There you go.
My very first vlog.
(That’s a “video log,” in case anyone thinks I’ve acquired a potty-mouth.)
It’s belated, because I’m a belated-kind-of-gal. My great ideas tend to come to me right when it’s almost too late to implement them. But since this is my very own blog, I get to do what I want and host a birthday giveaway 5 days after my birthday.
I have loved all of the cleaning tools that Libman sent me as their brand ambassador. And I really love that when I asked them if I could do a giveaway of some of the tools, they said, “Sure!”
They didn’t even bat an eye when I said, “Ummm, how about tomorrow?”
Anyway, as I’ve said many times in this deslobification process I’m going through, I’ve had to accept that no cleaning gadget or tool is going to keep my house clean. I have to keep my house clean.
But it does help to at least own some good tools.
So one lucky commenter is going to be sent a set of five cleaning tools from Libman. They aren’t exactly the same as the ones I used in the vlog.
Those were my Libman tools, used as props.
In my ever-so-professional video.
NOTE: Giveaway has ended.
Here are the actual tools in the giveaway:
The Whisk and Dust Pan (Perfect for having little ones help clean up!)
Power Scrub Brush (I keep this one in my shower for impromptu scrubbing sessions. Scrubbing the shower, not me.)
Curved Kitchen Brush (I’m actually jealous because I don’t have this one.)
Plus one that I can’t post pictures of because I tried to resize it and messed it up somehow.
It’s the Designer Bowl Brush . . . or as I generally refer to mine . . . a toilet brush.
Also included is my absolute favorite:
The Dish Scrub and Soap Dispenser
They were going to send the winner their five top-selling of these types of products, but I requested that this one replace the grout-scrubber. Mostly because I LOVE this dish scrubber so much. I’ve had things before where you put the soap in the scrubber itself, but this one is far superior to any I’ve used before. It’s perfect for dishes, and I love to use it to give my sink a quick scrub-down.
Besides, do people actually clean their grout? I suppose they must, since it’s a top-seller, but I always just pretend that mine is supposed to be that color.
NOTE: Giveaway is now over.
All you have to do to enter the giveaway is leave a comment on this post. Nothing special is required in your comment, but make sure that you include a way to contact you. You may want to avoid the spam-robots by spelling it out like this: aslobcomesclean at gmail dot com. Some of you with google accounts have it set up where I can email you through your profile when you comment, but if you’re not sure, leave your email.
If you’re at work and can’t watch the vlog, don’t worry, there’s nothing in it that’s needed to enter the giveaway. Actually, there’s nothing in it that’s needed for anything. It’s just me having fun with hubby’s new iphone!
If you would like some extra entries, you can:
Like Libman on Facebook.
Subscribe to A Slob Comes Clean
Subscribe to A Slob Comes Clean by Email
Become a follower over on my sidebar.
and/or follow me on twitter.
For each of those things that you do, leave a separate comment, so that it can be counted as another entry.
Comment #1 – Oh my word, you’re so hilarious, and don’t look like a total dork at all in that vlog!!! aslobcomesclean at gmail dot com
Comment # 2 – I followed you on twitter! aslobcomesclean at gmail dot com
Comment # 3 – I already subscribe to your blog! aslobcomesclean at gmail dot com
Please be aware that if you already subscribe, you need to click through to the actual post to comment, as responding to the email can’t count as an entry. And your comment has to be on this post. Commenting on youtube or facebook will make me happy, but it won’t count as an entry to the giveaway. This giveaway will end at midnight Pacific time on February 1, and then I’ll use to select a winner.
Sorry, but this giveaway is only open to U.S. residents.
I received no monetary compensation for this post, but was provided with fabulous cleaning tools by Libman. The opinions are all mine!
Robin @ Pink Coupon Cafe says
Nony — I love your vlog!!!
Are you at Blissdom this week??
Anna says
Yay for the vlog!
anna.c.manzo at gmail dot com
Amy @ Finer Things says
Oh my word, you are a natural. Love the vlog! And happy belated birthday! (I'm still sittin' on my Christmas Cards… 3 years worth… just in case that would make your day or anything.) LOL
therese says
I really enjoy your blog! Especially your phrase "slob vision". I totally relate – thanks for the constant encouragement and humor!!/profile.php?id=706030724
killakasie says
Looking forward to more vlogs!
