Did you know Swiffer turned 18 this month?
Yes, I feel old now, too.
As a Swiffer ambassador, I’m helping with the celebration by sharing how Swiffer helps me adult.
Now, to be clear, as a former English teacher, I get that some people don’t care for the use of the word “adult” as a verb. But it makes me laugh. I’m a fan of made up words anyway (deslobification???), so new uses for old words is fine by me.
My definition of adulting for today? Dusting my walls.
Dusting and vacuuming was my job when I was a kid. In my memory, I was a natural at this task, but I’m sure my mom had to teach me. I’m sure, because once I started passing these jobs on to my own kids, I realized that most people are not born knowing how to dust, or knowing exactly what needs to be dusted.
My kids saw me dusting (really, on occasion they did), and to them, it looked easy. It was only when they were the ones dusting that they had to learn the details of dusting.
How even corners and backs-of-things and such need to be dusted.
How proper dusting requires moving things.
Honestly, it wasn’t until I lived in my own grown up house that I fully understood the importance of details like that, and that was mostly because living in my own grown up house meant there was no one but me to take care of those details.
If I didn’t do it, it didn’t happen.
But truly, honestly adulting happens when you’re grown up enough to notice that the walls need dusting.
Walls, y’all.
Over the winter, I love to deny that this is true. But around mid-March, sunlight shines through my window and sends the nation into Spring Cleaning mode. That sunshine won’t let me pretend my walls aren’t dusty.
And this is one of those many times when I’m so thankful for my Swiffer. As easily as I can Swiffer my wood floors, I can flip the Swiffer sweeper up and Swiffer my walls. Even these dust-collecting paneling ledges:
Less than two minutes later:
I even dusted the walls themselves, not only the ledges. It’s hard to take photos of dust on walls, but here’s proof that it was there:
I’m so sorry if I’ve burst your adulting-denial bubble.
UPDATE: Giveaway had ended.
Hopefully, entering this giveaway will help you feel better!
I’m excited again to host a giveaway for another Swiffer green box! Just leave a comment on this post (click on the title of the post to get here if you’re reading via email), and tell me what non-floor areas you clean (or think you would clean) with Swiffer. One comment will be chosen (I’ll use random.org to choose a number), and that person will have 48 hours from the time I send them an email to respond with their mailing address. Continental U.S. only. (Sorry!) The giveaway entries will close on April 6th, 2017 at 9 p.m. Central time.
Included: Swiffer Sweeper Small Box Starter Kit, Wet refills, Dry refills, Swiffer Duster, Duster refills
Approximately $50 value.
beth says
I would clean the ceiling fans.
Dorothy says
I would swiffer the high walls in my stairway.
Sue says
Ok, I’ll play. I might actually dust the top of my refrigerator if it were easy.
Ashley says
I really need to clean my ceiling fans and light fixtures. The Swiffer dusters work great for that job!
Beth K says
The big soaker bathtub in the master bath. Who uses those? Mine looks like the dog has been sleeping in it.
Nancy Pecoraro says
Ceiling fans! Swiffer does a good job of gripping that dust
Shawnna says
Baseboards and bannister.
Deb Sutorius says
I would use a Swiffer to dust my flat screen TV and my over-abundance of books!
Laura says
I would use it to dust my stairs.
Ashley says
I would definitely Swiffer the corners of my ceilings/walls. I’m 5’2″ and realistically, I never ever look up at them. And when they do catch my eye, I just sigh and think, I’ll never clean that.
beth says
Ceiling fans and light fixtures
Linda P says
My paneled doors.
Kate says
I use my Swiffer sisters on my ceiling fans and I do this pretty regularly. I hate when the dust gets chunky and you knock it down and it gets ground into the carpet or flung all over the crib.
Cricket says
Definitely walls and probably ceilings and light fixtures. Ugh. Now I just realized I don’t remember when I last did that.
