I LOVE this success story from one of you!
I just wanted to thank you for all of your inspiration and help through your blog! I have been decluttering since last August/September, and I am working on getting into a better routine of cleaning (now that there’s not so much STUFF in the way!). I still have a ways to go, but I was able to see real progress and relief in the middle of a small disaster last night.
Yesterday, our pipes clogged and flooded the utility/laundry area in the basement. Of course this happened on the day that I FINALLY decided to tackle the disgusting refrigerator, and all the gross, old food that I’d run through the garbage disposal ended up all over the basement floor!! EEEWWW!!!!
As hubby & I were cleaning up the reeking disaster, I had an amazing realization. After dealing with that mess, I didn’t have to stress anymore that night. I knew that hubby would be able to call the plumber in the morning and I would be able to LET HIM IN THE HOUSE at ANY TIME!!!
I didn’t have to stay up all night crying and fuming while enduring a marathon “cleaning” session. I didn’t have to hurry around the house today in a frenzy before the plumber came, hiding things. And, I WASN’T EMBARRASSED when he came in the door!!!! I can’t remember that ever happening before!
All I can think is that I have tried so many times over the years to tackle this beast, but I just never “got it” until I came across your blog.
So, THANK YOU for understanding how I think and process things! THANK YOU for sharing your story, and inspiring me! THANK YOU for walking me through the hardest part and setting me up for success! THANK YOU for giving me the tools that led to me finding relief in the middle of my little disaster!!
Makena says
Love this success story! I look forward to the day when I can experience the same feeling.