Oh my word, I’ve been putting off this two-second task for . . . umm . . . a looooong time.
Like a year?
Maybe more than a year . . .
Not that the fallen-down-pictures haven’t been driving me crazy.
I just didn’t fix them. No excuses.
I didn’t even fix them when my middle child’s photo fell completely out! I’m pretty sure that happened before school started back in August.
Poor widdle middle child . . .
But today, I did it. I took the (slightly-more-than-but-not-much-more-than) two seconds and taped those pictures in place.
The only part of this that took more than a few seconds?
Finding that completely-fallen-out picture in a pile.
Blergh. But it’s done.
And thanks to my fancy new camera, I can see that I need to also clean the wall. Wonder how long that would take?
OH my, I need to do this so bad. I have pictures in the frames and in perfect spots but they are so old. I need to update with new. Thanks for the motivation.
What is it about pictures? As soon as I got some that had fallen back on the wall–they fell down again! I’ve given up on that particular spot all together.
Oh–and walls–I don’t understand it–how do they get so dusty!?
I am so impressed you have framed pictures of your kids! I JUST mailed out LAST years school picture to family. Yes, about 3 weeks ago I mailed them off. They sat on my desk at work for 11 months! Now, I have this years’ wondering if they’ll get mailed. And no none of them are in frames in our house – none. I am a bad mom!
You are NOT a bad mom! I have years worth of pics I’ve never shared! These ones on the wall are old!
they look much nicer. my problem is not hanging frames that I have.
I have two pictures that have shifted…and every time I walk by I think, “I should do something about that!” and then I keep walking!
In the 5 years and 8 months since I bought this house I’ve done pretty much nothing to make it cozy and homey. Mostly for reasons beyond my control, but I have photos still waiting to be hung. And two new BIG, pretty flower garden kinds of pictures still waiting for me to figure out where I want them. One I just bought a month or so ago…because I don’t have enough not hung already I guess.
So I suppose it’s time to take a page out of YOUR book and just do it. 🙂
As for the school photos not getting mailed problems. You could do like I used to do for Christmas cards. I got out of the habit because of a couple of divorces in one year. It’s not cool to send a card to Mr. and Mrs. ____ _______ when the mister or misses is not there anymore. Anyway, I’d fill out and address the envelopes, sign the cards and seal everything up….BEFORE I put the Christmas decorations away. Then the next year, all I’d have to do is stick the stamps on and they were done. Yes, doing the cards a year in advance was a great way to procrastinate about undecorating, but it was still a load off my mind the next year, so it killed two birds with one stone. Now I’ll just start it again, leaving names and addresses off a few envelopes…just in case.
Might work for school photos, too. 🙂
GREAT>….I now have to go fix the wonky pic of dd…is it a southern climate thing…this NEVER happened back home in Canada…. but school pics are in a few weeks..maybe I should wait.????? LOL it NEVER ends…I have tons of 8x10s of my kids that I had printed and never framed before they needed updating..
Hi! I’m new to this blog. I was introduced to it by a friend last week. I am a photographer, so I have sooo many pictures. Above my desk I have two bulletin boards and I have them filled with favorite shots of my grandchildren and friends. It is easy to switch them out whenever I get new ones. I know it is not like having everything framed and matted, but I get to enjoy seeing them everyday, and enjoying them is the purpose of having them. I don’t know if this will speak to anyone else, but it works for me right now.