Thanks to Discount Cleaning Products for sponsoring this series!
I’m sitting down to write about our first week of the 2012 Summer of Clean, and just above the laptop screen I see . . . clothes.
They’re sorted, they’re ready to be put in drawers or in storage.
But they’re not. Not in drawers or in storage.
OK. I’m back. It’s twenty-five minutes (or so) later and the clothes are put away. Unfortunately, there is another small stack in their place. This stack is made up of clothes I found when I opened up the storage container to put the school clothes away.
Grrrr. Now we have some swap-outs to do in the morning to keep with our 8-outfits-per-kid-for-the-summer theme.
I wasn’t in the mood to do that after 9:30 at night, but I’m glad I did. With that done, I’m now happy with our first week of the 2012 Summer of Clean.
Our Grade: B
I’m struggling with adjusting my daily routine to the rhythm of summer. But overall, I’m happy because our undies are clean and the bathrooms look better than they have in a while (which isn’t really saying too much).
Today, I focused on the clothing thing and answered the ba-jillion questions/accusations about how Monday is supposed to be Laundry Day so why are we doing this on Thursday.
I was logical and repetitive, if not overly patient with my answers. Life lessons, yep . . . life lessons.
I’d love to hear how your week went! Did you involve your kids in any cleaning tasks? Did you face any unexpected challenges? Did you come up with any great ideas we might all be able to try? What grade did you give yourself?
Are you still waiting for summer to begin?
In case you haven’t yet, be sure to get your copy of my e-book, Teaching Kids to Clean.
If you wrote a blog post, you can link it up below (just be sure to link back here).
But everyone needs to leave a comment . . . because your comment will enter you to win a Summer of Clean Starter Kit from Discount Cleaning Products! I am so excited that they put together a bucket of cleaning supplies according to the supply list I created and recommended in the e-book! You can purchase the Starter Kit from them, and/or enter to win one here! Note: this giveaway has ended.
The kit includes:
Mop Bucket
3 Microfiber Cloths (for cleaning and dusting)
2 Scrubby Sponges
Dustpan & Brush Set
Non-Latex Gloves | Box of 100
- 2 – 32oz. Spray Bottles with Trigger Sprayers
Just leave a comment to be entered. You don’t have to be a mom! One entry per person, please!
(I hate to have to say this, but the giveaway is only open to residents of the continental U.S. If you live elsewhere, go ahead and leave a comment about your progress, but please mention in your comment that you’re not eligible.) You can see my giveaway info/guidelines here.
I’d like a chance to win!
This week I did well. I have a problem of putting chores off (mopping the kitchen) because I don’t have time to make it perfect. I tried letting some of that go this week and let my children do more. I think the house looks much better!
We are hovering right around a C- but i have high hopes for getting it together next week!
Ooo! I love new cleaning supplies!
I haven’t quite started my summer of clean yet, but I definitely need to!
So no grade yet – but I think I’ll make tomorrow Laundry Day!
This is my summer of decluttering. After years of being a military family we have just accumulated too much stuff. Stuff that never gets unpacked because I always anticipate another move. But here we are. Ready to settle down in one place which means no more excuses. Thank you for the motivation!
Just found your site today! What a great way to get started with a chance to win something!
Its not officially summer time here yet. One more week of school and then graduation. My family is coming for that so I have to get some things done ahead of time. Today I started tackling the master bedroom. it has been embarrassingly bad for months. I picked up all of the clothes off the floor. Found five binkies and six hair ties under the baby’s crib. (he’s nine months and still sharing with us). Then I tried to pull back the curtains for some light and realized how bad the windows got not being opened all winter.
It was so bad, but now they’re clean and I could pull back the curtains and get done fresh air! Maybe tomorrow I’ll tackle the dresser.
We have two more weeks of school here…. and too much going on each and every day! As a result, I fear that our home will need a major overhaul at the end of these two weeks just to make it Summer of Clean worthy! BTW, I had to smile during your blog posts about the end of the school year craziness because I knew that our days of crazy were soon upon us!
