Today I:
Made bed.
Cleaned up kitchen.
Swept kitchen.
Picked up house and did light sweeping.
Checked bathrooms for clutter.
I’ve found that having my daily checklist helps a lot. It works better for me than a schedule. I have always gotten tripped up about when certain things need to get done. And while there are definitely best times to do things, it’s more important that I just do it at some point everyday. Sundays are a great example of this. Since we’re out of our routine on Sundays, it may be afternoon before I think to do what needs to be done. But as long as I do it, the house stays in good shape.
Since I’m reading backwards to catch up, I don’t know if you’ve touched on this in more recent posts. Are you posting a list somewhere in your house that is keeping you on track with what you need to do daily? Or maybe on a phone? Or is writing in your blog every day enough to keep you focused on what you need to do? I’m just interested in how you keep yourself on track with the daily things. I tried Flylady, too. I think she’s awesome- but it just didn’t work out for me for whatever reasons. While I followed her, I did keep a nightly journal like she suggested, and at the end of my entry, I always spelled out to myself what routines I had to do the next day. The journal may have been my downfall for unrelated reasons, incidentally. Well, that and “dressing to shoes”. Anyway- how do you keep the focus like that? I’ve even tried taping a list inside cupboards before. You’d be amazed how long you can go without opening a certain cupboard if you REALLY don’t want to see what’s in there!
Heather, there’s a post under the tab “My Methods” about my daily checklist and how I use it. I didn’t start out with one, though. I just focused on adding a new task each week, because I didn’t want to get overwhelmed.
Just found your blog today, I don’t even remember what it was that got me here, I think it was pintrest, via Delutter364 on Facebook. I read where I landed that I might need to go backwards, so I started at day 1.
I keep seeing in the comments section, “OMG, my long lost sister” or “you sound just like me” etc. I have to agree 100%. I watched your video for the decluttering the kitchen drawer (I have subscribbed sine, and plan to catch uo there as well) and I couldn’t help thinking how much of myself I saw in you and this, your story. Same boat, sister. This post is me right now in my.. empowerment, I guess you could say. I’ve had it, I’m done. But baby steps.
I want to clean everything in one day, but, there is no way. Clutter, man. It’s killing me and I am done with it. So overwhelming when looking at a room, but if I focus on a piece of furniture, it’s easier to manage. If it’s still too much, then an aspect of a piece. Then go from there. Then, and this was key, is key. Maintain it. No matter how tired you are, or how little attention it needs, give that attention. Or you’ll be sorry you didn’t in a month or two.
I can’t wait to read more posts, so I’ll hush now. In many ways, you have inspired me, and I thank you.
Welcome, Delain!!!
Hi Nony,
I’m not sure how I found you; I think one of your posts wound up in my FB feed and I’m grateful! I’ve followed a few links to some random blogposts, then today, started at the beginning. After one post, someone commented that “Done is better than perfect!” Being a recovering perfectionist, this really resonated. So yesterday (it’s after midnight now) I:
Typed that quote in Word and printed out several copies of it
Clipped it and posted in various places around my house (instead of laying it down to do later)
Loaded and ran the dishwasher
Washed 2 loads of clothes – Folded and put away the towels; sheets are still in the dryer
Read some more of your blog
Put away clean dishes
Swept the kitchen
Washed the dishes that needed to be done by hand – I think I finished before midnight…
Reading your blog has encouraged me to just go ahead and get some of these things done. So thank you!