It’s my biggest Vacation Fear.
At least one of them.
Something happening that requires someone to go into my house while I’m out of town. Y’know, while I’m not there to logically explain or frantically straighten or (most importantly) steer them away from the master bedroom door.
Since I began my deslobification process, I’ve had a few times when arriving home from a vacation was a joyous victory and I’ve basked in the glow of a house that didn’t look like it had been ransacked.
I’ve had more-than-a-few times when the ransacked-thing wasn’t terribly far-fetched.
When we left for our vacation almost two weeks ago, I was OVERLY proud of the fact that there were two measly little dirty dishes in the sink because I had obsessed over running the dishwasher before I left. I chose to ignore that the rest of the house (and even the rest of the kitchen) looked like a junk bomb had exploded.
Two summers ago, I lived my nightmare of having someone go into my house while I was gone. Still, though . . . I chose to live in purposeful denial that this could ever possibly happen again.
Purposeful denial. I’m good at that, but it so rarely works out well . . . .
Any guesses how it worked out this time?
Mmm-hmmm. TWICE! TWO times over the course of this vacation I had to ASK someone to enter my house. KNOWING the couches were covered with clean-but-unfolded clothes and not knowing exactly what was covering every other surface. And being pretty sure that the master bedroom door . . . was open.
One of the visits was to gather baseball clothes for a playoff game that we didn’t end up getting to anyway.
But the other? That one was totally worth it. Worth every future cringe when I remember something else that they probably had to step over as they entered my kitchen.
My very kind and willing-to-help friends had to enter my kitchen to measure the spaces for my kitchen appliances.
See, about four days into our vacation, I checked email on my phone while at the National Air and Space Museum. My heart . . . stopped. My eyes widened. I turned to my husband and whisper-screamed that I had just received an email informing me that I’m one of Maytag’s Kitchen Moms!
Aaaahhhh! If, like my husband, you’re wondering exactly what that means . . . I’ll tell you! New kitchen appliances!!! At the end of July, I’ll receive:
- An Ice20 French Door with Easy Access Refrigerator
- A Jetclean Plus Dishwasher with Fully Integrated Controls
- An Over-the-Range Microwave with Stainless Steel Interior
- A 6.2 cu. Ft. Capacity Electric Range with Triple-Choice and Speed Heat Elements
All provided by Maytag!!!
See why I almost hyper-ventilated? To say I’m excited is an understatement! You know my fridge drama of the past few months, and if you follow me on Facebook, you also know the “new to me” fridge that I settled for when my other fridge died has been far from ideal. I’m so excited to not have to worry about leaky ice-makers or frozen apples!
And come on, I’m the Use Your Dishwasher Every Day Lady, right? I can’t wait to bask in the glow of a new dishwasher!
This is most definitely the biggest thing that’s happened to me as a blogger! As a Maytag Mom, I’ll be posting about my experiences over the next four months, and I’m sure I’ll have quite a bit to learn since I’ve only had ONE new appliance in my life. I’ve always lived in a world of figuring out what my appliances could do by random discoveries made over the years.
Disclosure: I wrote this post participating in a Maytag Moms Dependable Kitchen Ambassador program by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Maytag. I will be provided with a Maytag kitchen appliances set, including a refrigerator, microwave, dishwasher, and range to facilitate my post.
Congratulations! That is so awesome Dana!
Thank you, Maureen!
Congratulations! How wonderful for you!! I have to say that I am just a teeny tiny envious, but that’s ok, my day is coming when we remodel our kitchen. Enjoy!!!
Mazel tov! Congratulations! Couldn’t happen to a more deserving blogger! Enjoy the awesomeness, post lots of pictures!
I’m so excited for you!!! Sparkling, new appliances! It will be like having a whole new kitchen, and some great motivation to get those dishes cleaned up every night. Enjoy!
CONGRATS! That is crazy exciting!
congrats! enjoy those new shiny appliances with pride. very happy for you!
OMG!!! all new appliances! I’d be hyper-ventilating too!
AHHHHHHHH!!!!! That is fantastic news! How exciting for you! 🙂 So totally worth any embarrassment of having someone see a cluttered house. Enjoy your new “toys”! Can’t wait to see pics.
I understand your mortification ! Suddenly all of the stuff you could ignore in person, comes flying to the front of your mind to make you cringe.
Congratulations on the appliances!!
Yay!!!! How exciting?! Congrats! Will be reading every post, Nony!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Totally worth it!
Sa-weet! Do they have one for washers/dryers. because my dryer has been making this awful loud pitched squeak every time we run it. It also has a small crack in it which catches clothing and subsequently puts a BURN mark and rips them. And with 6 kids…I use my appliances a lot. I can totally understand how you would hyperventilate getting new appliances. Heck, I hyperventilate just going down the vacuum aisle at Target. 🙂
Actually they do have Maytag Laundry Moms!
Too exciting! I’m thrilled for you!
Amazing – I am so happy for you! What a gift!
So excited for you!!!! I would be hyperventilating too!!!
But since I’m not a blogger it will never happen, So I’m safe
Congratulations on your new appliances! I’m so happy for you (and, okay, jealous as all get out, too.) TOTALLY good reason to have someone go in your home while you’re away!
Thank you, Katie! I can’t believe it!
Oh, that is so COOL! I am so jealous of you right now. So very stinking jealous. You deserve it! 🙂
Very envious right now. Congrats! I’d love to be a Maytag Laundry & Kitchen Mom! Wonder if there is an HVAC company that wants a Mom (really need a new one of those).
Seriously though Congrats!
That is so exciting for you! I bet you couldn’t wait to return home from your vacation just so you could receive your new appliances! Congratulations, Dana!
Thank you Tonya!
WOW! Congratulations! I would be jumping for joy if I were in your shoes.I know you will totally enjoy having all those new appliances.
Congrats! I would so hyperventilate! Then make a total fool of myself screaming in the museum! I bet you never thought those acting classes would come in handy to keep you calm!
You are SO lucky and I am SO jealous. I couldn’t even apply for this as I live in a rental. Oh how I would LOVE to have all of that top-of-the-line stuff though. But, you DO deserve it. G-d has been so good to you. (I’m sure this happened in answer to a prayer!) And, I honestly AM trying to overcome my envy. I’m sure I will, very soon.
Peace and Love
Wow, wow, wow! I wouldn’t have whisper-screamed, it would have been full on jumping and screaming!