Jennifer says
I love, love, love, your blog. The first post I read was the defining normal, I read it out loud to my family and thought it was me you were talking about. I love how you put into words how my brain works. Well that's a lot to say to get a toilet brush, but really just love reading about your progress and being inspired to make my own.
[email protected]
Jennifer says
I also just subscribed to you blog by email. =)
SunshineofAutumnQuilts says
I love your Blog! We tend to be slobs too, not sure why we can't stay tidy and organized. Yesterday I was inspired to clean my side of the closet! Thanks
SunshineofAutumn at yahoo dot com
SunshineofAutumnQuilts says
Liked Libman on Facebook under sunshine autumn
SunshineofAutumn at yahoo dot com
SunshineofAutumnQuilts says
I Subscribe to A Slob Comes Clean
SunshineofAutumn at yahoo dot com
Jennifer says
That was cute! 🙂 You are just adorable! I subscribe by email. jenniferh3@junodotcom
SunshineofAutumnQuilts says
I Subscribe to A Slob Comes Clean by Email
SunshineofAutumn at yahoo dot com
SunshineofAutumnQuilts says
I am a follower by GFC.
SunshineofAutumn at yahoo dot com
SunshineofAutumnQuilts says
Follow You on facebook, under sunshine autumn
SunshineofAutumn at yahoo dot com
SunshineofAutumnQuilts says
Follow you on twitter under autumn sunshine
SunshineofAutumn at yahoo dot com
Amanda B says
That was HILARIOUS! I am still giggling about it! Well done…..america's got talent….look out! Seriously though, congrats. (Do I have a problem that I am truly hoping to win? …..and the fact that I don't own any of the above items? Not just by Libman……not at all) Oh well, I truly need you and you site more then I realized! Keep up the good work. My email is amabeau at hotmail dot com
Anonymous says
I subscribe via email!
Christine S.
[email protected]
Amanda B says
Already an email subscriber
Anonymous says
I really, really "like" you on FaceBook!
Christine S.
[email protected]
Anonymous says
I "like" Libman on FaceBook too!
Christine S.
[email protected]
Sweetpea101506 says
You know I love your blog Nony!!!
Sweetpea101506 at aol dot com
Sweetpea101506 says
I "liked" Libman on Facebok as well
Sweetpea101506 at aol dot com
amanda says
Great job, and congratulations!
amanda says
I'm an RSS subscriber.
Sweetpea101506 says
I'm already subscribed to A Slob Comes Clean 🙂
Sweetpea101506 at aol dot com
Sweetpea101506 says
I'm subscribed to A Slob Comes Clean by Email
Sweetpea101506 at aol dot com
Sweetpea101506 says
I follow you 🙂
Sweetpea101506 at aol dot com
Sweetpea101506 says
I also "like" you on Facebook
Sweetpea101506 at aol dot com
(I'd also follow you through Twitter, if I could figure it out LOL)
Karissa says
I already subscribe to your wonderful blog!
angelsamongus1986 at yahoo dot come
Karissa says
I would LOVE to win this give away!
Karissa says
I like you on fb
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Follow via twitter
Karissa says
I get your emails
Karissa says
follow via GFC
Crystal @ A Well-Feathered Nest says
I LOVE your vlog! Definitely consider doing more.
Crystal @ A Well-Feathered Nest says
I subscribe to your blog in my reader!
LynC says
I love your blog! You are one that I must read every day. lynseyw_310 at hotmail dot com
LynC says
I follow you via gfc
LynC says
I subscribe via email
LynC says
I like you on fb
photogrl17 says
Love the vlog and would love the scrubbies, but agreed, not as a birthday gift…although, I did get a 16 gallon shop-vac for mother's day once. I smiled and said, you're joking right? nope. hubby loves the thing and I'm thinking about getting him a kitchenaid mixer for this father's day too 🙂 hope to see more vlog's soon!! ( photogrl17 at hotmail dot com )
Teresa says
Very nicely done! I like the fact that you had the foresight to plan what you were going to do your first vlog about. Mine was very impromptu. teresaintx at
Teresa says
I follow you through my reader.
teresaintx at
Teresa says
I liked Libman on Facebook. Teresa Holderness Spinks
Teresa says
I followed you on twitter. @thymeofmylife
Teresa says
I liked you on Facebook. Teresa Holderness Spinks
Teresa says
Subscribed via email. teresaintx at
Teresa says
I follow you through GFC teresaintx at
Sarah says
I LOVE your blog and would really love to win these products!!
s.hilfer at yahoo dot com.
