Hi, Dana! FLOWERS FOR ALGERNON is about a mouse who is scientifically made smarter for a while. AWAKENINGS is a 1990 Robert DeNiro movie about a man who changes his brain with drugs. I’m pretty sure there’s a 1970s movie similar to ALGERNON about a man whose name may have been Larry. Cannot find that yet to confirm. Great stories to ponder and make one grateful for what one has. 😀
Maggie says
Dana, I just want to thank you for your blog and podcasts and book, you truly give me hope that I can do this housework thing better.
And just so you know, every time you want to say, “I don’t know if that makes sense,” are the times I want to yell “Yes! Someone else gets me!”
JoAnn says
Hi, Dana! FLOWERS FOR ALGERNON is about a mouse who is scientifically made smarter for a while. AWAKENINGS is a 1990 Robert DeNiro movie about a man who changes his brain with drugs. I’m pretty sure there’s a 1970s movie similar to ALGERNON about a man whose name may have been Larry. Cannot find that yet to confirm. Great stories to ponder and make one grateful for what one has. 😀