I love this message from Peggy, and I’m so thankful she was willing to let me share it with you! Peggy has made so much progress in her home as she works through the Take Your House Back course.
If you want to experience this, check out the course! It’s on sale for only $94 right now through May 3rd! Go here to check it out and see if it’s something that can help you, too!
Hi Dana!
I just wanted to write and thank you so much for all that you and Cas and Dawn have meant to me in the past few months. I have always been a very messy person, and a very untidy… I guess that’s a good word… Housekeeper! At the age of 63 I finally understand and get it. You all have helped me.
When I read your biography, I related to you very much. Your videos really touched home with me, and your methods made so much sense. I recently had family in for Christmas, and watched your videos on preparing for company. To my surprise, I didn’t have to do very much at all! Everything was mostly done!
I was looking at my house this morning and marveling that it was mine! My house? It never looked this orderly and clean.
Here are a couple of pictures as an example. This is my craft room/guestroom. . . This is an example of my whole house!
I want to thank you so much for your faithfulness in following God’s call, and being open to helping so many… including me!
Hi, Dana! It’s Peggy! I hope this has helped some others!
Just a little update… We had unexpected company the other day, and I only had a few hours notice. Normally I would’ve been having a heart attack, but this time I went through the house, and used some of your techniques, and in no time it was presentable! The whole house…not just one room!
Another aside, a friend recently offered me some furniture and household trinkets, as she was getting rid of some of her stuff. Now, this woman has very, very nice things in her home. Normally I would’ve taken whatever she wanted to give me…not even thinking of where I was going to put it! But this time, over the phone without looking at a thing, I told her no thank you, that I really didn’t need anything right now. (I couldn’t believe that it was me talking!) I knew if I didn’t look at it, then I was eliminating the temptation!
Thank you so much for everything that the three if you do… You are changing lives!