I’m reading your teaching kids to clean book and “trying” to follow along on here too. I am not by nature a “cleaner”! This week though we have managed to keep the downstairs straightened and almost clean, my bedroom is half way there, and the kids have been a big help! We have all 5 boys in one room so their room is always a work in progress. Today is a laundry day for us (I try to do 2 laundry days a week).
Thanks for caring about teaching others!
Sounds like a great first week! Keep up the good work!
We started laundry day on Monday, and it went quite well. Tuesday was bathroom cleaning day, and it too went well. Wednesday –not so well. Nothing accomplished. We are trying though. Thanks for the e-book. It is a great source of ideas, etc.
school is out on the 15th here..
however due to a rainy day, we did a family clean up…and it was successful and quite fast with everyone pitching in (even with destructo-baby wreaking havoc behind us)
so now when the kids ask for a chore ($$$), get a chore as a punishement (if they hurt their sibling the sibling gets the $$$, or if they owe me a chore for rudeness….) i have been able to assign, washing patio door glass, mirrors, vacuuming, etc….the house looks TONS better…the kids get an A, mom gets a B. It really helps for me to realize that a) I cannot do it alone…I just can’t I NEED their help…b) my mom DID EVERYTHING FOR ME…so I really really really really want my kids to learn that everyone pitches in, and the basic skills to do all this stuff..
Today’s our first day of summer! My daughter’s birthday party is tomorrow, so I’m cleaning the house and making final preparations today. The kids will get a little down time, but laundry sorting and other tasks begin within the hour.
I admit, some of my “cleaning” entails taking a bin full of “stuff” upstairs to hide it. Yep, I’m still there. Paper (junk mail and real mail!) and the endless amount of tidbits (rocks, erasers, and other treasures) and art the kids bring home are my two biggest problems. But I’ve also never been one to have a regular cleaning schedule.
I have already read your new e-book, and I’m aiming to get the kids trained in how to help keep the house clean. With four of us here, we should all be working together. Plus – the kids need these skills as they grow up!
totally get about the treasures….
we now each have a basket on the after u show them to me, in the basket they go…and then when that gets emptied/put away in their room (the basket is where we stick all the items that belong to them we find throughout house) they have a treasure box (rubbermaid w/lid fits under bed about 11*17…when full time to cull some stuff
I had a crazy productive week! I completely emptied my daughters closet and remodeld it! I changed the hang rods around, added shelves, and rearranged her bedroom! Also, laundry all caught up, floors mopped, and my bedroom clean! Keep up the good work! 🙂
This is our last week of homeschooling before the summer, and so like any normal classroom we’ve spent a lot of our “school time” cleaning and organizing. Oh! how I want it to look like this 52 weeks a year!
I have been leaving a daily chore checklist up on the fridge on small white board magnets….The kids cross off the chores as they accomplish them so this way things are not “forgotten”…When they are completely crossed off I erase them and write the next days chores down….It has been working great…I have teen boys things get “forgotten” alot around here! Thanks so much for the chance!
We have a huge event here at our house tomorrow. And I came to a realization this week — this is not the time to do the training. I have very good helpers around here, sometimes. I have willing helpers around here, sometimes. But when I’m in that why-oh-why-did-I-leave-all-this-til-the-last-minute mode, I am not going to be able to do the teaching and training I should have done long before this big event came upon us.
Sooooo – we’ve been doing ‘Mad Dash’ cleaning around here and look forward to more focused training next week.
Thanks again, Nony, for your motivation!
I’d love for this summer to get Organized! I need a cleaning schedule, and motivation to ‘stick to it’!
Oh, how I need these cleaning supplies! I think a big part of why I don’t clean as much as I should is because I lack the correct tools most of the time.
I have been reading and feeling motivated then I look around and….POOF! motivation gone.
I guess I need to start smaller and go from there. I know I need to get this under control (at least managable) So off of here and back to my little list of priority cleaning ( hazardous vs a little messy)
Love the blog!!! Glad I am not alone here!
We are going through the last few days of school. Our summer of clean starts soon and this time. Hopefully, I won’t get too distracted and stay on task.