Sharon Brenner says
I use a swifter to dust my ceilings (like in the corners where the walls and ceilings meet) and my ceiling lights
Felicia Malachite says
I would dust the ledge over my front door.
Penelope says
I like to use a swiffer to clean up embossing powder and glitter from when I’m crafting. As for actually dusting, the are marvelous for wood blinds and don’t send showers of dust everywhere.
Deanna Luster says
I would clean my living room ceiling. 😊
Moriah says
You know when you’re standing at the top of a staircase, looking straight across, and can see a ridiculously high wall (like the wall the front door is on is double-sized)? That insanely tall wall is what I’d use it on!
Jessica says
Definitely all the ceiling fans in the house! Maybe then I could stop having to turn the fans on whenever guests come over 🙂
Alla says
I would try washing wall with the swiffer. Hopefully it would work.
Joan Vanden Elzen says
Washing walls and dusting the tops of my kitchen cupboards.
Diane Oppocher says
The top of my kitchen cabinets. They have not been dusted since we remodeled our kitchen in 2007!
Amy Miller says
I would dust my walls and behind things with a swifter duster😀
Tammy M. says
It would get used on my ceiling beams, but I really think that I would give my teenage son the “opportunity” to do this!
Lydia says
The wall behind my fridge desperately needs dusting, I’m sure. I would Swiffer from ceiling to floor in that area, including on the fridge and floor underneath.
Tawny Miller says
I’m cheap, I’ve always wanted a swiffer wetjet but cant bring myself to buy one when I have a perfectly good sponge mop. (its a total pain in the butt though! and It drips dirty mop water down my arm every time I ring it out… ) I think if I had a swiffer I would definitely use it on my knotty pine walls and my vinyl kitchen flooring. I don’t even know the last time I actually mopped its a job I absolutely hate. My mom is a house keeper and on days I’ve gone with her to help I’ve used swiffers and they are fantastic! I really need to invest in one… I think I’d use it a lot more than my mom..
Tawny Miller says
That was supposed to say mop not mom… oops lol
Dana White says
Lora Holden says
I would dust the walls. They get cobwebs that get grey with dust and threaten to fall on you when you least expect it. My parents call this “wall hair”. I am just over 5 feet tall, and I’m a giant next to my mom, so I like the Swiffer extended duster. Even with that though, I have to recruit my 6 foot tall 14 year old son to get the tops and corners of my 9 foot ceilings!
Dana White says
Wall hair?!?!Hahahaha!!!
Kelli J says
We have smooth walls in our house which are so easy to dust with a swiffer! We are now working on a pretty large house project which really amps up the dust issue. I also noticed this morning a couple of dusty cobwebs I need to tackle this week too! So I guess I am thankful for the dust? Because I really may have not noticed the cobweb otherwise.
Kate Bodien says
I would DEFINITELY clean the corners of every room in my house. Dust bunnies have become dust chandeliers up there.
Dana White says
Tee hee!!!
Brenda A says
I use swiffer on blinds as well as flat surfaces. We are in a new house and I need to use swiffer on the ceiling fans!
Jennifer says
I would swiffer the walls, top of the fridge, the ceilings, and the workshop downstairs that’s full of sawdust! That would be my adulting for the day!
Al says
I would dust my ceiling fans. They’re gross.
Christina Fines says
I would use it for my blinds and ceiling fan!
Wendy W Janin says
Definitely walls and ceiling in living room. And Noni, I wasn’t taught how to clean, either. What a shame.
Julie says
I think I would dust the sides of my computer desk, but I also think just the swiffer cloth would be great for dusting ceiling fan blades!
Anne Vogt says
I would Swiffer the cat fur that seems to static cling to the walls. It’s amazing how much fur two cats lose.
Kim says
I would dust my blinds. They’re awful.
Amber Zelecki says
Definitely the bathroom ceilings. Ew.
Jessie Stanley says
I would Swiffer the trim and high ceilings in my family room!
Lisa Misterek says
Walls, too! We have really high ceilings in the living room. It’s really hard to reach the cobwebs in the corners. Help, please?!?
