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This post contains my affiliate links to the Ultimate Homemaking Bundle.
I promised you I would be back throughout this week to tell you more details about the products in the Ultimate Homemaking Bundle 2020.
Yesterday, I listed the products that initially caught my eye when I went through the list.
Today, I’m talking about specific products and what I thought after downloading or accessing them. Some didn’t really do it for me, but some were great!
(If you have no idea what I’m talking about, the bundle of digital products is only available through this Friday, the 26th, and you can learn exactly what it is in my post from yesterday.)
My goal this week is to give you as much information as I possibly can to help you decide if this bundle is a GREAT value for you personally.
Today, I’m highlighting the printables I think will appeal to my cleaning-and-organizing-and-decluttering focused audience.
But first, a small lecture: Printables aren’t magic. If you’re overwhelmed, you’re much better off doing the dishes or removing the Easy Stuff from an overwhelming cluttered space than printing some worksheets and sitting down to think about what you should do.
You should do the dishes.
But, printables can be helpful, so here are my thoughts on some of the them in the Ultimate Homemaking Bundle so you can decide if you need to grab it before it’s gone.
First, mine! This is a set of much-prettied-up versions of my printable checklists that go along with posts here on the site. There is the bathroom cleaning checklist, kitchen cleaning checklist, daily checklist, etc. and included in the e-book are the posts that explain how and why I use each checklist.
That’s $6 of value, so you only have to come up with another $23.99 of products to see if the bundle is worth it to you!
Motivated Moms Classic (Value: $19)
Their description: A done-for-you checklist to clean and maintain your home!
My take: Oh my word, if you want detailed instructions for every single day of the entire year, this is that.
Here’s the thing. I personally don’t do well with things like this. But I know many of y’all need (or think you need) things like this. I know because I get requests to create something like this.
I will never create something like this.
When I say it’s detailed, I’m saying there is a page for each week of the year, starting with this week. On each page is a daily checklist of 16 things (and spaces to add more of your own) with check boxes for each day of the week. THEN, there are the days (with dates) listed out with specific home tasks each day that are in addition to the daily things. So specific. Like, “clip children’s nails” and “change hand towels in the bathrooms.”
So I’m listing this as a favorite not because I would use it (it overwhelms me to look at) but it fascinates me. And because I know some of you think this is exactly the thing that would change your life. And it possibly could.
I just recommend that if you attempt this system, you plan to give yourself grace to do what you can and not feel like a failure if you don’t check every box. Or even a third of the boxes.
But to be clear, I think this product is a GREAT reason to purchase this bundle. If you’ve always wondered if this type of system might change everything for you, this is a great opportunity to get it and give it a try. If it works for you, fabulous. If it doesn’t work for your personality, you have other systems (like mine in my much simpler printables e-book) to try out. You’ll likely take a little from each and come up with what works for you.
The Confident Mom Weekly Household Planner and Supplement Kit (Planner) by Susan Heid $8.00
What they say: This will keep busy moms from all walks of life motivated, organized and on track with all their to-do items day after day, week after week, all year long.
What I say: Again, this is a super-duper detailed planner with a way to mark off a daily checklist and cleaning tasks planned out for you every day. This one also includes regular planner pages and lots of worksheets to fill in to make a home notebook with important information, and covers everything from gifts received to freezer inventory. My only “complaint” about this one is that it is for the 2020 calendar year, which is halfway over. The one above starts this week and goes for a full year.
But again, it’s a great opportunity to try out this system and see if it works well for you.
Room by Room Chore Checklist (Printable) by Rachel Norman & Lauren Tamm $12.00
What they say: The room by room chore checklist helps your children know what chores to do, by room, with handy printable checklists.
What I say: This one is really good. Lots of room by room cleaning lists so it’s great for handing out to kids who can read. And I’m always a fan of lists for specific jobs that help me stay on track and get things done. It does include cleaning lists for mudrooms and foyers and garages (though many of us have work to do before “cleaning the garage” is an hour’s task), a “chore ideas for kids” checklist and more. My own e-book has some checklists covering similar areas, but there are definite differences and different rooms covered, and I think it will be helpful to you.
