I found this in one of my many boxes of random things.

Any guesses what it is?
It’s a salt and pepper shaker to carry in your purse. It’s meant to be used when you bring your lunch to work, or go on a picnic, whatever.
Except that even though I’ve been out of the workplace for quite a while now, I remember all of the lunch areas, even the lousy ones, having salt and pepper shakers.
And maybe our picnics are lame, but I generally don’t season my food while on them.
I’m sure that an organized person could make great use of this admittedly cute and ingenious item. Perhaps she would actually fill it up, and then remember that it’s in her purse. She’s everyone’s best friend when the waitress forgets to put out the salt and pepper. And . . . I’m sure . . . she never pays for gum with pepper-coated nickels from the bottom of her purse.
I’m guessing that when I got/kept this item, I wanted to be her.
I’m not.
I’m the person who appreciates the novelty and potential of the item. I want to be the day-saver in any seasoning emergency. Instead, I’m the person who sells Tupperware for a few months post-college-pre-teaching, until she can’t handle the rejection or the selling to friends anymore, and then puts this dealy-whopper in a box, stressed that she can’t possibly get rid of such a cute and potentially useful item.
It is cute though. 🙂
I still have a storage box of some of my Tupperware "party favors." I sold for a year or more, and I actually done quite well. But, our family started growing and "free time" started shrinking. Now I have tons of Tupperware that I need to thin out. Goodwill will be so happy!
I get it, I was that way with many things too.
I have so many of your posts to catch up on..been gone to the lake.
Cute – I totally get it – I've had a few items like that too. What did you decide? Keeping it or letting it go?
I had a seasoning emergency yesterday evening. My fish was lacking flavor. This would've been handy if I remembered to fill it or find it under a deep abyss filled with receipts from 3 months ago. Or that I even had it. Common occurance with me.
PS Mom of Hillians
Goodwill is my favorite store. And I love tupperware.
I have that exact same thing somewhere in my kitchen. I usually take it with us when we go on vacation to a rented house. It is hard to let go of those cute Tupperware gadgets!
I have one of those. And have actually used it on (rare…) occasions!
I had one of those and loved it! I liked how small and compact it was. It was great for taking along if I was having a hard boiled egg with my lunch. Then a few years ago it accidentally got thrown away. 🙁 I recently discovered your blog and have reading through your posts from the beginning, and have found so much I can relate to! Obviously I have a lot more posts to go, but I really feel like I’m getting to know you. You give me hope that I can actually get my act together. (As someone who has way too much clutter, I probably shouldn’t admit this, but while writing this I took a few minutes and found a new one of these little salt and pepper thingies and ordered it. At least I know the exact spot in my cabinet it will live when it arrives. 🙂)