What exactly is the point of having a walk-in closet if you can’t walk into it?

I cleaned out my closet today, which was one of my big goals for the week. It’s time to start taking inventory of Christmas gifts so I can know what I still need to buy. And now, since I can walk into it, I also hung in it the clothes that had been hanging on the closet door doorknob. On the doorknob, because, you know, I couldn’t walk into the closet far enough to hang anything in it. Thank goodness I’m limber enough to balance on one foot and stretch far enough to use a straightened out hanger to pull something down.
In my defense (i.e. my fantastic excuse), I don’t have any storage closets in this house. I have one tiny coat closet that is only big enough for a few coats and the vacuum cleaner. So, in the end, if something has no where else to go, and is above garage-status, it goes in my closet.
I’m joining in the Thursday Thirteen blog carnival today. I had a very elaborate thirteen item post idea, but I’m running short on time and as I cleaned out my closet just now, I had one of those “duh” moments when I realized I should list some of the random things I found.
Because there’s way more than thirteen.
Here goes:
A guitar stand.
Pictures from my single-days trip to New Zealand that I thought had been lost forever.
Valentine’s boxers that my then fiance/now husband sent me when we long-distance dated on opposite sides of the world.
A perfect-fitting pair of jeans that I forgot I had. I’m wearing them now.
Five empty Space Bags. Seriously?
Shelf-y things to hang on the wall that don’t match this house’s decor at all. (I used U-haul space to move those things? Twice?)
A VHS Tae–bo Advanced tape. No comments allowed on that one.
Gifts I had forgotten about, including one for a niece that I just bought another gift for yesterday. Grrr.
Navy summer-y shoes that I’m getting rid of because I haven’t worn them in at least two years . . . since I didn’t know I had them.
House shoes that look like chicken feet. I most certainly will NOT get rid of those.
Dance leotards, tights, and a little skirt. I’m still holding out hope, thank you.
Julliard sweatshirt. I love to wear this so I can use my favorite Seinfeld line all day long, in any possible context. “Why, would I, a Julliard trained dermatologist . . . ” (Using random Seinfeld lines is a great way to identify kindred spirits.)
A half-filled collage frame that included a picture of my almost 8 yr old when he was so tiny that the smallest onesie was big on him. He was lying on his changing pad, with the blue cover obviously brand new. When I got rid of the changing pad cover a few years ago, after three kids, it was barely even blue anymore.
It sounds like we share closets in a past life. Right now, mine are clean, but when places aren't isn't it fun to find useful stuff, like those jeans!! I enjoyed your list.
As far as photos and blogger, go on Blogger HELP and type in the word photo or photo and text. I think they will explain it. I don't use blogger anymore, but I'm sure you get the options of "Picture to the left, right, or center" of the text or On top of the text or text wrap around. That HELP area will really help you. Good luck!
Great TT. Good for you for cleaning out your closet. I have to tackle the trunk of my car this weekend. Not looking forward to it!
I might be able to help with your bloggy question, but I'm not sure what you mean…I'm not sure what you mean about the spacing in the blogs.
Thanks for the comments! They make my day.
About blogger, it seems like when I put in a picture, my space between paragraphs becomes this 5 line thing. Then when I go back and make it just one space between paragraphs, it removes that one space when it publishes.
Thanks for the help, I'll definitely try the help section and I'll try placing the pics differently to see if that helps.
Just wanted you to know I check your blog couple of times of week. But usually don't comment. But I can so relate. I started to work on my weight and my house is coming together.
I'm in the middle of an ongoing closet cleaning project. We live in a small New York appartment. We have one large closet that's it for the both of us, and it's packed full. The things I found in my last session – well that will be enough for 4 TTs lol.
Have a marvelous week.
Anon, I completely agree that somehow the weight and the house go together.
Frances, WOW, I feel for you with just the one closet. I'll remember that when I want to complain about my lack of closet space.
“Five empty Space Bags. Seriously?” Sorry, but this made me laugh out loud! 🙂
Very impressive! Especially since you did it all in one day…with all of your checklist stuff. 🙂
A word of caution to those with baseboard heating (something I didn’t know about when I bought my house)…there is no blower on baseboard heaters, which means no air circulation in your home. And if you pack your tiny closets too full, you can wind up with mold in the winter. Found this out after my daughter packed hers chock full of clothes and stuffed animals. 🙁
Wow…I can’t imagine one closet either. However a small walk in closet would offer more shelf, floor and hanging space than the three extremely tiny, and one large enough to fill the other three in, space I have. Which is why I’m getting rid of stuff.
My son was tiny, too…less than two pounds when he was born, and he was still wearing newborn clothes when he was seven months old (and a whopping eleven pounds). I love looking at photos with him swimming in them. 🙂
My vlosets are a disaster! I am sure I will find some treasures when I eventually get my non-negotiables (love that term) down and have time to clean such an out of the way space. I have hope that I will get there though!
Just had to say… Hi from New Zealand! 😊
Some friends and I have been reading your blog (from the beginning) and listening to your podcasts as we try to get out own homes under control.
Thank you for keeping it real and sharing your struggles. It’s good to know it is possible to get some control if you just keep on going day by day, and that not everyone is perfect!