Technically, this post should be a report on what I decluttered in December.
But that was so last year.
For some reason, I have no desire to even go look at my decluttering category. Not sure where this defiant attitude is coming from . . . but I’m just in the mood to look forward. To what I’m doing right now.
And what I’m doing right now isn’t too terribly much, but it’s extreme.
Meaning, I am right back into the swing of life and haven’t had the time to do any whole-house-overhauling, but the one small project I did was extreme. I went from this:
To this:
That’s right. I ditched a piece of furniture.
Even though it was a very cute piece of furniture that sounded super-useful in the description on ebay that made me buy it several years ago. (You’ll have to watch the video to see how super-cute it was.)
When you can’t see it because it is a dumping ground . . . you’re not allowed to call it cute.
Things I found while cleaning it off before pushing it into the garage:
– The bag with the video camera and other electronics for the car which we took to Disney World . . . last July.
– My coupon box that I knew was full of expired coupons, but didn’t pitch a YEAR ago because I thought there were a few coupons in there that were good through the end of 2011. There were. I didn’t use them. It’s 2012 now.
– Inside that box, there was also a poptart. I don’t remember the last time I bought poptarts.
Honestly, my kids were a little freaked when they came home and the bench wasn’t there. Not that they were in the habit of using it for their shoes. Just as a target for the area of the room where shoes get thrown.
They’ll adjust.
My first Decluttering Webisode of 2012! (If you’re reading in email, click through to see the video.)
Now, it’s time to share your own decluttering successes! (Or struggles.) You can share what you decluttered in December, in all of 2011, so far in January . . . anything as long as it’s about decluttering! Leave a comment or link up a post from your own blog. If you do link up a blog post, I ask that you link back to A Slob Comes Clean within your post. If you need help to know how to do that, just ask!
And let me know your thoughts on continuing the monthly decluttering reports. Should we cut them out, or would it be easier-to-remember/more-motivating to do a weekly decluttering link-up. I really do want to know what you think. I won’t be offended if you don’t think I should keep it going!
Oh, and don’t forget that today is the last day of the 2$ intro price for the easy-to-download e-book version of all of my printable housekeeping checklists and their accompanying posts!
awwww that was so cute. If I was in your neighborhood I would offer to buy it from you 🙂 I too need to do some extreme stuff this year….
I love your blog. I don’t have any decluttering to report, in 2011 I DID go through all of the kids clothes that were stored and gave away about half (all baby girl stuff) so I guess that’s something. I relate so much to you (I read through your first week or so of blog posts and some recent ones). Thanks for being honest and making others of us feel normal and like we can get it together!! Here is to a year full of decluttering!!!! I would LOVE for you to continue the monthly reports/link up. Maybe I’ll even get it together enough to actually post on my blog :).
my website was typed wrong when I sent the above comment
decluttering..the constant battle…i think i figured out why i always have stuff to pitch….um donate….
i keep buying more…why i thought this xmas the kids needed sooo much??????????? sigh….
let the pitching commence
my word??? too many..can it be a poem???? ill have to think on that…
discipline seems to fit in all my struggle areas
It was cute! But I bet the cleared space is evern cuter.
I vote for weekly link-ups – I just started my decluttering blog and I’m delighted to see all the others to keep me motivated!
ok well I tried to link up, but obviously I’ve never done it before and I should have put the name of MY POST rather than MY NAME. duh. anyway, so it shows my link as Sherri. I’m not sure it’s a great linking up post though anyway because it says NOTHING of my success, just me trying to figure it all out! Thanks for the opportunity though! 🙂
I should add that I did add a link to your post within my post at the bottom. I’m new to blogging and don’t know all the nifty tools yet but hope to learn more!
Thanks! I know, there’s soooo much to learn, but you’ll get there!
It’s okay, Sherri! And figuring it all out is a big part of things!
I love your blog! I would love to see your decluttering posts weekly! Starting today I am decluttering my crazy chaotic craft room. My entire house needs an overhaul (I am extremely overwhelmed, so I kept putting it off), but I am tackling it little by little. My craft room will take more than one day, but I’m ok with that. Also, instead of buying a bunch of stuff to organize, I am trying to use things I already have around the house, and in the recycling bin!
RE:buying stuff to organize – I have that same problem! I recently told myself I can not buy anymore organization things. I’ve realized it just makes more clutter in my house.
Soooo true.
I do my own decluttering posts weekly (or try to!), but I may see if doing the link-up weekly would help as a better reminder.
My very first link up! I’ve been doing EXTREME decluttering for the past two month but my word would have to be PEACE. I’m creating a peaceful environment for my family. The clutter, the mountains of junk piles were very stressful to all of us.