I’m continuing the kids’ schoolyear over the summer, so we’re trying to clean, school, and still have lots of time for summer fun! It’s getting a little overwhelming!
I am sitting here wondering how I got so derailed in such a short amount of time. I was doing fairly well at keeping up with the main chores, but I guess in the chaos of end-of-school-year everything, I regressed back to my messiness. My kitchen is full of dirty dishes, my couch is full of laundry that needs to be folded, and my dining room table is covered in papers. And that’s only the beginning….. Help!
I give us a “C” for the week. Some things did get cleaned, however we were distracted a lot. With 6 kids (12-2) we do laundry every day, and it seems to get backed up with not being put away. Supposedly my kids like living out of baskets ;). However, my bathrooms do look sparkly, and I didn’t have to clean all of them. Thank you for that! I am hopeful that we are able to get into a routine and that I can have people over without a mad dash of throwing stuff in a basket and hiding it upstairs. But, then again I’m happy that I didn’t have to clean all 2.5 bathrooms, and the toilets are actually at health dept. pass standard! Thanks for the motivation. Boy, do I need it!!!
Loving the blog and your progress reports. You are a great reminder that it’s not about being perfect, but about doing the best you can and loving it!
Well, my husband picked up the entire house last night, so I’d give that an A. Not really sure what prompted that, but boy do I appreciate it! So much more manageable when you have help!
This week went pretty good, I only have a toddler so summer as well as days of the week are kind of meaningless to me now 🙂 I actually really cleaned her high chair which needed to be done and tried to really scrub my baking sheets which always look gross, some days I kept to a routine, someday not so much
I’d give myself a D-. I just found your site yesterday, and we’re in the middle of 4-H rush before County Fair. I honestly won’t be able to get started on major cleaning projects until 4-H projects are turned in – 15 days from now. But I’m reading and gaining inspiration from you! Thank you!
our kids get out school next Wed. so our Summer of Clean as a family will start the Monday after that. I’ve been trying just to get things manageable so the kids can help. Right now, I’m in the overwhelming stage of chaos and my young kids don’t know where to start. Neither did their momma. I did a lot of cleaning and a lot of just filling up some bins. We’ll be cleaning out a lot of bins and hidden clutter areas this summer.
I’d give us a D, ok D+. Summer school started this week and Im not sure what I was thinking signing all 3 up for it!
We have been so busy with VBS this week we have not achieved much of anything this week. Hoping next week will be better.
Well, summer just started today for us so no grade this week. Today is kind of a free for all w/ real routine and habits hopefully starting Monday! Is that just wishful thinking???
Until yesterday we were failing miserably. Then I spent literally 7 hours doing nothing but deep cleaning. I did the living room, entry, dining room, guest bath, and about 1/2 of my kitchen. I looked at every one of the 3000 pieces of paper that were everywhere. I narrowed it down to about 50 that are left to take care of. 😉 It feels SO GOOD to get that job done, it has been too long! Now if only I could keep up with it…
We’ve been working on getting the 3 year old to help clean up toys. We have set places and/or containers for each type of toy, and so far he is doing okay. He also helped me mop the wood floor by following behind me with the dust mop to dry it as we went!
I’ve been on the computer checking out everyone’s tips and blogs, small cleaning, de-cluttering, getting ready for a move in three weeks…would love some new cleaning tools to get me motivated….
Good job! I don’t think I’ve ever had all of the clothes for the 5 of us completely put away. IF I’ve ever caught up on washing, the clean stuff has stayed in piles so long, that I had to start all over again. :-/ oh well. Good on you for getting it done!! 🙂
Hmmm.. I’d get a B. The house was a bit out of control from a busy week prior and well, really, with 6 children always home and a husband who works from home and me..there’s bound to be something to clean up all the time. But we’ve made significant progress. I made/printed out what I call our “helping hands chart” and it has listed everyones jobs to help the family out…and when they need to be done, etc. Now, to laminate it and put it on the fridge. 🙂
I’d love to win! 🙂 I am working right now out of the house, but soon I’ll be home and I am working on a schedule of cleaning rotation, as well as some lessons to teach my boys. Good luck with your summer of clean!!!
