Last week was crazy.
Absolutely no deslobification progress was made.
And when it comes to cooking for the family? Ummm, I didn’t.
But this week I’m working to get back to normal-ish.
So since I’m determined to get back to cooking every night, I’m working on the little-by-little freezer cooking approach.
Hubby was willing to grill last night in the freezing cold? Hmmm, why not grill three times what we need, so we’ll have some cooked chicken breasts to put in the freezer?
Serve some of those chicken breasts in mushroom gravy over rice tonight? Hmmm, why not cook up four times the rice we need so I can make Chicken Fried Rice later in the week?
I love Life as Mom’s reminder on her freezer cooking post this month that freezer cooking has to work for you and your family in the season that you’re in. The season that could change next year, next month, next week, or tomorrow.
That’s where I am right now as I try to make up for the chaos I allowed to happen while working on my Christmas play. I may not be able to get far ahead, but I can make it possible for us to have home-cooked meals this week.
I'm starting my first freezer cooking adventure this weekend… I'm so excited! Maybe I can finally quit eating Mc D's… :/