I knew my sixth blogiversary was coming up this week since I started the blog on the day this kid went to kindergarten in 2009. I just assumed it wasn’t the exact same day.
I was wrong. On August 24th, 2009, I wrote the first post on what was supposed to be my secret, anonymous, temporary, practice blog. The state of my house was keeping me from starting my real blog, so this Slob Blog was my way to learn about blogging while getting my house under control.
It turned out that A Slob Comes Clean was my real blog.
Things I didn’t know when I started:
- That anyone anywhere would relate to what I was writing.
- That people in my life WOULDN’T be horrified when they (eventually) found out my terrible Slob Secret.
- That one day I’d be referred to as a Cleaning Expert by the Home Depot and Huffington Post and more. (Oh, how this still makes me giggle.)
- That I would ever actually figure out how to get and keep my home under control.
- That if I did figure it out, I’d still struggle.
- That other people would look to me to help them get their homes under control.
- That people would send me stories of how my hard-learned concepts had worked in their own homes.
- That I would, exactly six years later, sign and mail a contract with a very big publisher to write not just one book, but two.
Did you catch that?
My big announcement:
I have signed a contract with Thomas Nelson, a division of HarperCollins, to write TWO traditionally-published BOOKS.
Two real books. With pages you can turn and everything.
That you’ll be able to pick up at your local bookstore.
This summer, as all this was happening, Hubby and I prayed about this decision. It’s a big one. I’m committing the next two years of my life to some pretty serious projects. We discussed and we prayed, and then we looked at one another and said, “Why would I not do this?”
If you’ve been around a while, you know I started blogging out of a burning desire to write. “Being a writer” was my goal, and blogging was a way to start working toward that goal.
I ended up falling in love with blogging as its own art form, with the immediacy of the relationship with you, my reader. I also learned (after much resistance and hesitation and downright saying no) that I had a message of hope to share.
So, even though I never in a million ba-jillion years would have believed I’d one day write a book about cleaning, I’m giddy at the thought.
Thanks for joining me on this crazy ride, and here’s to another six (or sixteen) years of blogging and the fun that it will bring!
The first book is set to release in January of ’17. It’s going to be a while. In the meantime, my e-books will help you get started on your own deslobification process.
Note: That first picture isn’t his first day of Kindergarten. It’s his 50th day. If I’d taken the time to get lost in pictures from 2009, searching for a first day picture, I’d never have finished this post. And I have a book to write!!!!
Congratulations!! That is so exciting!
Wahoo!!! That’s great news, Nony/Dana!!!! Congratulations!!!!
Congratulations! That is great news!
I’m so glad that your dream is happening! Thank you for helping us and encouraging us to keep on moving forward!
Congrats! That’s awesome!
THIS I AWESOME NEWS! Congratulations. Can’t wait to hold the first book in my hands and read it.
Congratulations on the book deal! And here I thought maybe the big news was that your house was totally clean, decluttered and organized. 😉
How exciting!!!!!! I can’t wait to read your books, I still prefer a good ol’ fashioned handheld book. But I’m actually on the internet ignoring the clutter I’m trying to clean up today. I’m so glad your FB post popped up to remind me to get my butt off the couch & finish before the kids got home from school!
Congratulations! This blog has definitely helped my house. For example, there are no cabinet doors open in my kitchen and you will rarely find one just hanging open anymore. Who knew that others suffered from this affliction. Also, running the dishwasher every.single.night. My husband has finally gotten on board even if it isn’t totally full he will start it. We have slide on this one as summer is winding down but I’m am OK with it because it’s helped us see that running it every night no matter what is in it (unless it’s empty because we were out all day) makes a difference. Now if I could get myself on a “laundry day” schedule. Can’t wait to see the new book in 2017!
What amazing news! I am so happy for you. Congrats!!!
Congratulations!!! I cannot wait to hold your book in my hands! And I will be doing it in my hopefully-by-then decluttered house. 🙂
Woo- hoo! Congratulations! Can’t wait! Hope it has glossy photos. 😉
Congratulations! You’ve really inspired me to work harder towards my writing goals (and my cleaning ones of course ????)!
rock on mama! do your thing!
Yay! I hoped it would be this, although the pics of your son threw me a bit!
Congratulations! I already tell all my clients to read your blog….I guess I already know what my Christmas gifts for them will be in 2017!
Would it surprise you to learn that I already have this years Christmas gift list done, and my Christmas card envelopes are already addressed? Lol
Congrats! What a dream!
Get on with your bad self! This is awesome news. Congratulations!
That is so awesome!!! Very excited for you and this incredible opportunity! Praying for you and your family during this new adventure. God is so good!