What, what? Free cleaning supplies giveaway? YES! Please and thank you! Since that whole Lottery windfall doesn’t seem to be happening any time soon… ;^P
I did pretty good this week – dishes are done, kitchen is clean, lots of laundry done but still lots to go – bathrooms clean, dining room clean but and my room is way better than it has even been, but my big accomplishment is I organized my sons room from top to bottom! Closet and bins of bigger sized clothes are organized and marked, drawers are organized by colors of shirts (yes that tells you how many shirts he has – oops) dusted, vacuumed , re-arranged furniture and washed, dryed and put bedding back on!!! WHOOO HOOOOO! But still feel defeated because across the hall is his sisters room – YIKES! That is next on the adgenda! SIGH! Would love to win the cleaning goodies to help out! and gonna check out the e book!
Since having a baby 4mons ago, my house has become worse than ever.. And running around with my 2 older kids doesn’t leave much time for cleaning… Thank you for the motivation to get it done this summer!!
I am loving your summer of clean posts! I am still at the end of our chaotic school year here in Massachusetts – but I’m hoping to get some of our cleaning habits over the summer. Thanks for the inspiration and chance to win!!!!
I’d like to win some supplies 🙂 I admit I’m a slob, but I see the err of my ways and I’m trying to change 🙂
I’d like some cleaning supplies 🙂 I’m a slob, but I see the err of my ways and I’m trying to change 🙂
Ooops sorry about the duplicate.
I’ve been working on decluttering to make room for baby! This past week has been slow as i’ve been exhausted, but i’m bolstered by the progress i’ve made and motivated to continue. 🙂 thanks for the chance!
We’ve just started/shuffled some activities around and I’m barely keeping my head above water. Haven’t figured out how to fit it all in. I did do 2 tasks today that I’ve been putting off forever and am planning on 2 more! BUT, no school done yet. :/ Anyway, excited to read your kids ebook and maybe get my kids on board to help without threat of harm. 😛
Thank you for your site. I am a new Stay At Home Mom, with a 7 month old and another on the way. I knew how to clean, but could just never manage to DO IT. Your book and blog have been the starting points to get me to see what I can do regularly to keep my house from looking like the 1st month (ok, first 5 months) postpartum. Now I am just working on hitting both floors of my house on a regular basis. Wish me luck!
I’d love to win this! With a new baby coming in Sept., I have a long to-do list this summer!!! 🙂
Not quite summer break here yet. Winning the cleaning kit would be a nice way to start our summer cleaning plan!
You can do it! Summer’s just begun!
a small victory: after pushing my five year old to pick up her playroom, once she started she kept going back in to “make it perfect.” now she and her dad are visiting grandpa and i am realizing that they are the prime culprits for making the house dirty–the toddler clutters but isn’t the one spilling koolaid on the floor i just mopped!! 🙂
I would love to win the cleaning supplies! For now, I think my summer of clean is going to consist of really going through the 28 Days to Hope for Your Home e-book and adding a little from the new e-book on Tuesdays (which is an extra day off work for me in addition to the weekends during the summer only). I just finished reading the 28 Days book–like you knew I would!–and am feeling very inspired. I’m not sure how you did it, but you wrote that book directly to me! 🙂
I’ll definitely be following your blog through the Summer of Clean–hopefully to share triumphs as well as commiserating!
your post is ever so timely. i am literally drowning in clean laundry, and i know its because i need to weed us back down to 8 (or so) outfits each for the summer. we wear school uniforms and i KNOW those need to be stashed away for the summer. i discovered that once i had done that, my boys didn’t own 8 outfits of seasonally appropriate non-school wear. eek.
Today was Grocery Shopping Day here. It was also pay day, and yard sale shopping day! Not to mention, menu planning and making a grocery list so I could grab groceries, and then cutting and chopping and cooking when I got home so that we eat those groceries instead of letting them spoil. It is now 5:30 and I am exhausted and my home looks like it has been ransacked, which is strange because I wasn’t home most of the day! Hmmm….perhaps those 3 children of mine have something to do with it!