Jeanna Powers says
Ceiling fans!
Susan W. says
I love giveaways, and I use Swiffer all the time, but I don’t NEED this prize…so if I win, I will give it to someone who does need it. 🙂 Baby steps?
Dana White says
That’s an awesome idea!!!
Brianna says
I would try to dust a weird niche that is really high up the wall!
Adrienne says
I would Swiffer all the books in my bookshelf.
Sharlene says
I use Swiffer to dust my wood blinds. The job is finished in a flash and they look so much better.
MomB96 says
I’d go for the tops of the walls at the ceilings, and sometimes the ceilings themselves, and those really high walls that I’d STILL need a ladder to reach, even with a Swiffer!
Angela McGeown says
I would use Swiffer to clean the top of my doors.
Allison says
I’d dust the ceiling fan and use it to get the cobwebs out of the high corners of my walls.
Kathy Linklater says
I would dust my fans and walls.
Jessica says
I need to dust my walls and fans!
Darlene H says
The tops of cabinets, ceiling fans, and walls and ceilings all need it st my house.
Krysten T says
My shower.
Jacqueline says
My radiators.
Melanie Wentz says
I would use it to Swiffer my ceiling, especially above my stove tends to get dusty, and ceiling fans/light fixtures. Thanks!
Jean @ Howling Frog says
Oh my goodness, I never thought of using a Swiffer for dusting high areas! I would totally do that. Our walls collect cobwebs.
Sarah says
Ceiling fans
Jamie says
Blinds and ceiling fans! Thanks for hosting!
Louise says
Perfect timing. Not four hours ago i decided to clean out one of my bottom cabinets where i store my Tupperware. After taking everything out of the cabinet, i needed to wipe the bottom and shelf, but i have a really bad back, ( and i am also going to be 85 in less than a month), so got the bright idea to use one of my wet swiffer pads. The long handle made it so much easier than crawling on the floor. Now, tomorrow guess i need to dust my walls! Nony, i love your blog.
Julie Hales says
The light fixtures. Ugh. They’re terrible.
Kathy Alderman says
I would dust the ceiling fan
Allison says
Ceiling fans!
Brandy says
I should probably adult and dust my walls… and aaallll the things on the walls too. 😒
Eileen says
Behind and under the sofa
Brittani A. says
Where I use swiffer sheets? On my dryer to get the lint caught.
Strangest place used? On the bottom of a bee hive brood box to keep hive beetles out.
Dana White says
OK. SO now I’m going to do this!!!!! THe dryer lint, not the bee hive!
Amy Wheeler says
I use my swifter to get the cobwebs up by the ceiling. 🙂
Maggie says
I would dust the extra tall walls & ceiling in our entry way!
Allison says
I would dust my ceiling fans!
Frances says
Sweeper on walls AND would try Duster on tv and pc screens
Meredith says
Ceiling fans!!
Tera B says
I really, really did not want to know that one should dust one’s walls. I’m trying to get my mind around that (and baseboards! According to all-the-blogs, it is necessary to clean baseboards). But I digress. Now that I know I should be dusting walls, I guess I would do that. And the tv, which is constantly dusty. Ceiling fans? In short, all-the-things.
Thanks for the chance 🙂
Amanda S says
The high wall above my stairwell! And I should do my walls to probably…
Janice Erickson says
I like my swiffer and I have used one for many years.I think I would use it on my walls.
Kim says
I would dust on top of my kitchen cabinets. You can’t see it unless you look, but I know it’s up there and not good!!
Joellen says
So… Apparently I should use a Swiffer on my walls. And ceiling. And ceiling fans. I live in Kansas. I need to dust all the things.
Melody says
I clean my ceiling with Swiffer. Especially in the bathroom. Thanks for the chance!
karen says
My ceiling fans need serious help!
Teisha says
Tops of window/door frames definitely, and also my ceiling fan blades. Amazing how much dust those accumulate.
