I’m not actually going to write about clothes for rabbits.
Though I must say . . . animals-wearing-people-clothes is one of my favorite things. For some r
eason, that sight always makes me happy.
Especially monkeys. What is it about a monkey in shorts and a t-shirt that makes me want to giggle?
Anyway, back to the Rabbit Clothes.
That’s my couch.
Even though a-week-ago-Friday I totally caught up on laundry and had a laundry-less couch.
Even though I’ve been keeping up with the fold-it-right-out-of-the-dryer-and-put-it-away-before-the-next-load-is-done thing today, there’s that much on the couch.
Left from last Laundry Day.
So, let’s do a little math. Ten days ago, my couch was clear. Sevenish days ago, Laundry Day was a haphazard thing since I spent all of it at the zoo with my daughter’s kindergarten class. Throughout the week, I did get everything washed at random times, but felt justified in reverting to my pile-it-all-on-the-couch-for-the-sake-of-time thing.
It’s Laundry Day again, and the couch doesn’t look any less full than it ever has.
Meaning, where is all this laundry coming from? We’ve purged and purged and purged clothing, and yet we still have enough to wash every last dirty item in the house and leave it all on the couch for a week.
Virtually untouched.
(Except for socks and undies. Every day of the week involved frantic searches for those.)
Sometimes I truly don’t get it. And that’s where the rabbit analogy comes in. I have no experience in Rabbit Farming, but I’ve heard the references to things multiplying like rabbits. I think that’s what our clothes are doing.
Perhaps it’s time for another drastic clothing reduction experiment.
I said perhaps. It’s not like I’m going to do it today.
Jen says
Still in the purging process, but can totally feel your pain! Laundry is my worst nightmare. How awesome you actually caught up on it. Me- can’t remember 1990 maybe? lol
Cath says
“Especially monkeys. What is it about a monkey in shorts and a t-shirt that makes me want to giggle?” Sorry, Nony, can’t agree with you on this. If I saw a monkey dressed like this, I would wonder why it wasn’t in its natural habitat with its fellow monkeys.
Nony says
Ah yes. I suppose you’re right. I just have such fond memories of childhood books and movies with animal characters.
Mom in Michigan says
Thank you, Noni, for your honesty, humility and humor! I have made better efforts and had more success with putting away my family’s clean laundry as a result of reading your posts lately. We are a household of 11 people and right now I have two laundry baskets full of dirty things to sort and wash. Thanks again! 🙂
kris says
I have this same laundry problem. There is a big pile in my room that I move onto the bed in the morning intending to put it all away. I put some of it away then hubby or I move it back off the bed at night only to go through it all again the next day. And some how more laundry joins the pile. Of all the household slob tendencies I would love for this to be the one we over come. Looking for clothes when things aren’t in your drawers in the morning makes for chaos that can be avoided!! And I think I need to do a purge again too. My 7 year old has way to many clothes (so many hand me downs) and he wears the same things over and over again anyway!
Dottie says
My loveseat looks like your couch at this moment. We have three people in the family. Eesh. I’m still purging as I go, because we have way too much stuff in this house, especially clothes.
Sherri Jason says
I rejoiced the day that it became popular around here for the kids to wear unmatched socks! Our mornings became much less frantic! Because unlike other clothes, socks do not multiply…. they magically disappear!
Sue says
I want to tell you there is hope – someday those piles will go away. Of course that means the children will have gone away, too, all grown up! Sometimes I feel a *little* nostalgic for the days of lots of laundry! Of course those kids do get old enough to do laundry themselves – that helped a lot with teenage boys with those tall jeans and a clean towel every time they took a shower (at least twice a day)!
ShannonP says
I love your laundry posts. As a result, I started purging the boy’s dresser. I MADE my 5-y-o try on every last pair of shorts and pants in his drawer to see what fit and what doesn’t. If it didn’t fit, it was added to too-small pile — er, mountain, that that needs to be donated and/or ripped into cleaning rags. I also now know that he doesn’t need a single pair of new shorts this summer or a swimming suit. Previously, we would have ended up with more that were never worn and were just making it impossible to close his drawer.
On drawer down, 11 to go. (Two dressers for three kids).
Mary Stephens says
Around here it’s the paper clutter that has rabbit tendencies. :-/ One day awhile back I sorted through a pile of recipes with the intent of putting them where they belonged or giving them away, and…..it got knocked off of the pile it was sitting on (sigh) onto the floor. Now it’s sitting on the air purifier (which hasn’t been used for weeks) waiting to be resorted. 😛 I can relate to your frustration of the multiplying piles. 🙂
Mary Stephens says
P.S. My frustration with laundry is multifaceted, but not identical. Our drier is wimpy and can’t be run for more than 20 minutes at a time or it overheats. So, I have to keep remembering (yeah right) to go turn it on every once in awhile till the load is dry. We’re talking slooooow progress on the laundry. Thankfully, I’m only washing for two, or I’d be working on laundry every day of the week. I end up with some aspect most days anyway. Then I still have trouble getting it folded and out of the laundry basket. 😛 I need to try your method. It would at least shorten the process.
priest's wife says
doing laundry and dealing with BASKETS of random clothes make me consider being Amish (not really….but….)
Each person has about 4 outfits, hung on hooks (no closets needed!)- always clean and ready to go
The cheapness of our clothes (just run to target if you don’t have the perfect shade of blue t-shirt) makes them multiply
Time to PURGE
Nony says
Oh Yes! In the days when I was a garage sale addict, the sheer volume of clothing (all purchased for pennies) made it impossible to EVER get caught up!
Shanna says
Today is oh-woe-unto-me-why-didn’t-I-try-harder-on-this-laundry-day day. Shuttin’ this ‘puter and gettin’ to work.
Put my FB review on Amazon for you Nony!