I didn’t want to write a whole new post about my biggest decluttering achievement so I linked up an older one. Hope that ok!
Noni, please let me know if I linked it all up ok 🙂
LOVE the word peace. That’s what it’s all about, right?
It is a CUTE PIECE of furniture!! (sorry, I know you DON”T need to hear that! <:O) It would great (and useful) in a mud room area or entryway.
OK. Your comment has me thinking . . . about my entryway!!! Hmmmm. As of this moment, it is in the garage, so I’ll need to decide soon!
Well, I would take a picture of my entry bench/storage/coat holder, but I’m not sure I could figure out how to attach it? Anyway, my entry piece of furniture thingy as a low horizontal area were we sit to put on shoes (kind of like Mr. Rogers <:O) and two baskets underneath to hold restaurant coupons, pocket Bibles for church, backpacks for school (but we home school now). The top has a mirror with three double hooks underneath it. I use one hook for my purse, keys, sunglasses, and the boys use the use the other two hooks for the jacket they are current wearing (ONE, not a collection!! :))
Does that help?
MAN! I promise I wasn’t DRUNK when I made that last post!! I was just trying to HURRY for your sake!! 😀
I really have nothing to report for 2011 decluttering, I think I donated about 10 bags of stuff but other than that you can not see great results. I have added a decluttering plan to my household binder and as part of my daily schedule I hope that this gets me more motivated… I love you videos and would like to see them weekly as well they always help get me off my butt and working on something… Good luck to you and to me this year in all the crazy decluttering…
Ten bags is ten bags!
Thanks for the link up! I say keep these posts…either monthly or weekly. I need the inspiration!
Hello! I was wondering…is this link up a regular scheduled things or a one-time just doing it today link up.
Here’s why I ask. I have a squidoo lens where I promote one time or seasonal linky events (not weekly or monthly ones…too many out there for me to even try). But I’m also working on a page where I specifically link to organizational events (weekly, monthly, one time, whatever). So, whether this is just a one time thing or something you do regularly, I’d like to link it up…but I need to know which it is so I know where to put it (and if it’s regular, know when you have it…first friday of the month? Every Friday, etc?) Thanks!
Gale, I would love to be listed. Last year, I did a monthly decluttering update, but am considering going weekly this year. I’ll probably decide in the next week and announce here on the blog.
PS: The events linky I referred to was:
The organizational one is going to be similar.
Hooray for extreme decluttering! But am I the only one worried about where Nony will keep her returns, now? Wait–you put up some shelves somewhere nearby, did’t you? Could you use one of those shelves?
As for that space–Will you put a basket or box there for shoes? Then the kids really could practice their aim!
I’m going to go declutter something just so I can link up.
I know! I’m worried too! But since that spot obviously wasn’t working, I might as well find another spot!
I’m going to give myself some time to see what I need to put there for the shoes.
I decluttered the lower cabinets in my butler’s pantry. It was fortunate that my son and his friends were having a New Year’s party so a lot of the stuff went from cabinet to bags to the party. Pretty good, huh?!
Great! Especially when you have a place for the stuff to go, RIGHT then!
Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog! I have enjoyed visiting yours…and will be visiting again! 🙂
I love how freeing getting rid of a dumping ground piece of furniture is! A few months ago the bookshelf that I thought was so cool in the master bedroom finally got listed on craigslist because we were using it to shove whatever random stuff didn’t fit anywhere else in the house. The master bedroom is so much more peaceful without it and the best part, no other piece of furniture has taken over being the dumping ground in there 🙂
That’s what I”m hoping for! More peace in a less-crowded room!
LOVE your videos!! So glad I finally clued into the fact you have a blog!! You have made me evaluate a lot of the things I have for no reason?!! 😉 goodwill will be lovin me in 2012!!
I did keep it a pretty good secret, huh?
I must’ve dumped about a dozen trash bags of junk, I donated 8 grocery bags of books and clothes, and I even managed to get to the recycling center to drop off an old microwave and printer!
I love the decluttering link ups – so the more the better! I have been able to glean a lot of great ideas from your blog (and others) which really has made an improvement here for me in my cleaning/decluttering endeavors. Plus its motivating to me personally!
As for my decluttering this week:
I managed to donate a box of books to our local library
I got rid of a box of various items that have been haunting house for too long (thank you freecycle!)
I got rid of a bag sheets(!) – a big step for me (freecycle again!)
