In the Gameroom Saga, Amy mentioned in the comments that a rug would help pull the room together.
I just happened to have one!
And I actually knew where it was!
And . . . it had been stored perfectly so I could pull it right out and use it!
I should probably mention here that the storing-perfectly wasn’t really something I did.
Back when Normal Friend helped me in my master bedroom (which she would be appalled to see right now), she helped me/forced-me-to decide that the Rug that Hated Me needed to go.
Since it was a nice rug in colors that I do like, she agreed that I should store it.
Strangely, though . . . instead of shoving it to the side to be dealt with later . . . . she promptly/immediately/right-then-without-even-groaning vacuumed it, rolled it up, and used garbage bags and tape to cover the rug before shoving it under the bed.
So I knew exactly where to find it last week, and was able to unroll it in its new home without any hassle at all.
Unlike things might have been if I had decided to store it my usual way.
Y’know, barely rolled up and shoved in a corner of the garage to serve as a spider breeding ground.
I hear ya, I love it when I take time to do things RIGHT! 😉
I love any mention of Normal Friend and hope she is keeping well. What a gem of a friend she turned out to be, fancy vacuuming the rug before rolling it up! We slobs can only look on in wonder.
Can I have your ‘normal friend’? I need her! And I love her! (Even though I know nothing about her, but that she must love you to not only put up with you, but to help you in areas that she just can’t possibly understand. Ya’ know, like how it is that ‘we’ operate.)
I need a normal friend….
I have not had the guts to invite a ‘normal’ person into my slob brain. Sometimes reading your posts I wish I could do something like meditate my way into a normal brain and think of things like this. One day I may let one in……one day.
I just KNEW I recognized that rug! It looks great there. And I know this is a really old post, so by the time I catch up the whole thing may have changed, but I think the new arrangement is just so nice!
Haha, that rug in your bedroom was driving me crazy, too! I’m unreasonably happy that it found a better home!