I declared today Cleaning Day.
Being so far behind after my total-house-neglect of the past week (or so), plus several out-of-routine-fun-things coming in the weeks before Christmas made me realize that if I didn’t double up on some cleaning tasks, there was a good chance that the house would stay in its current state throughout the Christmas season.
Plus, you know . . . I’m a slob-blogger, and being a slob-blogger means that I’m motivated to clean not only because we have more guests at this time of the year, but because cleaning spurs in-my-head-post-writing.
Today, my head was filled with random cleaning thoughts, both rational and irrational.
For example:
Why, oh why do I think it’s okay to leave still-bagged-groceries on the kitchen counter for over 24 hours?
If I leave them there long enough, we’ll use them up and I won’t ever have to put them away.
I do love watching the ring-around-the-toilet disappear as I scrub it.
Maybe, subconsciously, I let it get to the point where there’s a ring around the toilet so that I can experience that joy.
Wouldn’t it be so nice to live out in the country . . .
. . . without any neighbors for miles around . . .
(still rational)
. . . so that I could force my male offspring to use the great outdoors, where aim doesn’t really matter?
If Santa brought Hubby a gift certificate for a full-body-wax, would Hubby suspect that it was really me, and that my ulterior motive was to not have to sweep the bathroom so often?
It really is amazing how quickly the house starts to look better once I actually start cleaning.
Maybe it will stay clean until Hubby’s office party next Thursday night.
What are your most irrational cleaning thoughts?
*Crystal* says
This is hilarious and I can totally relate! I'm following you now… can't wait to read more of your random thoughts!
The 3D Momma says
As I was scrubbing my filthy bathroom, I had the thought, "I'm going to rent a port-o-john for the boys (we have 3). Then, I won't have to scrub pee off the floor, walls, and shower curtain. Plus, every few weeks, the p-o-j can be swapped out for a new one."
Shannon L says
I love this post! With two girls, I only have one guy to worry about and his aim is fairly good. Buuuut, I have extended family that have terrible aim. I find it on the wall, down the side of the bowl, on the trash can, back of the seat, etc. It really makes me wonder what is going on in there but I don't really want to know. Wish I could use a powerhose after he gets done.
One Mom says
Hmmm. "Maybe if I don't clean before company comes over, everyone will still assume I have and that the kids have just messed things up again."
They seem to be little tornadoes that whirl around after me making messes but only in the rooms I've already cleaned up. Like a painter needing a fresh canvas to create their masterpiece.
Staci says
This is my exact problem!!
christy says
hmmm….i thought i was the only one that thought this way 🙂
Danielle says
I have thoughts like this all the time. Finding your blog has saved my life. I felt alone. I sometimes think that if I leave the laundry on the couch we will rummage through it and get out what we need and it will disappear so I dont have to put it away.
Dana White says
Oh, you’re most definitely not alone!!
Rebecca says
Love this post! I have similar thoughts often. So glad I’m not alone in my delusions:)
Kentucky Bound says
I know this is an old post, but my favorite irrational thought relates to laundry:
If I do one load a day, but never get around to folding the whole load, instead just adding another load the next day, it will eventually all go away anyway because we’ll wear it and I’ll just fold a few pieces every day. Between the wearing and the little bit of folding, I’m taking out more than I put in. Right?!
I don’t know why, because it SEEMS rational, but it never truly works….
Kimberly says
I think my irrational chore is sorting Lego. I do it because I find it somewhat therapeutic. I like it when they are all sorted and I can entertain my inner child and build some pretty amazing stuff. Also a good task for procrastination. Sadly It will never stay sorted because I have a 4 year old. And it isn’t even a chore that should be on the list when there is laundry and dishes.
Shawn Vargas says
If I stay in bed long enough, my house will get cleaned by other people.
Your gracious attitude of assuming the best from others has really helped me adjust my expectations.