I have a bag of baby food to freecycle (I don’t know anyone currently with a baby LOL)
Today I am tackling the dreaded utility/knife drawer in my kitchen. I just did this last year – and you cannot tell. EEEK!! Even my spouse was horrified at what I was puling out.
Plus I have a bag of random clothing to deal with – perhaps a goodwill drop off later today? We will see how motivated I get 🙂
And just on a sidenote, before you get rid of that cute cabinet thingy – see if you can use it somewhere else in your house. Kids room? Entryway? Bathroom? Maybe an alternative piece of furniture could be sacrificed instead of that? It just looks like it could be useful to me – if given the proper purpose and all 🙂
Hi Nony….whew..I did it. I read your entire blog starting from August 09.
I think (I hope) you have made a difference in my life….we will see!!
So much to share with you but will give it too you in spurts…..
Anywhoo….your blog inspired me, and still I just sat and look at the mess.
I laugh at your webisodes..I think, not only for your wisdom, but your facial expressions crack me up.
I have almost been in tears to see you clean the same “spot” over and over again and feel your pain….
I rejoice with you when you have figured out “what works for you”
I love that you have included your children in on cleaning escapades, and even if some consider them too young…I was always told your never too young or old to learn something new!!!
Soooo, due to my own negligence, things have slipped away from me…my biggest two problems are the bathroom and kitchen..seem familiar?
My kichen sink right now is full to the brim with dishes, because I haven’t emptied my dishwasher for two days….
As we pull clean plates from the dishwasher to use each day, the door gets left open…wide open, and nobody thinks to close it.
My kitchen table is my dumping ground…for everything…probably because both my front door and my side door open into the kitchen…its the first place for everything to get dropped….hmmmm
My bathroom………….is brand new, just had it done top to bottom in April…other than light cleaning on the counter and a swish every now and again in the toilet, nothing gets done!!
my only other obstacle is my bedroom…I hate it….my hubby works straight midnights, so our bed is never made, even when the bedding is changed….why bother is my motto….I get out in the morning just before he climbs into it and visa versa…..AND….our bedroom is the only entrance to our huge back deck, through the sliding doors, unless you want to go through the front doors, down the driveway, walk around the deck to get to the stairs to get to the deck…no?? okay, go through the bedroom then….where drawers are always open and laundry is piled high on all three dressers, our closest doors dont slide closed because something is always blocking them and so on…
I feel your pain!!
So, as I sit here in my office (another hot mess) typing this, I got a phone call and while taking I spun my chair around and cleaned the top drawer of my desk, a job that took about 7 minutes and now my garbage container needs to be emptied and the new toothbrushes/dental floss from the dentists office (cleaned out of my purse, shoved into the drawer) can go into the bathroom and my advil, tums and hairbrush can go with it…now its so organized, if only I could find my camera I could have taken a before and after picture….hmmmm.
I am in Peterborough, Ontario Canada and it is a balmy 1* celcius, not for you but its actually quite nice out for us northeners!!
Going to go empty my dishwasher, fill it and run it….see what I can do with the kitchen table!!!
Nice to cyberly meet you………Jan
I started a blog after I read a book about a self cleaning house….. Password protected it so that only certain people could see it…then after about a month decided it was too much of a hassle. I have some great before and after pics of my decluttering, but still don’t want any of my friends to see them! 😉
2011…. Decluttered master suite completely, also living room, family room, under the stairs hall closet.
Hey Nony,
I loved this one. The usual slew of laughs as I go, O I think I have something just like that here somewhere. It made me cringe, when I saw that cute furniture and realized it was going, and I immediately thought of 10 reasons you should keep/repurpose ( I hate that repurpose is a word now). And then I realized that as usual that’s half of my problem. It’s easy to keep fooling yourself that “it’ll be useful” or “I”ll just do better, if I could just work a little harder”
This kind of extreme declutter is really what I need. Extreme honesty that is. Stop lying about what you will do, stop cringing about what you should do, and just recognize what’s working or not working for your family RIGHT NOW. If someday you have it so under control that you need a shoe bench the right shoe bench will come around.
Thanks for a good honest kick off to the year.
Love your blog, Nony! I’ve been decluttering mostly smallish spaces, like the 2 drawers in the coffee table, or the bookshelf that holds all the board games in my house. Then last week my furnace gave out and I had to move all the clutter around it so that a new one could be installed. Rather than put everything back, I decluttered the basement! Broke down empty boxes for recycling, packed up 2-1/2 boxes of old clothes and toys for donations, added a couple of books to the partly full box of books to be donated eventually, threw out 2 bags of trash . . . Great way to start 2012!
Awesome! I’m ready to tackle my basement!