Thank you so much for keeping it real!! To be honest, I have been very intimidated by many organizing blogs, because I felt frustrated that I could never measure up. I LOVE your blog, because I can so relate to you. I have been so encouraged, and have made so much progress through your blog and e-books.
I just started reading your blog but hoping to get some of the bigger cleaning tasks completed this summer.
This is supposed to be my summer of de-clutter, but need to do some cleaning. I’m having my son scrape & sand some window frames this week, rather than cleaning, though!
I would love a chance to win!
Just bought a house that needs a major deep cleaning but I hate cleaning! I’ve been looking for finding the right products for cleaning different areas and I came across your blog. I look forward to reading and learning!
I believe we earned a C this week, but I’ve got big plans for next week!
Our summer and training start in two weeks. But, I have been doing a better job at keeping up with things and have planned out what I hope will be a great summer routine with the kids.
I’ve done okay this week. Maybe around a C. It definitely has been worse, but it also has been much, much better. I’d love to win some cleaning supplies!
I had decided weeks ago to revamp our chore charts for summer. I put a lot of work into trying to figure out what was going to work for us. Our house is chronically out of control and I am always at a loss as to what happened. So, I made some lovely little charts – one for each room – and each one also has a daily schedule on it, including breakfast, lunch, and dinner chores. We are going to rotate through, each child getting one room for a week, and having Friday being “Cleaning Day”. It went . . . ok. The daily stuff went pretty well and two industrious children actually picked up their rooms almost entirely early in the week (note: I said “picked up” which meant the floors were vacuumable; this does NOT mean that they were devoid of clutter, piles, or other miscellaneous things shoved or piled in one area or another). I discovered today, however, on our first Cleaning Day, that several of my kids can’t clean. I knew this to a certain extent. I mean, I knew that we could only tackle the mess in small bits, some cleaning things just couldn’t be done because of the mess, and it will take several weeks to get things in a condition that is truly cleanable. I also knew that our kids are so used to things being messy, it’s really hard for them to understand what needs to be done and why. The real difficulty came in the bathroom, however. The poor child who got bathrooms this week just didn’t know what to do or where to start. In trying to break things down for him, I realized that I didn’t really know how to do it. I mean, I can go in the bathroom and clean it, but to break it into steps and tell him what to do first, second, third, etc. was something very difficult for me to convey and I ended up running back and forth to help him, and not getting MY work done! This is when I remembered the bathroom checklist I glanced at here the other day. I am now planning on reworking the Cleaning Day lists and making them much more specific. I also want to get your ebook – though the FB link does not seem to be working. I am really hoping that this is going to be the “magic recipe” that works for us. I’ve tried so many other things and just couldn’t get them to stick. My kids did work hard today though and I”m hoping that this will get us going in the right direction. Thank you for everything you are doing!
I have my chore lists all typed up, my kids used to know how to do everything on them, and my daily sheets are hung on the fridge. Now I have to actually get us all to get moving and do it. Last year we were so “on the ball” but this year, I’m researching too much junk and trying to practice homeschool to see if it might work for us. I definitely need more organization. I think I got a D for the week. 🙁
Just found your blog. Just moved into an older home. Looking forward to reading your e-book & more!
I am at about a “D” for my Summer of Clean! I need some motivation!
Today is our first day of summer vacation. We’re doing pretty well though. My trick is to regularly invite people over so the house has to be in reasonably good shape.
I’d give ours a D. Just not getting into a summer rhythm very well. New cleaning supplies would boost that, I’m sure!
