Paper plates used to be a must-have item in our house. Hubby would get nervous when we ran out. If he ever found what looked like it might be a grocery list lying around, he would jot down "paper plates, please." They were necessary for two reasons. First was as a last resort. When every single plate in the house was dirty and piled in the … [Read more...]
Pantry Challenge is Making me a Little Nervous
I'm getting nervous. My convenience foods are disappearing. The cupboard and the fridge are beginning to look especially bare. The freezer is getting there. This is what I wanted to do. But convenience food is so . . . . convenient. My mother grew up on a farm. She had a disdain for convenience food that she passed down to me . Things should … [Read more...]
Can a Slob Handle Coupons?
I've mentioned before that I do love me some coupons. It's coupons that first introduced me to Blogworld, so I sort of assume that most Blogworldians love them too. I very well may be wrong, though, as I'm learning that there are so many different varieties of blogs. Anyway, I love coupons. They have totally changed my way of shopping in the … [Read more...]