I know.
You come here expecting to read about cleaning, organizing, or maintaining.
But this week, I haven’t even thought about cleaning, organizing or maintaining.
Instead, I’ve been directing a musical-in-a-week camp.
So today, I’m sharing a little advice on how to prepare for a water balloon fight.
Because slobs tend to be fun and adventurous people who love to plan big stuff for their kids.
Or themselves.
And I thought this advice was quite fascinating.
If you, like me, love the idea of hosting a 3,000-water-balloon fight, but would likely give up after the first four hundred broke . . . perhaps you’ll find it interesting, too.
Toss the filled water balloons into a kiddie pool filled with water. I was given a scientific-sounding explanation, but I stopped listening after about 30 seconds and didn’t retain any of the information.
Who really cares WHY it works? It does.
Now go have a fun summer weekend . . . I know I”m going to!
Thanks! Will be trying this over the weekend!
Ha!! You have perfect timing…. We’ll be filling a gazillion water balloons for the Lego King’s birthday party tomorrow! Thanks!
A few years ago my sister, my cousin, and I decided that on 4th of July we’d have a water balloon fight. We each filled over 100 balloons for the family to use, and along came July 4 – cloudy, and 70 degrees. Never happened before, never will again.
A water balloon fight sounds wonderful in the heat of the day…but here in Poland, we have no heat…it’s rainy and slightly chilly. I think it would be a great idea for the next hot day here. Thanks.
Thanks for the tip! I just bought a water balloon launcher yesterday for our VBS in a few weeks. Now I know how to store the ammo!
Great idea! Another fun water balloon thing is to use party balloons. They fill up BIG and make super soaked kids 🙂 Perfect for this heat wave we’ve been having.
Easy way to tie water balloons??? Crochet hook…
Brilliant! Thanks for the tip!!!
Decades ago, my father hosted a pool party slash water fight slash BBQ every summer. He used the tubs they put beer kegs in to hold the balloon ammunition. Several of them were strategically placed around his back yard. Super-soaker water guns were readily available to every guest. Anyone who did not want to get “attacked” with water was advised to remain in the house or even stay home. Kids of all ages, from grandchildren to grandparents participated in the water war. A great time was had by all!
Then, Dad retired and moved halfway across the country and the annual fun ended. He is in his 70’s now and he still provides water balloons and super-soakers for summer fun when we visit.
Do you have a secret on how to fill and tie all these with out ruining your hands?
Unfortunately, no. Other than to teach the kids how to do it!
How do you manage the clean up of all the busted balloon parts?
No easy tips for that! Just have the kids pick them up as part of the reality of a fun water balloon fight.
This coming Tuesday I have a water balloon fight… Is there anything stopping me from putting them in a tub of water 2 days in advance? I heard that the water slowly seeps out over time?
Sorry, but I’m not that much of an expert!! I don’t know!
Thanks anyways! The kids are gonna have a blast since I slaved for 6 hours filling 250
I think you mentioned what type of sunblock you used on your children. Now I can’t find it. My daughter is going to the store and I want her to buy it due to my limited income and especially since it’s for her children. Lol. Tear free by Cooper tone?
Tear Free by Banana Boat! Nothing compares!