Brandy E. says
Well I guess now I would use it to dust my walls….honestly this has never been on my chore list.
Brandi says
I should probably clear out all those Daddy Long Leg webs over the garage door. Since I actually have my car in the garage for the first time in ahem… 9ish years and use that door daily now – the wafting webs and spiders give me the heebie jeevies and I am totally ready for them to be gone!
Jacqueline Adams says
I love swiffer! I would dust my walls, especially the hard to reach areas near the ceiling and above my windows. I would also dust under my dressers. Thank you for the opportunity!
Ann says
We get a lot spider cobwebs outdoors up near the gutter (one story) so I would Swiffer those! I’ve used a broom but that seems to just drag it around. I would bet the Swiffer would actually remove it!
Willie hutto says
I would swiffer not only the walls going upstairs, such high ceiling at the bottom but also the light globes that I can’t reach unless I have a tall tall man with a step ladder. alas. such a man is not available in my future.
Jessica To says
I would dust over the light fixtures in my bathroom.
Natasha Mang says
I’d love to tey the swiffer on the beams in the ceiling!!! Yay give away!
Suzanna says
I was just looking at my own walls and noticing little cobwebs in the corners – that is what I would use the Swiffer for!
Kelly says
I’ve tried the generic version in the past and written off the whole Swiffer thing becuase of how well they didn’t work, until I learned through you they are not the same as the name brand. I’ve love to give the real thing a try and evict the spider colonies that have to be calling the ceiling corners home these days! And the idea of ceiling fans – I’d never thought of that before. The possibilities, they are endless 🙂
Carole says
I need (really *NEED*) to clean the vents in the bathrooms. You know, the ones that you turn on to remove humidity and odors?? And probably the HVAC vents, too! Yikes!
UWi says
Top of fridge, walls, oh… And ceiling fans. I don’t dare turning them on anymore…
Karen H. says
I would tackle the ceilings of our home, especially the vaulted ceiling in our three-season porch. Thank you for the giveaway!
J.C. says
I would clean those cobwebs in corners of the vaulted ceilings of the dining room my mother always likes to point out when she comes over! 🙂
Lori Jeffries says
As a military spouse, I use swimmer a LOT when we move. We don’t have to “clean” our quarters when we leave, we have to hire a cleaner to do that, but we do have to surface clean. It is amazing where dust collects and what you see AFTER you move the furniture. So, fans, mantles, window sills, etc.
Nancy Loring says
I would be cleaning in those hard to reach places that I have been putting off for awhile. All of the light fixtures at least the top of them.
Edye says
I’d clean my bookshelves! 🙂
Rachel Ethridge says
I would definitely clean the walls and the door/window frames, but also the place where the ceiling meets the walls (you know, where my leftover “Halloween” decorations hang out).
Dena B. says
Oh, it’s time for the blinds and the walls to get a.good going over. The big green box would be an enormous help!
Wendy says
My hvac vents are in the ceiling so I use my sniffer to clean them! Oh……and I use on my blinds.
Laurie says
Definitely my kitchen cabinets, bedroom ceiling fan and high walls in the stairwell.
I have been in this house 16 years, and bought the then-new Swiffer to help me with the hardwood floors. I’m a big fan but I could really use a new one!
Amber says
Thanks for the chance to win this giveaway! I would Swiffer our recessed lights and bathroom fan.
Marybeth S. says
I would clean my ceilings on both my porches and the wall’s where the vaulted ceiling meets in the middle of the house. I use a broom for it now but it knock’s the dust down on top of me.Do you think a Swiffer would work on popcorn ceiling’s too?
BethanyH says
the crazy tile “window” that’s twelve feet up in my basement stairway!
Lindsay says
Hmmm cobwebs are a good idea but how about lampshades? I bet they are dusty and probably would be easy to clean with a swifter.
What i love about a swifter is that my daughter would “help” and with a swifter the dust stayed on it even when she shook it! Pretty amazing.