Sarah says
I subscribe via google reader.
s.hilfer at yahoo dot com.
april h. says
my 4 year old would totally love that tiny whisk and dustpan. maybe she would quit taking my broom apart to make her size 😛
hntersmom at yahoo dot com
Busy Mommy says
Pure awesomeness.
mikeysames at yahoo dot com
Amy says
like the blog…my grout isn't all the same color yet, so I still feel obligated to clean it.
Rhonda says
Nony, I enjoy your blog. I can definitely relate!
Blessings, Rhonda joyfulnspirit at mac dot com
Rhonda says
I subscribe to your blog through my email so that I can keep up with it.
joyfulnspirit at mac dot com
Tammy Wright says
You rock! If we lived next door to each other we would SO be friends! LOL
Tammy Wright says
I already get your emails and I love them!!! I can totally relate!
Tammy Wright says
I am following you on twitter now!!
Tammy Wright says
I "like" Libman on Facebook
Tammy Wright says
I "liked" your Facebook page a while ago! Love it!
Patty says
Yay enter me to win! my contact info is on my blogger profile 🙂
Love the vlog! You're a natural!
Patty says
I "like" Libman on facebook, my fb account is
Patty says
I subscribed to you (could have sworn I already did, but know it's official)
Patty says
Subscribed via email pattyann dot campbell at gmail dot com 🙂
Patty says
I'm already following you! 🙂
Patty says
I *like* you on Facebook.
Patty says
And now I'm following you on Twitter . (mine is )
Marci J says
cool vlog!
thanks for the chance to win!
melody says
My mother and I love your blog…and your vlog 🙂 Thanks for the chance to win!
littlebirdy3 at verizon dot net
Daphne says
Nice vlog! Love your blog. And love libman,my fav mop.Amazon1warriorof4 at yahoo dot com
The Epsteens says
You are too cute! And much braver than I-I could have written your blog but don't want to be the honest lol! theepsteens at yahoo dot com
Rebekah from Simply Rebekah says
I would love to win! I need all the help I can get at keeping my house clean!!! (rebekah hoffer at gmail dot com)
Rebekah from Simply Rebekah says
I subscribe via RSS. (rebekah hoffer at gmail dot com)
Rebekah from Simply Rebekah says
I follow you on Twitter. I'm the zucchini bread from 2009 girl… yep… that's me.
(rebekah hoffer at gmail dot com)
Chardell says
I love your blog and I would love some new cleaning tools. chardellc at yahoo dot com
Lynette says
My floors are more than slickery (yes that is my word) today with Pine-Sol in my Libman Freedom Mop…but oh how nice it smells.
Lynette says
Of course I Like Libman on Facebook. I am Lenore Keough Webb there though.
Lynette says
Tweet Tweet…..following as Crazed Mind
Elizabeth R says
I'm enjoying your blog. Trying to get inspired. Would love to win. Thanks!
rogerseliz at yahoo dot com
Elizabeth R says
I subscribe by email
rogerseliz at yahoo dot com
Shannon L says
I subscribe by email.
Banaizzyb at gmail dot com
Shannon L says
I follow on facebook.
Banaizzyb at gmail dot com
Shannon L says
I love the mobile site. Its easier on my smartphone (or better yet, the operator). Thanks for your honesty and hilarity.
Banaizzyb at gmail dot com
The Epsteens says
I "liked" you on facebook!
The Epsteens says
I "followed" you on twitter. And I forgot to add my email to my last comment. Sorry 🙁
theepsteens at yahoo dot com
The Epsteens says
I "liked" Libman on facebook
theepsteens at yahoo dot com
The Epsteens says
I already subscribe to your blog (and LOVE it!)
theepsteens at yahoo dot com
The Epsteens says
I am now following too
theepsteens at yahoo dot com
Anonymous says
I already subscribe to your blog! Love your blog and your vlog! Thanks for reminding me I'm not alone!! 🙂 Danielle
kdmoody2000 at yahoo dot com
Anonymous says
I would love a chance to win. The brush and dust pan would be great to inspire my kids to help. Lord knows I can use all the help I can!!
