Why oh why did I get on Twitter just now?
I should have been cleaning the kitchen. I should have been making the icing for my son’s birthday cake. I should have been doing anything other than checking Twitter.
Why, you ask, am I being so dramatic?
I did my normal Twitter check of the people I met at the Savvy Blogging Summit. Crystal Collins of the Thrifty Mama just happened to tweet something about a linky going up for people who want to participate in a 30 Day Shred Challenge starting on Monday.
I have the 30 Day Shred DVD.
I hate the 30 Day Shred.
But I really need to do the 30 Day Shred.
I’ve been looking for something to motivate me, and this sounds like what I need. Grrrr.
Crystal (who is adorable and quite small) says that she is going to post daily pictures of herself online to show her progress.
Ummm, I’m not.
It took me about 8 months to post a picture of my face on here, and you can be sure I will not be posting a picture of my . . . well . . . my anything else.
Here goes nothing. I’m in.
LOL! You are too funny. 🙂 You can do it…let's go girl
Thanks for sharing this! I also have the 30 day shred, and I'm trying to get motivated to do it again. Maybe this will help. Thanks!
YAY! Good luck!
Reading “from the beginning” has been helpful.
I even clicked on Raising Arrows, and found her 2010 + updated post that mentioned ASCC. (I also figured I’d hear her daughters story, as I know how important those are to be heard, then proceeded to massively sob for at least 30 min, and hug my ‘babies’ extra close)
Today as I helped with dinner, (hubs usually is the main cook) I shred a whole cooked chicken I got yesterday. It went into Ramen + extra veggies and other delicious additions.
Then after I cleaned up all the dishes, so I could use a cutting board, I added some canned chicken, more veggies (shoulda had hubs chop extra for my dish, but I went with a couple other options instead) and dressing to make quite a bit of chicken salad.
Quick mention to the hubs that chicken salad with melted cheese on toast & hopefully I won’t be the only one eating it!!
I had plenty to freeze, and finally felt like we were getting back into a prep routine.
As we had done before baby’s 2 & 3.
Thank You for posting your progress!!
After cleaning up from my chicken prep, I decided to take a walk outside in the brisk December air.
It felt good to be bundled up, but have cold air to breathe (- :
I’m working on the little daily things, and it’s helping, if ever so slightly…
I’m paying attention to what actually should be done daily, and how putting in that effort DAILY can help create extra time to focus on the bigger harder tasks.