Disclosure: This review was requested by EnviroKlenz and they have paid me for my time spent creating this post. All opinions and experiences and not-so-fresh-smelling towels and stinky teenagers, however, are mine. I’m also using an affiliate link to their product.
Should I be offended that a company who prides themselves on helping people deal with stinky laundry thinks I’m the perfect person to test out their product?
Whatever. They’re right.
When EnviroKlenz asked if I’d be willing to try out their Laundry Enhancer, I knew I could do that. I have teenagers. They use a lot of towels and they aren’t the best at hanging them up where they dry quickly.
Or dry at all.
So those towels tend to not be the freshest-smelling.
And if you know me, you know I’m not into scented laundry products, so covering up the not-so-fresh smell isn’t an option. I liked the idea of a scent-eliminator.
(Did I mention that these teenagers of mine are boys . . . ?)
When laundry day came around, I tried out the product. It did work. It’s kind of difficult to take a photo of a scent or lack-of-scent, so here’s a depiction (technically a reenactment):
Towels before, even when clean, smelled not-bad, but a little less-than-fresh.
Towels after are scent free. I like scent free.
That’s some high-quality acting, people.
But I also had a few opportunities to try out EnviroKlenz Laundry Enhancer on other things.
Like this kid:
My face is the face of Odor Horror. True assault to the nose. That’s my face after riding in a car FOR AN HOUR with the stinkiest football player EVER. (He put his shoulder pads back on for the photo. For effect.)
Y’know how most bad smells kind of become normal, not-so-noticeable after a while? Not this one. He reeked, a gag-worthy, nausea-inducing stench, the whole way home.
Now, I’m not going to complain too much since the school actually does wash their football stuff instead of them bringing it home for me to wash. But I’m thinking somehow a certain piece hadn’t made it into the rotation in a while ever. It was so so bad.
That was the perfect time to see what EnviroKlenz could do. And the stuff came out scent-free, just like I’d hoped. So scent-free that I was willing to bring these formerly-horrific items all the way to my nose and inhale deeply.
I was happy.
But then I realized I had the ultimate scent-test.
Every summer, we go to a certain lake/waterpark. It’s a fun lake and we love it so much that my kids choose it as THE thing they want to do as a family on Dad’s day off.
But y’all, our bathing suits stink so bad after we go. So so bad. And the scent doesn’t die. I have washed and rewashed the suits (sometimes four times in a row immediately after getting home) and it lingers. It’s so bad that when I recommend this fun, fun place to friends, I always feel like I have to include the fact that their bathing suits will stink after they go.
So I found one item (mine) that still had “the scent” even now, in October. With our crazy August, I guess I didn’t swim enough after that outing to dilute it.
And? It worked. The suit no longer smells like that lake!! I am impressed!
So yes, I do think the product works, and if you also like scentless stuff I definitely think it’s worth a try.
But since this is a review, I do need to mention a few things I’d want to know if I were you.
It’s a little messy. They sent me the liquid and the liquid is chalky. And there isn’t any kind of attached or included measuring device, so I had to use one from my kitchen. I generally only buy things for laundry that have some sort of measurer included, so this was a little annoying the first time I used it.
And I’m not terribly coordinated (especially when I am trying to take a picture of myself pouring) so I overpoured every time.
And later, I noticed chalky drips on my machine. Obviously, these wipe away easily, but it also annoyed me to see them.
And the instructions say to check your machine’s manual to know where to put additives, but I have no idea where my manual is, so I was a little lost. I just let it fill, paused the machine, and then added the EnviroKlenz Laundry Enhancer. Once, I tried diluting it in my top-of-machine sink-thingy, but look at the chalky mess that left.
Since then, I’ve just been estimating the amount and pouring it straight in when I start the load. There is a powder version of the Laundry Enhancer product (it’s more expensive, though), so I think I’d like to try that to hopefully be less messy.
EnviroKlenz wanted an imperfect, not-from-a-lab experience with their product, and I definitely provided that.
If you’d like to try it out, go here and use the code slob20 to get 20% off!
Hi Dana! I too, have a son; an adult son who lives at home and sometimes comes home from work reeking of diesel fuel. I’m sure you can imagine the hilarity that ensues when that happens. I’ve about worn out Google trying to find a solution but while I’ve been able to mitigate the smell, it never goes away. It’s the sort of thing that infects the other pants in the stack. George at EnviroKlenz has assured me that this product will remove the odor or my money will be refunded. I have several quarantined pairs of pants that I was going to hang outside but didn’t because, well, you know how that goes. I’m looking forward to trying it out!
Oh! Good to hear! I want to know the results!
It worked! Sorry for the delay.
Look how tall he is!! Wow!!
Yay for not stinky!!
I know! It’s crazy!!!