Monica says
I would use the Swiffer on my walls and doors.
Pam in Missouri says
The slats of my louvered closet doors. So annoying!
Becky says
Ceiling fans!
Debbie says
Baseboards and ceiling fans! And cobwebs in the corners of my ceiling. 🙂
Linda Foy says
I need help with reaching the top of my doorways. Also the top of hanging pictures.
Linda F says
I need help with reaching the top of my doorways. Also the top of hanging pictures.
Nina says
My lighting fixtures need Swiffering!
Thanks for the reminder.
Janine says
Wow, this list is long. I’d swiffer the tile around my wood stove.
Pam Flint says
I have arthritis in my knees now, so getting down low to clean baseboards is difficult. I’d use the Swiffer to clean my baseboards and stair bannister.
Stephanie Grant says
I would use the products on my cabinets, crown molding, chair rails and ceiling fans!
Debra Schrock says
I would swiffer my crown molding and window cornice!
April says
Ceilings, ceiling fans, the walls up next to the ceilings. How come I never notice these areas while we are actually cleaning? I notice them when I’m having a conversation with someone in my living room!! And then my “mental note” to clean them gets lost…
Lenetta says
Ceiling fans. And I don’t think I’ve ever cleaned several light fixtures. Eek.
Stacie says
There are so many things is would use a swifter for, but I think the place I need to clean the most is the beams in our family room. We have vaulted ceilings, and the only way I can get to the highest point of the beams is by getting on an 8 ft ladder. And that is NOT gonna happen unless I’m sedated…and getting on a ladder is probably not the smartest thing to do when you’re sedated😂
Melinda says
Apparently, I’m not an adult yet. Never have I EVER dusted my walls.
Wall hair was funny!!
I desperately need to clean my porch fan, before the dust is so heavy the blades fall off!
Kelly says
Kitchen walls…as the sun was shining in the house today, I noticed how gross they looked!
Wendy Clark says
MY blinds!
Taryn says
I totally need this! My allergies know its time for the windows to open and the dust to fly!
Cathy says
I would like to use it to clean the high skylights and covers!
Sandra L Schuschu says
Swiffer is the bomb! Housecleaning is my job and I use my swifter extendablet duster and my swifter mop on walls, ceilings, ceiling fans, floors, base boards, tvs, shelves, toys, computers, keyboards, airvents, mini blinds, car dashboards, the tops of doors, pictures and frames, windows and sills…YOU NAME IT! Love Swiffer!
Lauren Parke says
I’d clean the tops of my fridge and the tops of my kitchen cabinets with a Swiffer duster. Those places are just scary!!! And I’d give dusting/washing the walls a try…never thought of doing that before!
Jennifer says
I’ve never tried dusting the walls but it’s going to happen. Also we. never turn of the ceiling fans so guess how often they get dusted. . .
Michelle J. says
Using it on picture frames would be great.
Ilka W.J. says
I’d attempt the fans, too… and definitely the ceiling – cobwebs and such. Hmmm… looking around me… how about the top of the window frames? 🙂
The basement of our former house has wood paneling, so I understand what you are saying. I wish I had thought of a swiffer then!
Bcamp says
The top of my frig could use some swiftering for sure.
BethAnna in Louisiana says
Walls, ceiling fans, and dust alligators! We don’t have dust bunnies around here. 🙂
Dana White says
Victoria DeOrnellis says
I would dust my walls as well. I have some cobwebs (yes…cobwebs LOL) clinging to some higher up places, so a Swiffer would be perfect for getting to those areas.
LaTanya says
I would clean my son’s room and the kitchen
Rachael says
I would clean my walls and ceiling fans.
theresa says
You guys are hilarious! We have a 3story front wall, you know across from the stairs the one the front door is on, like another reader mentioned. Well, on that wall are several windows. I’d try to clean those ledges …. how many extensions can you put together?
Samantha says
I would use it to get the crown molding around my ceilings.
Angela says
Walls and ceilings. Definitely.