practicing avoidance. :/ Thank you for keeping it real!
My mom hides my salt and pepper shakers! I leave them on the table because every meal I was having to get up and grab the salt. With my system of leaving them on the table they are always there… unless my mother visits. 🙂
This leaves us to wonder, where did he hide it?!
It was IN a cabinet that I never use because it’s blocked by my Paper Container. (Another issue for another post . . . )