So sorry, but the bundle has ended. If you want to be sure you don’t miss future time-sensitive things, sign up for my free newsletter here.
Back for a Flash Sale, the 2017 Ultimate Homemaking Bundle will be gone forever after Tuesday, October 24, 2017! Next year’s bundle won’t include the same products, so see if this one is worth it to you now before it’s gone.
What is the Ultimate Homemaking Bundle?
It’s a collection of 106 digital resources to help you with homemaking. The value of the bundle, if you were to purchase all of these resources individually, is over $1,980.00. Almost two thousand dollars. And the price is $29.97 for these six days.
I’m excited that my e-book, 14 Days to Opening Your Front Door to Guests, is included in this year’s bundle!
But as the woman who is forever telling you that you don’t need more stuff, even digital stuff, let me tell you that you don’t need 106 digital resources.
So here’s my advice:
- Grab a piece of paper and a pen.
- If your kids are sleeping, turn down your sound, because there’s a video of me on the sales page in step 3. (It’s either me, warning you with a whisper, or someone else talking in full voice from the beginning.)
- Click over to the bundle sales page through my affiliate link here.
- Scroll down (read if you want), until you find the various categories of products included in the bundle.
- Click on the categories that are interesting, and read about the products included.
- As you read the descriptions of the products in that category, jot down the value of the items that appeal to you.
- Add up the amounts of the products that you would like to have, and see if they make the $29.97 bundle a bargain for you.
I recommend that you look at the category, “Organizing and Systems.” For some reason, I think I said “Home” as the category in the video. Oops!
I’ve looked through the products in Organizing and Systems, and the printable planners alone might make the $29.97 cost worth it for you.
Here’s the thing. Y’all know I’m not a planner girl, and that I’ll never put together a pretty printable calendar with slots and graphics.
You do know that, right?
But planners have value. And are valuable. And are, often, very expensive.
So the benefit of the bundle is that you have multiple planners to try out, and you can find out which ones work best for you. Or you could even take the parts that work for you from each one and put them together!
Go here to see the whole bundle.
Here are the planners I thought stood out.
Sweet Life Planner, Vanilla Edition
This is my favorite item, and the value of this individual item is $35.00. (Yes, that’s $5 more than the cost of the entire bundle, so buying the bundle is like getting a discount on this product PLUS getting all the other resources free!)
Things I like about the Sweet Life Planner:
- various printable sizes
- tutorials on printing
- access to 2018 version
- full size and half sheet options
Unique features:
There are quite a few variations of pages, with monthly and weekly planning pages. I loved that each month includes a page with just weekends! Honestly, I think that’s brilliant and so realistic. On these pages, there is space for notes next to each weekend.
I like that in this planner, dates are included. As in, they’re already on there for you. I understand why many planners don’t have pre-printed dates on them, but for some reason I tend to get confused with planners where I have to put the dates in . . .
Each weekly planning page is designed for you to create top ten goals for the week, five goals for each day, and have space to write down appointments. This reminds me of my recent podcast where I talked about breaking down a project, but this is in daily ongoing stuff mode.
There’s also a notes page at beginning and end of each month.
Value: 35.00
From Overwhelm to Order – Homemaking Binder
I don’t push homemaking binders, but I know a lot of people benefit from them. This is a printable one where you fill in the blanks with your information.
If you’ve felt like you were missing out not having one, this would be a great way to get started without needing to create it yourself from scratch.
Some of the sheets are goal and introspection oriented, but you don’t have to print the entire thing and you can choose which papers you want in your binder.
Having a printable done and ready for me to fill in blanks means it might actually happen. Examples are a password collection page, a page for insurance info, for baby sitter info, emergency contact info, etc.
This also includes a holiday gift tracker and family birthday list.
Value: 9.99
Clean Mama One Page Kit
Boiled down to utmost basics and ready to be checked off as you complete various cleaning and household tasks. No dates included so it can be used forever and whenever.
Value: 7.00
Family Chore System and Planner
I am really impressed with this product! It’s thorough, and best of all . . . it’s EDITABLE.
Chores are already filled in and listed by days to be checked off, so it’s ready to go as is. But, if there are chores that you need done that are different than the ones on the printable, you can edit them within the document before you print! This means that your chores will look just as official and pretty as the ones originally included! LOVE this.
Value: 17.00
2017 2018 yearly personal planner by Jolanthe Erb
This one is simple, but sometimes simple is good. It’s a great basic printable calendar, and if you like coloring, you could color this one, too.
Value: 4.99
Inspired to Action Planner
For some reason, this one is in intentional living. It’s by Kat Lee of the Inspired to Action podcast, which I listen to, so I’d wondered about her planner. Kat is very thorough and thoughtful. This planner does include project planning and step breakdown files.
Value: 15.00
Just these products add up to $89!! That’s almost fifty dollars over the price of the bundle!
And my e-book adds another $7.99 to that value AND lays out a plan with worksheets to keep you on track so you can be ready to welcome guests into your home in two weeks, no matter how messy it may be right now!
Head over to see everything included in the bundle and see which items would be helpful in your home!
I just bought your book two weeks ago. It caught my eye at a bookstore that was going out of business, so I picked it up. I read it in a day – WHILE we were in the middle of a move to a new house. But so far I’ve managed to do our daily dishes every day PLUS any dishes I’ve unpacked (because they were wrapped in newspaper). I am hoping to use your method of instilling habits in myself to keep from spending the $500 a month on a housekeeper! Anyway, I bought this bundle from another participant & when I was just now browsing your blog saw that you contributed an ebook to it. I can’t wait to read it! I’m also going to pass your book along to my sister who, like me, can’t concentrate on one thing long enough to clean the whole house. Start with the dishes, sis! Thank you so much for the motivation and such a great read!
Oh, this makes me happy to hear!