A lot of people seem to have piles of laundry. Here is what works for me. I have 2 kids and each has in their closet a lightweight mesh laundry hamper that stands by itself and a basket for empty hangers. When I do laundry, they bring me their hampers and their hanger basket full of hangers. I pull out all the dark colors and throw them in the washer. The next load will be all light colors. When I pull the clothes out of the dryer, I hang all the tops (so I don’t have to iron them) which is easy since I have hangers right there in the laundry room (unless I run short of hangers and go pick some up off the floor of my son’s closet!). Then I toss everything else into the appropriate child’s hamper (I fold shorts and jeans first), the hampers look different so I know whose is whose. I do this straight from the dryer. I don’t fold undies and I don’t fold or pair up socks (I learned about not folding from a book by organizing expert Deneice Schofield, she doesn’t fold washcloths either, just throws them in a basket). The kids can fold their undies themselves if they choose (but they don’t) and they can pair their own socks. I don’t fold hubby’s underwear either, but he does it himself since he thinks unfolded underwear is “just wrong”. But that’s his choice. Hubby only has 2 kinds of socks (tan for work loafers and white for athletic shoes) so he just separates them into stacks. I schedule the washing of sheets at a time when I can put them straight back onto the bed. We probably don’t wash towels as often as we should.
I’d like a chance to win please 🙂
I’d give us a D… We did horrible this week. Last week, we would’ve gotten an A+, but this week we were just crazy busy. I guess that means I should get off the computer and go clean.
Thanks for the giveaway!
I have grade D too:( My laundry is crawling out the laundry room door:( But, I’d love to win the cleaning package:) Hope to do better the next week. I do have a B+ for the downstairs though:) It’s somewhat tidy and ok if company comes over
I think this might be my ticket to a neater home!
Well, we are only one day into summer and that was spent at a bike rodeo, ladies retreat, grad party and a going away party. Not much cleaning going around here but Monday is a fresh start. Would love to win.
School has been out for a month in our parts. The routines and chore chart started off with great success. Even Hubs pitched in to help. He’s recovering from surgery so he’ll be home with us for a little while.
This week…. ummm… Epic Fail! It was all I could do to keep us in clean undies. Between birthday parties, physical therapy and just laziness, not much was done. But I’m hoping this next week will show an improvement. Our biggest struggles, outside of motivation, are the girls bedrooms. One will get rid of everything in sight, the other will cling to every scrap of paper with a scribble. I always said that I would never get rid of something without the owners permission, but I might have to make an exception.
8 summer outfits….now that’s a good idea! That would be 56 summer outfits for my kids. Ok. That sounds lik a lot but it sure beats 70!
I would love to win! I’m hoping your website will inspire me on a Summer of Clean! The kids still have another week and a half of school before our summer starts.
Great for you to start summer break with a goal. I bet you are all doing really well by the end of it. And if not, I know you will just readjust. You always make me laugh. Thanks.
Microfiber cloths sound nice. 🙂
I would love to win this!!
We haven’t started our Summer of Clean yet, but we are doing a preliminary walk-through and planning today, in between loads of laundry. (First sunny day after a stretch of rain, with more rain to come — got to do sheets today so they can hang out to dry!)
Thank you for the chance to win! Sounds like a great starter kit for getting a cleaning routine going.
I really should download the e-book Teaching Kids to Clean. My “kid” is 15, but it’s never too late to start, right? Maybe I’ll win the giveaway and she can help me try out the new stuff!
I would love to win this. All great things!
I haven’t officially started with the Summer of Clean, but this would be a great motivator!
My oldest is 4 1/2 and I’m inspired to help her learn how to clean up after herself a little (ok, a lot) better. We’ve got to work on independence some before school starts in the fall!
Thanks to your book I am inspired to involve my 5 year old in cleaning and make it fum. She spent a good amount of time this morning “playing” with a scrub brush abd a bucket of soapy water on the kitchen floor. A few hours ago she asked to wash the floor again.
We would love to win the kit.
We have started our summer of clean, Yea!!! The boys were so excited. I am excited about reading your no-toxic bathtub cleaner post because I have been cleaning mine for two days with bery little success in getting hte ring off. I will be trying the ivory liquid.
Attempting a “summer of clean” and of declutter, but….Discouraged but not giving up!
