I didn’t do a menu plan last week.
Actually, I did, But I didn’t post it.
It wasn’t an oversight.
I was a little embarrassed to put our meal-plan out there for the entire world to see. Mostly because we were at the end of the month’s grocery budget and I was determined to use up what was in the freezer and the pantry. Mostly casseroles and such, which meant that our menu wasn’t exactly Weight Watchers friendly. I made (for the second time ever) tuna casserole. I was a little surprised that it was quite a hit!
Tomorrow starts a new grocery budget and I’m back on board!
Monday – leftover ham and Weight Watchers Potatoes Au Gratin
Tuesday – Healthy Baked Chicken Nuggets
Wednesday – Chicken Stir-Fry
Thursday – Chicken and Mushrooms in Garlic Sauce, served over pasta
Friday – Out to eat.
Saturday – Cilantro Lime Shrimp Tacos
Sunday – ???
Here’s hoping that knowing my evening meals will be low in points will encourage me to do well all day long!
I’m linking this up to Menu Plan Monday over at Orgjunkie.com.
My Menu. I was lost without one last week and we ended up eating out 2 extra times and having PB&J another night.
Tonight I was desparate so I mixed a tub of mashed potatoes, shredded cheese, a can of corn and some cut up sausage… instant "dinner bowls" like KFC *used* to make, they don't make them anymore. They were fast and yummy.
Here's the rest of the week:
Monday (Soccer practice night): spaghetti w/carrots and celery, break sticks if they are lucky, and milk.
Tuesday – oven cooked pork chops with rice in mushroom gravy. More cut up raw veggies… somewhere over the years they decided carrots, celery and cucumber are like candy… so I let them eat as much as they'd like.
Wednesday – mac n cheese w/my seasoned beef, mixed up…. it's also soccer night when we are lucky to get home by 7:30 – both kids are filthy and need thourough scrubbing, usually assisted by your truly. Then eat and to bed by 8:30.
Thursday – I DON"T NOW YET… boy friend will be gone Fri-Sun at a wedding while I'm here with soccer tourney all day Saturday AND Sunday… so maybe he can me out on Thursday since we usually go Friday.
This is the type of week that scares me. I want to order pizza or run up to sonic. But I will not now that I have a menu 🙂 Thanks Nony! I was lost last week!
Lime Shrimp Tacos? You must be at the start of a new monthly budget. Yummy, but costly meal! 🙂
Lime shrimp tacos – yummy! What do you put on the tacos? Just the shrimp in a tortilla? Is it as simple as that, or do you put toppings of some kind? I have some shrimp in the freezer to use.
We were trying to be ultra-good, so we just used shrimp and shredded lettuce. They would be good with salsa, shredded cabbage, sour cream, whatever.
I love reading all your different ideas for dinner – it seriously serves as inspiration from the mundane.
However, reading menu plan Mondays like this one makes me wonder if you cook a separate meal for your kiddos… or are they such awesome eaters that they really do enjoy “adult” things like shrimp and mushrooms?
My daughter eats a variety of foods that we offer her but my son is super picky. I can’t get him to eat 90% of the foods we cook for the rest of the family so he would either go without dinner or I will sometimes cook him a separate meal when I know it’s a far stretch for his preferences.
I’m just curious if your family all LOVES the same things or if you have to accommodate once in awhile like I do. :-/