My kitchen isn’t small, but most of the time my workspace is. My decent-sized counter is usually completely cluttered at each end, leaving just a small amount of space between the stove and the sink. Somehow, in my mind this is justified. One side is for snacks, and the phone sits on the other side, so I guess it’s a message center. But it isn’t. It’s a pile.
Was a pile. The “message center” is the place I cleaned off yesterday in my 26 minutes of revelation. I’ve always thought of that space as a non-prep space because it is on the other side of the sink from the cooktop. But in the last 24 hours, I have used it to:
- make the kids’ lunches while my husband was at the stove making his eggs
- butter toast without having to move anything
- Pour the kids some milk for breakfast
Small things, but big to me.
Jeannette says
Just found your blog today thru organizing junkie. Your humor, honesty and practicality are awesome and refreshing! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours:) Thanks!!!
Brittany says
Oh. Em. Gee. I love you (not in creepy Internet stalker way though, I swear.) I freakin’ love this entire blog! Like I wanna curl up on the couch and cry into an ice cream bowl like a girl does when they see their life story being portrayed by Reese Witherspoon or Rachel McAdams. Though, unfortunately, my husband is not Channing Tatum or Ryan Reynolds. Shame. But yeah. I’m also a slowly recovering slob, and I’ve been amazingly inspired by your blog! Thanks so much for your transparency and honesty, and I look forward to reading more…after I do some laundry and sweep my kitchen of course 🙂
Nony says
Thank you so much for your comment! Is it bad that it makes me happy to picture you crying on your couch while reading my blog? Not in an I’m-glad-you’re-crying way, but in a yay-there-are-people-who-really-do-get-it way!
Sarah says
I just started my own blog in relation to this! (hoping to follow some of your wonderful ways!)
Now…to get to work. 😉
Dana White says
Love the title!!!
Sarah says
THANKS! 🙂 As you may see, I have really been inspired by you, haha! Your terms even, LOL!
Rebecca Johnson says
I decided to start reading your blog from the beginning and I am enjoying it so much! I watched the container concept video first and then searched for your blog. I got your first book on my Kindle and hope to get your 2nd book on Audible. The moment I got the container concept I felt so joyful because I don’t need another book case or filing cabinet, I just need to declutter them!!!!! So far I have decluttered 2 linen closets, the pantry and 3 bathroom vanities. Space, empty space is appearing out of thin air, and I am loving it!
Penelope says
This comment hit come for me because I was just thinking I needed another bookcase. Instead, I need to go through the ones I have. I’m sure I will be find that many books no longer give me j oy.
Jo says
It’s Jo again.
I. Love. Your. Blog.
Thank you!