For the past two Christmases, I’ve bought color coded charging cords for each member of my family.
The first year I got six foot cords, and last year I went wild and got the ten footers.
Somehow, cord-borrowing and cord-losing still happens, but it’s better.
These are good quality cords, and they seem to last better than any others we’ve tried in the past. So we were both surprised when my husband tried to use this red one and it didn’t work.
And then he remembered the cord hadn’t worked the last time he tried to use it.
And then he started to put it back where he found it. Instead of in the trash.
I suggested he throw it away.
He stared at it. He stared at me.
He said (sheepishly), “But it looks like it should work.”
I am not criticizing him for that thought. I completely understand. Keeping something even though it doesn’t work because it looks like it should work is right up my Alley of Crazy.
I knew the look in his eye as stood paralyzed.
I told him I understood, and I reminded him that I’ve actually written books about such things.
He looooooves it when I remind him of that.
I still have to talk myself through getting rid of pens that don’t write, pants that don’t fit, and even refrigerators that don’t refrigerate.
I gently removed the pretty red cord from his trembling hand. I tested it in two more plugs.
The cord still didn’t work, so I threw it away for him. I reassured him our life would actually be easier this way.
Throwing away the red cord eliminated endless random frustrating moments. Moments when we’d think we had a good cord only to remember it didn’t actually work.
His hand didn’t actually tremble. I just felt it made the story better. Artistic license and all.
In this case, italics used for the words “looooooves it” indicate sarcasm.
Me reminding him and my kids that I’ve written books about decluttering and doing the dishes is an ongoing joke in our house. It’s funnier to me than it is to them.
Here is my affiliate link to the cords. Despite this bad one, I really like them better than any other cords we’ve had.
This post made me giggle. That sounds like something I would do, although I am trying to move away from that habit. I have two pens on my desk that write for half a second before they give up. But they work for that half second!
This is so true, looking good no longer works for me== it has to function and fit in with what I want that space to do for me. For example having 3 lamps that are in my favorite color but do not function as a good reading lamp are outta here. I just discovered you this past Summer. Wish I had found you years ago then perhaps I would have understood containers like I do now and my two young adults would not have had to grow up in chaos of excess.
Haha! This along with the, “just take the extra half second to put your shoes in teh closet” mindset are just so dang hard! But I’ve definitely been trying hard to put things away right away rather than saving it for a five-minute-pickup. Or a decluttering project in the case of the trash.
So true! This just happened at our house. I had a beautiful cord that stopped working and a ratty broken-looking one that (amazingly) still worked. I bought new ones but it took far too much angst to throw out the old (the pretty & the dangerous-looking one). I love how easy it was for you to toss it away!
You are funny.
My husband is constantly putting trash back where he found it, instead of the trash can and then complains that there are empty containers in the fridge.
I wonder whose finding empty containers or using the last of something and then putting it back in the fridge?
One thing that has really helped me is the “how much does this cost to replace”. If it’s less than $100 (our personal limit), I get rid of it.
It’s amazing what I don’t miss when it’s no longer in the house! I’ve had to replace a few things over the years that I threw away, but it’s so much less work than I imagine it to be.
Replacement windows expected in 5 to 10 weeks — so much decluttering to do to give space for the work! Thank you for the encouragement and ideas you share.
My husband puts back things that don’t work all.the.time. He thinks they’re going to magically start working the next time. Glad he’s not the only one!
As always, Dear Dana, you write as though you were in my house! Except my cord that Looked Like It Should Work was white . . . .
Awww I’ve missed you. We had this same experience and it was nice to be able to laugh and learn with you again.
I have a pancake machine that used to make two perfect and beautiful pancakes at a time. And then it didn’t. I have no idea why. That was years ago and I still haven’t tossed it. It looks like it should work. And maybe someday I’ll plug it in and it will. Right?
The game changer for us was extra cords. There are only 2 of us, but we now have at least 8 cords. Two permanently plugged in and draped over the back of the couch we most often sit on. Two permanently plugged in at our nightstands. Two permanently located in our cars for mobile charging. And 2 that are travel chargers that go out and about with us and on trips.
Bet your bottom dollar that the moment one of them starts acting up it will be tossed and replaced (now that I’m getting my house under control!)
I’m giggling more about the idea of color coded cords. In my experience, when Person A can’t find his yellow cord, he will have no qualms about taking Person B’s red cord, and relocating it to a place where she won’t be able to find it when she needs it. (My use of gender in this example is not random.)
Absolutely true. In our home, the cords are less about reminding you which are yours, and more about being proof that you stole it.
I love your books. Please write another one. I am still a mess. But, I am working on it and your books and post are helping me.
About 10 years ago I was helping a friend clean out her closet – she threw away a shirt that was missing a button and 2 unmatched socks. Her logic “I’m not going to goodwill this week and I won’t fix the shirt “ when asked about the socks – “ I couldn’t find the match and it’s been a few days “ my mind was blown.
I had trembling hands later and slowly started a donate bin.
My alarm clock of 16 years suddenly started showing the time an hour ahead. Your subject line was perfect to remind me just to throw it away, even if it looks like it should work. Your blog helped me without me even having to read the post.
As a matter of fact . . . Nony’s father who will not be named, has similar tendencies. . . .to both Nony and to his son-in-law. Case in point is his dead mouse–computer mouse. Which has.not.worked in several days and But it has been such a good mouse. It just fits his hand. It’s been with him for several years, doing such good work. And with much remorse he now realizes he never really appreciated that mouse the way he should have. It was such a faithful mouse. Never required a bit of attention. . .except for the occasional new battery it needed. Well.forevermore.more!
Your daughter has written books about that! (All written with tongue in cheek, ’cause we are quite proud of said daughter.)
OMG I totally did this today! Got a pack of 5 cords and totally relate to the not enough for everyone plus where do they and the plugs all disappear to? Anyway I had one in my hand and thought I’m sure this doesn’t work but I still put it away in a drawer as it looked like it should work?! First thing in the morning I will give it one last test and then throw it if it doesn’t! I love your posts thank you x
My decluttered opinion: LOVE.
not that I don’t relate to any other of your posts, but this is 100% true in every house.
I do have some pink long cords that don’t work, and I still have them in the study ready to be used, but instead I have to go to the bedroom and get the only cord I have at home that actually works… annoying! And it’s my fault I know it.
I empathize! I have a pretty silver charging plug that looks like it should work. Yet it always falls out of charging station. Sometimes logic hurts!