I shared yesterday that I had finally given in and done the changeover from Summer clothes to Fall/Winter clothes. It’s a big task that has to be done, twice a year. It’s not the task itself that I’m so proud of, it’s that I’m finished! You wouldn’t even know from walking in the living room that I just did it yesterday!
For me, this is a very big deal. I love to start projects, but it’s the finishing that I struggle with. In the past, I’ve felt completely justified to let the changeover take 3 or 4 days.
3 days of a living room piled in clothes.
Piles of clothes amongst all of the other “everyday” clutter.
There’s the difference. I’m learning to love my pretty living room. I wanted it back. So I completed the project. I used my 5 minute walk-through today to get all of those last stray items back to their true homes. Go me!
I think that the main thing I’ve gained from this journey is hope. When my losing battle with clutter used to make me feel hopeless that my home could ever look nice, I couldn’t find the energy to complete this kind of task because I couldn’t see the point.
Now I’ve seen that even we can live in an orderly home, and just knowing that gives me that boost of energy that I need.

Linked up with other Tackle It Tuesday posts!
I enjoy reading your blog and have become a regular subscriber to your blog too. I too am trying to get everything in order. I am really good at doing it and making it neat but then to keep it that way that is where my down fall is.
I like the idea of adding one thing every week.
What I have been doing which is definitely not working for me is to clean everything on Saturdays . Yikes I need to organize myself to do a little every day and then have Sat. and Sun . off to rest.
Help I need a schedule!!!!!!!!!
You are doing really great. I am a "slob" too – now I am an extremely busy slob and I don't even know when to fit anything in. I've tried following FlyLady (I haven't given up – just need more modifications) but I keep veering off track.
The summer to winter clothes job is on my schedule for the weekend!
OK, you've officially inspired me! I've been lurking and reading your blog for a week or two now, feeling like you could be living in my house, and so I've decided to start my own declutering blog. Since I have another blog with quite a few readers, I'm doing this one under an assumed name, so that I can be totally honest.
WTG on the clothes! I haven't done ours yet, but I need to do that this weekend.
That is an amazing tackle.
Just today I felt overwhelmed with the clothes in this house. Six ppl, over 2000 sq ft and it can be R I D I C U L O U S. I don't have clutter I just have little kids dropping stuff everywhere.
Your inspiring!!
I can’t wait to get to the place you’re at again. Too much stuff does make it hard to care when you do big chores like switching clothes over.
Hmm. I like the blogging under an assumed name idea. It would make it possible to be more honest about the journey than I could otherwise be… I’ll have to think about that.
This is how I feel each time we decide one of the girls has outgrown their clothes. It’s a big sorting ordeal. Climbing through the attic to get the box(es) of hand-me downs and then dumping the old clothes out on the bed and sorting new clothes into drawers and then going through old clothes for items that shouldn’t be saved or that belong in a different size box or that will still fit even though they’re the previous size because they’re cut large. It’s daunting.
I’m so glad we don’t have a seasonal change-out. I just keep shorts for both girls in a drawer in my room for random warm days, (so I don’t have to tell my daughter she can’t wear shorts in December) then switch them with their jeans drawer when the warm days are here to stay. I still have access to the long/warm pants easily for late cool evenings, camping in cooler weather, or whatever. Our seasons aren’t so drastic and my kids are still small, so the winter coats don’t take up much space in the closet. My mittens/scarves used to get put up in a high shelf in my closet, but I reclaimed some space this last winter that I don’t anticipate needing for anything else this summer, so they can stay, which is great because summer nights can get chilly and I pack mittens for movies in the park and camping.
This post really got me thinking about seasonal clothing. Growing up, we never separated our clothes; we kept all our clothes in our bedroom closets and dressers. We lived in the Midwest and still do. My husband and I keep all our clothes in a shared walk-in closet. Our jackets and coats are kept in the foyer closet. I feel like we have too many clothes, but I am grateful they all fit in our closet. I think the process of switching out seasonal clothing would really stress me out. I must say, though, that we need to part with more clothing items so everything fits a bit more comfortably on the rods and shelves.