That is so exciting!!! I am so proud of you!! I’ve been reading your blog for a couple years now and I always learn something new. Wow!!
Congratulations! I can’t wait to read it….your e-books are inspiring so I can only imagine what these paper books will be like….I’m so excited for you!
Congrats…..so happy for you.
Good for you Nonny! I hope the books are a roaring success!!! I’m sure they will be!
Finally, books for someone like me!!! Congrats on this new venture!!!!!!!
That is amazing. But not surprising. Your advice really has changed my life and the lives of many. I for one can’t wait to read it!
So happy for u!!
Can’t wait to turn those pages!!
OH WOW OH WOW OH WOW OH WOW OH WOW! Best news ever! Happy Blogiversary <3
Happy 6th Blogaversary!! Hearing that you’re publishing a fer- real, honest- to- goodness , rea-l paper book is the best news I’ve heard since my daughter told me she’s pregnant for the second time!!!!
So excited for me, and thrilled for you!!!
Gosh, that is fantastic Dana!! I’m so proud if you, friend, and can’t think of someone better suited to writing a book. ???? Can not wait to read them!
Happy 6th Blogiversary!!! and CoNgRaTuLaTiOnS!!!! so proud of you! and so excited!!! I’ve been waiting to hear news like this for 5 years now 😀
That is awesome! I can’t wait to read your books. I’ve read the e books and I love your style of writing. I can always picture us sitting and chatting while talking about everything. Good luck!
Congrats and you will do great!
Congratulations on that awesome and exciting news! Best of luck on this new project!
Congratulations on such great news! I don’t comment a lot on blogs but yours is one I always look forward to and one which has been very helpful to me as well as just being fun to read. Yes, I am a fellow slob.
Congratulations on your book deal. I look forward to buying it.I’m one of those people who like to have a “real” book to read instead of a e-book.One day maybe I too will have a reasonably clean home.
Congratulations! I’m so excited… How can I possibly wait one and a half years?! I only found you at the beginning of the summer, have read everything you’ve written (though I’m only partway through 28 days to hope for your home – I’m having a floor sweeping issue!) and am making serious progress with decluttering, dishes and laundry (one per day, not one day – it wouldn’t be possible with my combined washer/dryer). Anyway, I’m glad the summer is over 🙂 you’re such an encouragement to me in my homemaking efforts! Freezer cooking has done wonders for me as well. Thank you!
Congratulations and thank you for helping all us Slobs 🙂
Congrats!!!! Six years is an awesome accomplishment on sticking with blogging and the book deal is amazing. I think the fact that you have worked so long and hard to improve your home for your family is the greatest accomplishment of all. Thanks for sticking to it Dana, you give all us other Nony slobs such hope and inspiration!!!
Congratulations! Can’t wait to read it!
Congratulations!!! I eagerly look forward to your new books. I already own the e-books and love them so I have absolute faith I will enjoy your future books.
Congratulations! I am so happy for you. I can’t wait to read your books.
Congratulations! It’s going to be quite a ride! Enjoy every minute! You will be great!
Congratulations! How exciting! Can’t wait to read your books. Thank you for having the courage to share your struggles so we don’t feel alone.
Nony, your story reminds me of the saying, “Our greatest weakness can become our greatest strength”. You’re inspiring me!
I’m SO excited for you! What an awesome blessing, and I can’t wait to read them both!
Hooray, and congratulations! Please let me know if I can do anything to help. 🙂
I am continually smiling and shaking my head at the irony of standing at the door to your room when you were fourteen. At that moment I made the decision that I would never berate you again for the condition of your room. Their were more important issues–who knows what they were now?
I think God chuckles, too, at how He blesses you every day, not for being a slob, but for being wholly dedicated to Him with all your slobdom included. Mom
Just have to reply to Mom. You are amazing for choosing not to brate your young Nony – in-the-making! If my Mom would have chosen a similar path with me perhaps I would not be quite so “clean challenged” now. Much praise to you for it and I think I may have to adopt you as my Mom away from Mom!
Oh my gosh, I’m so so so excited for you! What an awesome, exciting (and terrifying, I’m sure!) thing. Congratulations!!
Congratulations! I got a bit behind in reading your blog, so I’m just now reading this, but I’m super excited for you!!!
OH!!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations! I found you 5 years ago. I googled how to keep your house clean when you are a slob or somthing a long those lines! I love your blog and tell people about it all the time! I think you are my sister from another mother because we think so much a like! Thank you for being willing to put yourself out there!
Woot woot!! Congrats! I bet your project-oriented mind is spinning right now =D.
Congratulations, can’t wait to read them…
I’m Always EAGER to read Your writings! Way to go Nony!!