I keep up with laundry.
Really . . . I do.
For over a year now, I’ve been doing all of our laundry on Mondays, and that system works for us.
And for my Slob Brain.
No more one-load-a-day-delusions that just end in the same one load being washed every day for a week because I keep forgetting to put it in the dryer.
But then, similar to the my-own-bathroom-doesn’t-count problem I faced last week, evidently my own laundry doesn’t count. At least the laundry that is strewn around my master bedroom.
Under the bed.
Behind the dresser.
Under the laundry basket. (Irony of all ironies . . . I know.)
After Normal Friend helped me clean my master bedroom and didn’t allow me to leave any floor-space ignored, I had A LOT of laundry to do. Which means that I had a lot of laundry to fold.
And put away.
And . . . there’s the problem. Once it’s all clean, I see that my drawers aren’t anywhere near big enough for all of the clothes that I need to put in them.
Or . . . perhaps . . . . I have too many clothes.
Haven’t I acknowledged this exact same problem with my kids’ clothes before?
Why is it so much harder to acknowledge it about myself?
And here it is again, the reminder to go here and vote for A Slob Comes Clean. Pretty please . . . ?
I just got fed up with the nowhere-to-put-all-my-clothes situation at my house and did a mass Goodwill drop off. Felt awesome. Good Luck!
I actually purged until I could shut my dresser one day. It’s hard to do, but you start to feel better actually having somewhere to put all that clean laundry.
You’ve nailed me! I am a clean-a-holic but laundry is my nemesis. I made my husband read this post because it is sooooo me. Especially the delusion of doing one load a day only to constantly forget to put it in the dryer. I went crazy cleaning my whole house today and yet there the laundry sits, in the washing machine, untouched. Only to be rewashed tomorrow and hopefully taken care by my husband, lol!
I have gone through my clothes and gotten rid of a ton of stuff, it feels great. I made my husband do the same thing only he wasn’t as ruthless as I was. However, he can now shut his underwear drawer so I feel like we have some measure of success 🙂
Congratulations on getting your room clean and laundry done.
Well, if you’re like me, it’s because you kept all the clothing from your pre-kid days swearing that someday you would wear it again. Except that I realized a couple weeks ago, that clothing is all out of style and even though I am close to my pre-kids weight, my body still doesn’t fit in that clothing!
My new mantra: if it doesn’t fit, send it away for someone else to wear!
I purged until each of my kids and I only had 8 yup that is 8 outfits, and one or two really nice dressed. Ok first I had to take it down to 15 (that would be two weeks worth of clothes), but when you have 8 you have to do laundry and you have to put it away and you cannot loose track of it or you will not have enough to wear for the week. Eventually we will move back up in amout (maybe) but then again I hate clothes shopping.
Because you’ve been a slob all your life, and you think as having lots and lots of clothes will mean that you maximize your chances of having something clean?
Because you so rarely have everything clean and put away that you don’t really believe you’ve got a problem, after all normal is a bunch of clothes on the floor, and some in the bathroom, and a dresser empty except for those three things you hate to wear but keep because they are your last refuge?
Because the idea of clothes shopping is so onerous that you don’t want to let anything, no matter how hideous or ill fitting or useless for your current life out of your site?
No, wait . . . that’s me. Sorry.