Ok first off……..big BIG applause for getting rid of that bench. …..because if it was me……yeah, couldn’t have done it. It was cute and once I had decluttered it. Would have forgotten my arguement for not needing/wanting it. So Kuddos to you!
K, for me. Not much in the decluttering department for the month of Dec. However, I am working on my EXTREME project, which is my master closet. Let my tell ya…..HUGE undertaking! I dedicated a large portion of a weekend to it (2 weekend’s ago) and then have be doing a 15min./day attack everyday since then. I hope to be done by the end of the month or else I might give up.
Anyway, today I used my 15 (which turned into 30) minute closet declutter to do my dresser instead. It was driving me crazy that it just had to be done.
Ironically, I just cleared it at the beginning of Dec. so in most normal people’s world…..there shouldn’t have been enough there to equate 30 min. But……welcome to my slob world. I have photos but I don’t think I can link it to this post (I won’t post them on my blog because my MIL DOES read my blog) I live in an imaginary world that only my husband and kids know how really bad it is.
I wish I could also say that now that this is cleared my bedroom is a santuary of piece and relaxation. Well I guess you could……so long as you don’t look in any other direction except the dresser…..and only the dresser…..not beside……well you get the picture.
On a side note, I like the idea of the monthly. I like to participate in the link up’s but don’t usually have the time to do more frequent then monthly.
Keep up the great work Nony. I see your following growing every day! So proud of you.
I asked over at Amy’s Finer Things if she was going to continue her year-long decluttering challenge but she directed me to you and said you’ll be taking it over. I am excited! I started last year but I was getting ready to graduate college so my efforts didn’t get too far. This year, I am ready! I want my house to be “move-ready”…for the day when we can sell this house and move elsewhere! If we were to move right now, I fear it would take weeks, maybe months, to go through our basement. Looking forward to your posts!
A little late with this comment… but I’ve been catching up on your blog today. At the end of December, I removed a 46″ TV from the house. It had been replaced about 4 months ago because it quit working. Put it on the curb, and placed a notice on craigslist. It was gone in less than an hour. Then yesterday I got rid of my broken office chair and a metal crate that was broken because my daughter kept sitting on it. It is so nice not having to try to squeeze by that TV anymore 🙂
I could so see that in your daughter’s room. SO CUTE… But that kind of defeats the purpose… huh?
for people like me who need LOTS of motivation, a weekly declutter linkup would be great!!
about 5 wks ago, my lovely DIL came over and helped me clear out the sitting area of my master bedroom and i have actually managed to KEEP it that way!!! yay me!!! that is phenomenal.. you just don’t even know!!
also, we totally remodeled the kitchen this past year (aug-oct) and i made a point of only bringing back in the things that i really wanted in there and had a place for. i have also maintained that space for the last 4 months. yay me!!!
as far as decluttering, last month i got rid of a very large box full of misc. items. continuing this month with craft/sewing supplies (i really am a crafter, but have felt guilty about doing projects when the house was a wreck). wish me luck! it will probably be more straightening/consolidating than actual decluttering, but the end result will be the same.
oh, and my word for the year is “focus”.
Love your blog. I need major due cluttering help for my desk and shelves next to desk. All other projects have been successful. But I have all this crap…… desk and shelves are my huge catch all ! Help….any ideas ?
My decluttering strategies are here:
Hope that helps!
Today I’m doing digital decluttering. Spouse is planning to move our email accounts to a new host this week, and he wants to avoid the hassle of transporting all the old emails.
So I’m going through ALL of them, entering info in my phone, printing to PDF, or deleting. It’s slow, tedious going – so that’s a fun weekend project.
I get to break up the monotany by decluttering our creek bank. I’m working my way along the fence, trimming grass and digging out blackberry roots. This weekend, I hope to reach the new tree growing there, clear the space around it to remove competition.
Wish me luck!
Your blog has truly been a godsend to me. I have struggled with depression for most of my life and the first thing to go when I’m sick is taking care of my flat. I have good days (when I get a lot done and feel on top of things) and bad days (aka lying in bed, no energy, feel horrible for not being able to do anything), BUT reading your blog and watching your videos have changed the way I view my flat and eventually myself. I now truly understand that chipping away at the chaos in my flat is a million times better than random bursts of decluttering and it’s okay to do it like that because it suits me and it is helping me feel better. I am not a horrible person even if I have a sometimes-horrible-looking flat. I have learned to be nicer to myself and to think of it as a process that eventually will bring me to where I want to be.
So, I can with pride and confidence say that I am a slob! (improving…. hopefully)