I just looked at the time on this post. I’m learning that blogger puts the time on the post as the time you start writing it. Normally annoying, but this time I’m glad.
I sat down to write my daily checklist, with the desire to be brutally honest about not having accomplished much today. Then I saw that I had a COMMENT!!! I was so excited as it was my first real comment, not just from the carnival host who feels obligated. And it wasn’t even on the linked post for Tackle It Tuesday, it was on another post, which means he/she actually read several of my posts. This is huge.
But then I noticed which post it was. It was the one where I added my new non-negotiable task for this week, which is sweeping the kitchen. I had completely forgotten to do this. I really thought about just writing the checklist post and admitting that I hadn’t done it. But that’s not the point of all of this. I have this blog so I will stay focused, and in a roundabout way – accountable. I got up and swept the kitchen. And it took less than two minutes. So, I cleared a pretty significant clutter spot, and then I ran the dishwasher. And I removed the empty Wheat Thin box from the spot I decluttered yesterday. And I started a load of laundry. Now, I feel like today has been productive in this quest for order. Even though my morning was shot with errands that took 7 times longer than they should have.
So this is why I have this blog. I started this post exactly 26 minutes ago. And that was before I did all the things listed above. This is hard to write, but I’m going to do it.
It is not that I don’t have the time. I just have to do it.
That goes against all the excuses I have, even the good ones. I AM a busy mom with three kids and tons going on all the time. But it takes me less than 10 minutes to declutter a big old pile of stuff that shouldn’t be there. What if I decluttered it for 20 seconds every day, and it never got to that point again? Hmmm. Or what if I didn’t throw things there, but instead put them where they go? I know, I know, now we’re getting crazy.
Lord, please help me keep my focus.
i know its an old post..but i so get you…and yes sweeping makes such a difference and doesnt take long..SO WHY DO I PUT IT OFF, WHY DON'T I JUST DO IT!!????
I don’t know, but if you find out … please let me know!
Hi Nony, I know this is a really old post but I somehow came across your blog the other day and as I began reading I felt like we had a lot in common.
I am good at so many areas in my life but cleaning is not one of them! It's not that my house is like Hoarders but it is cluttered. I put off doing things over and over again. It can look great for a short time and then it just mysteriously gets messy again.
I don't have a problem in the cooking, couponing, bloggin, mom and wife area I do however have a problem in the cleaning area.
I too have read many things including Fly Lady which I think is fabulous advice but I never seem to put it into motion.
Sadly I do not have the excuse that my kids are little anymore, they are in 7th and 9th grade. I am actually home alone 3 full days a week and I feel like on those days I am always trying to get caught up. Instead of doing a little work here and there to keep things straightened up.
Anyway, I know I am totally rambling now but I just wanted to say thank you for putting this out there. I do often feel like all other bloggers are super moms/wives/homemakers etc.
I am reading your blog from the beginning and hoping that I can learn some tricks to making this cleaning thing easier. I am also just thrilled to know that I am not alone!
I am reading your blog beginning to end and so many posts have resonated with me. (And I’ve barely cracked the tip of the iceberg!) But this one especially hit home. I am also the mom of three with tons going on all of the time and have used “time” as such an excuse. So I both love and hate you for pointing out that it doesn’t take long if you just DO it! (Mostly love!) Off to read more…
Thank you for opening your journey up for us to see! I just started reading your blog today! I think I have come across it before but I started at the beginning today and I am learning so much!
Hi, Nony!
So I’ve read a few of your blog posts before, but today decided to start “in the beginning…”
and I got this far, and today I’m stopping here (but bookmarking!) because you’re absolutely right:
“It is not that I don’t have the time. I just have to do it. ”
So I’m off to do another load of dishes so I can have an empty kitchen sink at the end of the day … AND to sweep the kitchen floor.
🙂 We’re moving to a new house in a little over a month, and I want to start some habits now so the really cute house STAYS really cute. 🙂
So, I ran across your blog as a part of my own quest for some semblance of order. I’ve gotten SO much better than I used to be. My college dorm room resembled something from hoarders. I have thankfully moved far past that point. But I still get behind. I “forget” to fold the laundry, or clean the bathroom etc. And so I started reading, and decided to go back to the beginning of your blog. And found this post. And I have to tell you – this statement hit me: “It is not that I don’t have the time. I just have to do it. ” That, right there. Thank you for putting that out on the internet – I needed to see that.
Welcome, Dani! I’m so glad you found me!
Whew finally a blog where everything isn’t perfect! I am such a slob…whew I said it out loud okay not really but I typed it, and so am not alone! I found you listening to your podcast 🙂 hopefully I can get past this slob so I don’t pass it to my boys (3 year old twins). Thank you!!!
Welcome! You’re definitely not alone!!
I came across a link to your site via Pinterest (LOVE!) and your blog name just resonated with me. I never really considered my messiness as qualifying me as a slob, but I was seriously in denial. I have read from your first post on and totally relate to the kitchen problem. I generally enjoy cooking and want to eat healthier, but I really hate the cleanup. Well, I really don’t like cleaning up in general, but I like the end result (I know, mind-blowing idea right there…).