Dreams by Design 2020 Planner by Karen Schravemade $19.00
What they say: The planner that helps you make your big dreams into daily habits.
What I Say: This is more of a traditional printable planner, but with the focus/bonus of goal planning. Along with weekly and daily printable planner pages, there are goal planning worksheets and habit trackers, month-in-review pages, etc. Again with this one, it’s 2020 only, which frustrates me. But I guess since the first half of the year was bananas and planner-irrelevant anyway, oh well. Just be sure to not print the whole thing.
Holiday Planning Playbook by Emily Counts $22.00
What they say: This holiday planner includes everything you need to get organized and plan a stress-free holiday season.
What I say: I liked this one a lot more than I expected to like it. I love projects and this one treats the holiday season as a project! It’s a holiday season planning binder, ready to go. There are cute worksheets for everything from lists for gifts and Black Friday and Cyber Monday shopping, to party planning and holiday bucket lists, and more. Really, it has it all. AND I’m always a fan of PDFs that are editable. That means you can type things in and then print, which I love. The only “problem” I saw when I went through this product was a cute printable sign for a KEEP pile when decluttering. But y’all know better than to make a Keep Pile or a Keep Box, right? So just don’t print that page.
The Beautiful Home Printables Toolkit (Membership) by Mauri Jane King $47.00
What they say: The simple decorating solution for women who love to create a colorful & welcoming space for every season.
What I say: I didn’t highlight this one on my first look through the list of products. That’s why I didn’t mention it in yesterday’s list. It’s GORGEOUS STUFF. You get a membership to a site where there are all kinds of printables. Kitchen stuff, shopping lists with all sorts of themes of design, meal planning sheets, and more. I especially liked the guest prep worksheets with meal planning and clean up. If you love pretty stuff, this is awesome. But what makes this one unique is all of the DECOR. There are printables of monograms with all sorts of designs. To get absolutely the most out of the decorative printables, you would need to be able to print in color. but the worksheets would be valuable even if printed in black and white.
The Ultimate Birthday Party Planner by Nathalie Brown $17.00
What they say: This is a full system, a checklist and a workbook. It’s the absolute BEST tool to focus your creative mind so you stay calm, organized, and have a great time planning your party.
What I say: As someone who obsessively makes lists for parties (and loves to plan parties), I love this one. It makes me think of Leslie Knope and her notebooks on Parks and Rec.
My favorite part of the “day before” checklist? “If opening presents with your child, practice being grateful and appropriate responses to disappointing or duplicate presents.” I love this because I used to totally do this with my kids! (And I always wished other people did it with their kids!)
OK. I think I’m going to quit there. I’ve covered the printables that impressed me the most and why, and I’ve written a lot of words already.
I’ll talk about other types of products in the bundle in more posts this week, but hopefully this one will give you an idea of whether the bundle would be worth your investment.
If there are any products I didn’t highlight today that would tip the scale for you to make a decision, feel free to email me at aslobcomesclean @ gmail . com (spaces removed) to ask about it specifically. I’ll give you my honest, behind-the-scenes thoughts.
The products I highlighted today are valued at $150. Grabbing the Ultimate Homemaking Bundle while it’s available through Friday, the 26th, means you get all of them for $29.99.
Even picking and choosing what works for you and ignoring a few completely will mean you can easily get your money’s worth.
And if you decide it isn’t for you, there’s a 30 day money back guarantee.
If you want to see all the products included (there are also online courses and e-books and such that I didn’t even touch on today), go check out the bundle.
If you want to see a shorter list of things that caught my eye in the bundle (and read more explanation of how to decide if the bundle is worth it for you) go here.
Ready to check out the Ultimate Homemaking Bundle? Click here and have fun!
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