Keep up the great blog! Danielle
kdmoody2000 at yahoo dot com
Anonymous says
I "liked" you on facebook! Danielle
kdmoody2000 at yahoo dot com
Anonymous says
I would love to win this stuff
Anonymous says
I love your blog!
nddalzell at cs dot com
Anonymous says
I like you on facebook.
nddalzell at cs dot com
Daphne says
#2 I like libman on facebook
Amy says
Love your blog, mostly because I think you say the things I'm thinking about my own home. 🙂
Amy says
Entry #2: I subscribe via Google reader.
Amy says
#3 I follow you on Facebook.
Amy says
#4 and I also follow you on Twitter.
All these entries for following you various places kind of make me feel like a stalker or something, LOL!
Anonymous says
I loved this post! I love the drama…you are very good!
becky at claybapt dot org
Anonymous says
I get your e-mails in case I miss a day!
becky at claybapt dot org
Anonymous says
I also like you on Facebook!
becky at claybapt dot org
Shelly says
I've recently found your blog and LOVE it! Most of your posts describe my life exactly.
russianmom at hotmail dot com
Shelly says
I'm subscribing by email. That way I won't miss a post.
Jennifer says
Always in need of new cleaning supplies.
Jennifer says
I'm a subscriber too.
Nikki says
I would love to win these cleaning tools.I love reading your blog.~Nikki R
Nikki says
I just subscribed.Now I should not miss a post.Thanks for the chance.~Nikki R
Mandy says
I subscribe to email feed
amallicoat (at) hotmail (dot) com
Mandy says
We have so much in common it is scary sometimes! This is a fun and very useful giveaway!
amallicoat (at) hotmail (dot) com
Mandy says
I am a fan on Facebook.
amallicoat (at) hotmail (dot) com
Sarah says
Love the blog — would love to win some cleaning tools!
Sarah says
I subscribe to A Slob Comes Clean blog
Sarah says
I like Libman cleaning products on Facebook
Anonymous says
What a fun vlog! Thanks for a great giveaway!
jadegarn at yahoo dot com
Anonymous says
I also like you on facebook!
jadegarn at yahoo dot com
Trace says
I follow you on facebook.
XeBubbles at aol dot com
Trace says
I also have previously liked Libman on facebook.
XeBubbles at aol dot com
Trace says
I follow you through email feeds as well.
XeBubbles at aol dot com
Trace says
And let me just say, I love your blog! I've actually read it from beginning to end (don't tell my boss). Many of your thoughts and comments mirrow what I have said and felt many times, especially right now.
XeBubbles at aol dot com
Mama Hen says
I need all the help I can get with cleaning! Please enter me.
clarksrfun at gmail dot com
Steph S says
Love Libman products! Thanks for the giveaway!
Shelley says
Nice vlog. I could use some new cleaning tools. Thanks. mrspoofa(at)
Amy says
I love your blog– so nice t know that I am not the only one with selective sight on clutter! Ncsweetie(at)gmail
Amy says
I already. Subscibe to your blog ncsweetie(at)gmail
Ryan says
Thanks for the opportunity.
Karen@Candid Diversions says
Thanks for the chance!
One Mom says
I love your blog. Your laundry room clean out is the reason MY laundry room got cleaned out!
One Mom says
And I like you on Facebook too.
One Mom says
AND I subscribe in a reader.
Tarja says
Love your blog and I can totally relate! Cute vlog too! TarjaK23(at)msn(dot)com
Latoshia says
Great giveaway! [email protected]
Latoshia says
I like Libman on facebook! [email protected]
Latoshia says
I like you on facebook! [email protected]
Cat says
I just wanted to say hi! I found your blog a fortnight ago or so and have been slowly making my way through the archives. I just loved this video – I laughed and laughed! Thank you for sharing!
Melissa Dykstra says
Thanks for your great vlog! I mean really, I think that your vlog is kind of like a peek into the average, NORMAL, housewife. At least one with young children. I was a neat freak before I had kids. But now, I am in slob land with exploding closets and fossils in my minivan flooring. The top of my fridge is an avalanche waiting to happen and if a door can hide it, a mess will be left as my dirty little secret.
Please keep up your webisodes. You make me feel so NORMAL!