Your lines ‘Or what if I didn’t throw things there, but instead put them where they go? I know, I know, now we’re getting crazy’ actually made me laugh out loud. That is so me. So I will be a frequent visitor and implementing your ideas into our house.
We currently have a 5 year-old daughter and are contemplating having another child soon, so I really want to start more good habits now before we add even more chaos to our house. Thank you so much for having the courage to put this out there! From one slob to another, I really appreciate it. 🙂
Welcome, Kristin!! I’m so glad you found me!
I am so inspired and really, really nervous…but I need, NEED to do something like this. My crazy, non-very-clean (at all) house effects me more than I realize. I feel like I can’t do ANYthing else if that isn’t done, but then I get that tunnel vision when I HAVE to do those other things (or want to ignore what needs to get done…Facebook is awesome for tunnel vision, blegh.)….
So, I’m thankful for your transparency in this. I want to/need to do something like this…and would love to even start my own spin-off blog for my personal accountability…and I love, LOVE how you don’t tell anyone about it at first…I think that would be super helpful for me, too…otherwise, I just feel the pressure of pleasing vs just doing it because it’s RIGHT! BAH!
Have you ever looked up the etymology of focus? You’ll love it!
I only just learnt what it meant yesterday which is why it seemed so poignant today.
I purchased your book through Amazon Kindle about a year ago but only read the first few pages. I started listening to podcasts a few weeks ago and last week i stumbled upon yours. I thought that’s the lady who wrote the book I never read. I had a lull at work and decided to start listening. BEST DECISION EVER! I am on podcast 10 and although you are my slob twin, even down to the hating to wear socks, I still didn’t believe your clutter could be as bad as mine. I decided to take a break from the podcast and head to the website for visual aid. I was relieved that your slobiness is really as extreme as mine. After reading this post I looked to my left and said ‘Uh. If it took her 26 minutes to do all of that how long would it take me to declutter this nightstand.’ I started grabbing things and directing my almost 6-year old daughter to put them where we would look for them first. She happily obliged and we were done in under 4 minutes. Thank you so much for sharing your story, even though it wasn’t supposed to be your real blog!
Love hearing this story!!!
You are so right, like Nike says, “Just Do It!” So, I picked up a receipt. Yeah, I know just a receipt.
Let me start by saying that I have read your book, then I started listening to your podcasts and now I am reading your blog from the beginning. I started doing the dishes a couple of weeks ago and have started adding other non-negotiable tasks including the 5-minute pick up. Although, I keep forgetting to set a timer, (I don’t know why since I got an Echo Dot for Christmas so all I have to do is say, “Alexa, set a timer for 5 minutes.” Out loud. But still, I usually forget.) so sometimes it’s a 10 or 15 minute pick up.
Anyway, I started my morning putting in my daily load of laundry, emptying the dishwasher, and making lunches to get the kids off to school. After getting the kids on the bus and having my coffee, I decided to do my 5 minute pick up. Of course, I forgot the timer.
The first thing I noticed was this receipt on the floor behind the table that sits next to my recliner. It had been there for about 3 weeks when it had fallen off the table. It’s not like I hadn’t seen it before, any time I glanced in that corner, I saw it. I have Slob Blinders, not Slob Vision. I see the messes but I’m usually on my way to do something else or it’s Other People’s mess; I’ll make them clean it up when they get home. Besides, I always noticed it right after I just sat down in my recliner. I’d have to get up and walk to the other side of the living room, around behind my husband’s recliner, our shared table, and my recliner to get to where I could reach it. I’ll get it when I get up again. Of course, by the time I got up again, I’d completely forgotten about the receipt, so there it stayed.
I’m not saying this won’t happen again. But with the 5 minute pick up and my new “Just Do It!” mind set, maybe the next time it won’t be there for 3 weeks.
Thanks so much for your insight.
I don’t know if you’ll see this comment since this is a pretty old post, but I just have to say I’m in tears. I struggle so so much with this. It’s awful. I feel like a horrible mother and wife. It seems like something I should just be able to do. I ask myself constantly, “why can’t I do this, why can’t I do this?” Both my husband and I work full time (him 6-8, me 8-5). After picking my daughter up from school, it’s easily 6 pm before we get home and then she has homework, dinner needs to be made, bath, bedtime. Husband doesn’t get home til 8:30 easy. By the time that’s all done and I’ve had some time with my husband, it’s 9-10 pm and I’m supposed to now CLEAN. How?? Reading this though, I get it. It doesn’t take THAT long, but finding a starting point is the worst. It’s absolutely overwhelming. I applaud you. I hope as I keep reading I can find more motivation to work harder at it. Just, ugh. 😓
So, as you suggested, I started with the first post and I’m working my way to the more recent ones. This line resonated with me:
“It is not that I don’t have the time. I just have to do it.”
YES. This is it. We are all busy. But we need to either make time or use our time wisely to get things done. I make to do lists all day long. But making them doesn’t get the items done. I can’t wait to keep reading my way through (and then go declutter something – I may have to make that a to do. Read for 10 minutes, declutter for 10 minutes before I can read more!!)