I would love to win the cleaning set. I have been trying to deep clean rooms in the rental home we moved into a few months ago, but seem to be not getting very far. Decluttering would go much better if my mom didn’t pop in every few weeks with a car load of more toys and stuff for my daughter. 🙂
I just recently began reading your posts. A lot of what you write sounds exactly like what goes on in my own thoughts. Thank you so much for sharing your journey!
You have been an inspiration to me! I’m trying to get my house and kids up to par. Thanks!!
I would love to win 😀
Just got your book this week and looking forward to our Summer of Clean!
Thank you again for the opportunity to share your adventures in cleaning! I certainly would love to win the prize, but hearing your stories is such a motivator. Thanks also for the new book!
I did the dishes today and swept the floor does that count. Seriously have been fighting health issues the last week and Saturday hubby did dishes for me then he plopped on the couch and couldn’t seem to get up again. Needless to say I had a mass of dishes to do this a.m. when I was finally feeling a bit better.
I just finished reading your e-book last night on getting the kids to clean. I guess this means that I need to clean, too. :/ I am, however, excited to get a routine going involving my kids. Thank you offering the book!
Looking forward to reading your book…tonight!
So glad to find your site…need all the help I can get with getting back into a regular, doable routine (had one pre-kids 🙂 )! Thanks for the book!
I would love to win and to teach my daughter how to clean and be proud of the work she does. The kit would be an awesome help.
Ohh I am so excited . Congrats to whom ever wins. 😀
I would love to win!
I’d love to win this! After baseball season, Cub Scouts, starting work full-time and life in general, I’ve let things get behind so a new kit would help get me reinvigorated!
I would love to win!
I’d really like to win this. I am needing to get a better routing and schedule for cleaning. This would definitely make it easier!
Things are going slow at our house. I keep thinking I will get going soon. Thanks for the giveaway.
As my children say: “Pick me, pick me!”
Summer’s not here yet. Iwant to win!
I need a new bucket because my nice one cracked. I would love to win a new one. Thanks for your support. I need all the encouragement I can get. It is nice to learn from people that have gone through it 🙂
I would like to win! Whenever I get highly motivated to get a lot of cleaning and organization done my kids get sick! And they are quite young, need to be held, sick stage…Perhaps next week I can kick it into gear!
I’d love a chance to win. I actually taught the children how to clean the bathroom yesterday, using your step by step guide. They really seemed to get it. I also made sure to explain to them WHY it had to be cleaned (pointed out the toothpaste scum, the spatters on the mirror, etc.). They seemed to get it.
Thank you! I’ve recently added you on fb and have been browsing through your e-book…and I’m enjoying it very much! (Somehow the reading is more fun than the doing!)
I would say this has been a better week for us than last week! Last week we had to deal with sick Mommy. This week I am doing a better job of getting the kids moving on their chores. I would still have to give us a C though!
Would love to win some new cleaning supplies. Thanks for the opportunity
Lots of cleaning training needed here! Older sisters moved out over the last year, not all lessons trickled down! lol! Fun blog. Thank-you!
Would love to win this, espec if it comes with a will to use it! 😉
Our youngest is 10yo, so we should have this figured out by now – ha ha… but I’m sorry to say I am still adjusting to this (unfinished) new house we moved into almost two years ago! A Summer of Clean would be Wonderful!
I just discovered your site and I love it! This spring/summer has been a big one of decluttering and cleaning for me, and this site will help me keep going.
So far my summer cleaning is a C-, kids have been only been out of school 1 1/2 days so I guess i shouldn’r be to hard. I have great ideas but can’t quite get them together.
I loved your bool 28 days of hope. ( and yes I read the whole thing first) LOL. My kitchen has been semi clean for almost two weeks.
Now onto the kids bedrooms
This is a great giveaway, I would love to win.
Even after several years of working at learning all this cleaning stuff, I still feel like I have no clue what I’m doing. A starter kit sounds like it would be very helpful, since I’m still not sure I have all the tools I really need (like those cloths, I don’t have any of those, or a mop bucket).
