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Links Mentioned Within This Podcast:
Clutter Avoidance Conversations – “I’ll See What I Can Use.”
Clutter Avoidance Conversations – “Oh, I Already Have One of Those.”
“You Know I Can’t Handle More Stuff”
Last Resort – Playing the Crazy Card
“Let Me Ask You Something First”
And pretty please?? Fill out the Listener Survey.
Hooray! I can hear it–loud and clear! Thanks, Dana.
Oh, I’m so glad!! I despise techey stuff, but looked up how to help the sound and meant to ask you if it was better!! Whew!
Thanks! I really enjoyed this podcast, and went to watch some of the videos I had missed. “You’re so Funny!” is my favorite one… but the one about “Tell me how it feels to be perfect” was pretty funny, too. One of these days (I keep hoping!), I will be!! 😉 LOL
This podcast is PERFECT for the holidays. It’s stuff we sort of know, but seem to forget under pressure. I love all your clutter avoidance and clutter guilt videos. Thanks for posting them!
Thanks!! I was worried I rambled like a crazy woman, so it’s good to hear you got something out of it!
Avoiding is a perfect way to keep clutter down! Nice podcast today.
Hi, I’ve never added comments before today, but as I went and found the site to do your survey, I thought I would add a comment! I came across your podcasts around Jan/Feb this year (2014) and love listening to them. It made me feel better that I wasn’t the only one who has too much stuff and never knew how to deal with it or more importantly how long everything took! I have excuses galore, ranging from losing my parents and having to empty the contents of their home (but that was now 7 years ago!) I also ‘love’ to be able to have things and be able to just know if I need some random thing, I have one somewhere. (but have bought duplicates, and I used to think, ‘What if I need…”. I ‘used to say that I aspired to be organised, (I think on my pinterest or twitter a/c it probably does say that!) however the truth is, I would be organised if I didn’t hoard so much stuff! Over the last year I have made big strides, and listening to your podcasts in the background as I go round decluttering and my technique is divide and conquer. I have done the kitchen and bedroom & clothes in the Spring and I tackled this summer a big walk in cupboard that really was floor to ceiling full and had to the door bolted shut to stop it spilling out. It had been like that for about 6 years! I still have lots to do but I Just want to say thank you – hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving. x
Oh thank you so much for this comment, Michelle!! And I love hearing about your progress!! (And thanks for doing the survey!!)
Thank you for all the help. Your podcasts have been literately life changing for me. I am on to the videos now. I really hope you do more podcasts. I completed your survey as well. THANK-YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh thank you!!!
It takes me a while to answer now. I go measure the space and think on it awhile- to see if that antique table will work as an adorable sewing table. Thinking I will get rid of the old rickity one that works pretty good.
But the old rickity one has DRAWERS which a sewing table needs. And the one that is being offered me- does NOT.
More often than not- I am saying ” I will let you know – I have to measure and think about it….) And if they say “but I wanted to get rid of it TODAY- I can even bring it over!” – then I pass.
I can’t tell you how many times I took a couch or table or clothing and made a huge mess( on top of the NORMAl mess) trying to fit it in or move the old stuff out. And the timing is never good. Sometimes I wind up keeping old stuff AND new stuff cause I get overwhelmed and confused. And then things will likely stay like that for a while cause I also have “slob vision”
This often happens during a week when I am already in the middle of a project- and DO NOT NEED anymore distractions or anything else to make decisions about!
Being a person who previously took any and all of everyone’s castoffs- and now do NOT often want them – do not want to go through them and decide what to donate– or toss or keep ( I have enough of that to do in my own house!)- I have suprised people. Maybe offended a few. ( thanks for the different ways of handling saying “NO”- But they are getting used to me saying– No thanks– or ” I can’t make a decision right now- if someone else wants it before I get back to you- go ahead and give it to them.”
Drives the normies crazy.
Dear Dana
By The way, Im from Germany
I just Love Love Love your Podcast
I found your Podcast, Maybe 2 Weeks ago and heard, till now, Maybe 50 of them
Oh my god
I Hear it While driving and The housework and – of course, while decluttering … You can Motivate me so much… my House Looks sooooo much better Till I found you
Keep going
Sorry for my english 😬
I unterstand you very well, But writing is another thing
Greetings from berlin, Germany
Nuryn 💕