I meant to say that it is really hard to keep my very small apartment clean! Sorry about that. 🙂
I would give us a B for maintaining the house so company can come over, but as for really getting stuff de-cluttered and really cleaned, we really only get a D. We’ll just have to keep improving 🙂 (and honestly, we’ve come a long way since the begining of April when our whole world turned upside down). I would love to win this giveaway, we could really use all of it. Thanks.
I would love a chance to win!!! I am starting a week behind cause i have been out of town to cheer on the hubby in the MO state trucking competition 🙂
Ooh! I love the mop bucket! Maybe my floor would be cleaner if I won it. 😉 I wish I could join your Summer of Clean, but I STILL have morning sickness at 14 weeks along. 🙁 I am hoping it goes away in the next couple weeks and I can dig my house out from under the mess!
I downloaded your E-book, 28 Days to Hope for your Home a couple of hours ago. I have the dishes washed and I’m so excited I have completed Day 1.
I just started your 28 day program after failing with so many others. I was up til after 2AM washing dishes (and defrosting my freezer so I could go grocery shopping). I’m off to do today’s dishes. I’m hoping to jump into training the kids next week when we can get through a bit better! Thanks so much!
I’d love a chance to win!
A while back I worked with the kids on laundry and they do remember!!! It was so nice this morning asking the kids to do small things around the house and they did it WITHOUT COMPLAINING!!!!! Thanks for the encouragement just to keep at it and ask 🙂
I used your bathroom checklist with my kiddos today, and it went great! The bathrooms are sparkling and they did them themselves! Thank you!
Now there is a give away I could use! We haven’t done so great this week what with VBS and Dr. visits…maybe tomorrow will be better.
Would love to win! Thank you for your e-book, I’m getting my kids to help out this summer. You book came just in the nick of time.
I would give myself a B as well, although I probably shouldn’t be so lenient. 😉 There are clothes to wash and rooms to clean, but the kids are bathed. lol
Would love to win! Thanks for the job list printables.
Oooh, I would love to win! I have kids who are great at helping clean, but we can always use more ideas!
I just moved i could use some new cleaning supplies
Thank you for the chance to win! I’d love the kit for an added boost of encouragement. This week is our first week.
I’ve decided that this summer I will get Organized! I love following a cleaning schedule and plan to stick with it!
ould love to win the cleaning supplies. I am reading your book about teaching kids to clean. I am trying to teach them the right way but make it fun too. my oldest is 12 and helps me but fusses about it at all times. maybe her own supplies would help her a cheerful cleaning fairy…. thanks
I am a teacher who desperately wants to be a stay at home mom… So I kinda went crazy with the Summer-Fun activities with my two little girls (5 & 2) during our first week of summer. But I realized I can’t keep up this pace, and really need to figure out a good routine while I’m home this summer… So hopefully next week! I’m up for any tips and suggestions that want to come my way, too. 🙂 It’s hard for me to figure out how to be a “stay-at-home” mom for 12 weeks…
so far, meh. though the pantry and freezers did get organized.
OMG, I just found your site and I am so glad I did. I thought I was the only one with cleaning ADD. I am bookmarking the site to read again and again! Please throw my name in the hat for the drawing, I think I’m in just under the wire, timewise. As usual. LOL
The problem I have with your blog is that it reminds me of all the things I am not doing that I should. I aspire to be a recovering slob and admit that it would be nice to have a mop bucket that didn’t originally have kitty litter in it.
I will now go accomplish something that would fall under the subject “Home Ec.”
By the way, that was supposed to be funny. My baby deleted the segment about how your stories are alternately hilarious and inspiring. Thanks for giving people like me hope.
Would love to win! Thanks 🙂
ooh id love to win this!
Would love to win this!
This would be awesome to send with my son when he leaves for college in a few months!!!!! WooHoo!!!
I am such a big procrastinator maybe if i win i will start a major clean?
We are madly packing for our vacation next week, but the week we come home is the start of our Summer Cleaning Bootcamp 🙂
This would be PERFECT!!
“summer” starts here next week. I am so looking forward to a summer of clean – my kids, uh, not so much! Would love a cleaning kit to get us started!
Oh my gosh I would love to win. My house needs some real help.