We all know I have issues, right?
No? Well then, welcome.
The biggest issue I have with bathroom cleaning is the grossness. The ickiness. The feeling that if I deal with one nasty spot I’ll have to take a shower, so why not wait until I have time to deal with every last little nasty spot. Why not wait until I have time to take a shower? And wash my hair.
So not only does a mess have to break through my Slob Vision, it also has to be shower-worthy.
But shower-worthy messes are, in general, overwhelming. So I put them off even longer.
It’s a vicious cycle, people.
But, like so many of my beloved vicious cycles, it can be broken with one good DUH moment.
Like, cleaning gloves. So when Full Circle asked me to clean something while trying out their new Splash Patrol natural latex cleaning gloves, I said “duh.”
Not to them, but to myself. Of course I have something I can clean while wearing cleaning gloves, and it was a definite bonus that these cleaning gloves are cute.
Here’s the thing. That vicious cycle I talked about can drag on long enough that I need a little stronger cleaning product, which is yet another great excuse to procrastinate and puts me through another loop of the cycle.
So I pulled on the gloves (which fit my non-petite hands quite well) and started on this spot.
I know. So awful, right? We had what I thought was an awful, horrible problem that would surely require a plumber, but then Hubby fixed it pretty quickly once I told him about it. (We have separate sinks, so I’d just been using his . . . )
I had waited long enough, though, for the sink to be fully disgusting and awful. I started out with my normal, non-scary cleaning methods, and didn’t make much headway. I had to pull out the hard stuff.
I sprayed it with some potent cleaners, and got to scrubbing. Thankfully, because I was wearing the cleaning gloves, I didn’t feel the gross-griminess or the panic that powerful cleaners were seeping into my pores. I didn’t feel the need to jump into the shower once I was done.
Which was good, because this grossness took multiple sprays and multiple scrubs. Every time I walked by, I pulled on the gloves and worked a little more. Finally, it looked like this:
Yay for gross jobs done without a full hazmat suit!
So what makes Splash Patrol natural latex cleaning gloves different from other gloves I’ve used?
The inside is soft. They’re natural latex, but there’s a fuzziness-something inside that meant my hand didn’t get sweaty like it sometimes does inside cleaning gloves.
I also like the drip-catching “sleeves” that meant if I accidentally held my hand upright (like if I waved at myself in the mirror), I didn’t accidentally cause cleaning product to drip down my arm and send me running for the shower.
When I was done, I rinsed the gloves and then hung them on a hook under my bathroom counter.
I thought about taking them to the Laundry Room where I keep most random cleaning items, but decided I would be more likely to use them quickly when needed if they were hanging right in the place where I use them.
But most of all, these gloves are cute. And cuteness helps a lot when you’re doing something you really don’t want to do.
UPDATE: Giveaway has ended.
And . . . leave a comment on this post to be entered to win a pair of Splash Patrol natural latex cleaning gloves! Just tell us what intimidating mess you’d clean while wearing them! One commenter will be randomly chosen as winner using random.org, and that person will have 48 hours to respond to my email. If they don’t respond, they’ll forfeit the prize, and I’ll have to use random.org to find another winner. You must leave a comment on the post on the site. Email responses can’t be counted. If you’re reading by email, click the title of this post and leave a comment on the site. Continental U.S. only. Read all my giveaway policies here.
Those are cute gloves! I would use them to clean the boys shower. There is a clean bathroom in heaven for the mother of boys you know. Thanks for the opportunity
Hahaha! I love your commentary and your honesty!! I’d definitely do the same thing you did. My boyfriend asks all the time for me to clean the bath tub – which is harder, because it has jets in it…TONS of crevices that are hard to get to…and when I put my hands near the jets…it totally grosses me out. I LOVE what you said about how the gloves catch drips! I never thought of that easy solution! 😉 Also, I just got used to gloves being full rubber and having my hands sweat inside of them. The soft insides of theses gloves sound great! I REALLY hope I win!! If I don’t, though, I think I’ll still buy a pair! Or two! 😉 😀
Oh my gosh those are so cute! And they would for sure come in handy when I wave at myself in the mirror! Lol I would definitely use these to clean the bathtub drain out, my least favorite dirty job. And up under the rim of the toilet bowl… gross. Thanks for the chance at a pair of these! Love your blog and your podcast!
These look nice! I don’t like the way regular gloves feel on the inside either. I would use them when I clean our tubs/showers.
The base of the toilet… I’m breathing very shallowly now…
My OCD response involves not being able to figure out how to clean and store the gloves, brushes, cleaning cloths, etc. After I’ve cleaned up something revolting. My hands are O.K.- I just wash them until the skin is coming off. Good times!
I can soooo relate to this. We need a post on how to clean the gloves when the job is done. Then I could get these 🙂
I would clean the bathroom with the gloves for sure!
Check your email, Sarah!
I like those! I wear gloves when I do a lot of cleaning tasks and always kick myself when I don’t use them, especially if I use a bleach product.
Very cute gloves! I really like the idea of hanging them on a hook under the sink.
I’d love to try these out for cleaning bathrooms. My skin doesn’t do well with cleaners or being wet for extended periods, and a glove that makes your hands sweat doesn’t really keep your hands dry, even if it keeps the cleaners off. Thanks!
I would use them to clean the tub. Those look like great gloves!
I gag when I have to clean the toilet so these gloves would be a great distraction…
Those would definitely be my bathroom cleaning gloves! I live with all boys! 🙂
We just bought a new house that came with all the appliances which is great! Except that the old homeowners apparently always closed the door on the front load washer and now I need to clean other people’s mildew out of the rubber door seal. Bleeecchhh. So I’d definitely use these gloves for that!
What makes these gloves attractive is the soft liner you mentioned. I hate wearing gloves and my hands get sweaty. I then feel like whatever I am cleaning is seeping into the gloves, even though I know that isn’t the case! Also thanks for showing where you store the gloves. I am definitely getting a hook for under the cabinet. For me, anything to do with cleaning the toilet is icky – inside, outside, under the seat, the floor around it, all of it. These gloves might be the answer!
Oooohhhh, definitely the bathroom. You know, the bathroom that has had four boys using it for the last 10 years. That one. And I love, as in L O V E the loop so the gloves can be hung from a hook! Regular cleaning gloves, I have no idea what to do with them, because, even after I wash them, they’re still gross, so I don’t want to just put them down on a surface. Hanging for the win!
I would love a cute pair of cleaning gloves for those times that I have to scrub the base of the toilet! I have boys and for some reason they can’t seem to always hit the bowl!
I would use them to clean the bathroom. Of course! It seems like the most germy place in the house. Yuck for sure!
Around the toilet! My twin boys are potty training plus there are two older boys and and my husband – ’nuff said!
The bathtub and surround. The whole family usually just takes showers, so I don’t pay much attention to the “ring around the tub.” My teenage daughter recently told me that she’d like to soak in a bath — gotta clean that tub now!!
I would clean our nasty shower along with the shower in the kids bathroom and give the bathroom floor a good scrubbing.
I’ll tell you what I need these for: Cleaning up after my pet turtle. He has a pan of water in his house, and he poops in it. It gets really, really gross…and stinky. Right now I’m using disposable gloves, but they get wet inside as they are only wrist-length, and then I have to tear them off and scrub my hands. Also, there’s something about them that makes my hands itch. These gloves would be perfect for turtle duty!
*Gasp!* They’re LIME GREEN, my favorite color! And they have cuffs and fuzzy stuff inside! I need these. I also need whatever heavy-duty cleaner you used on that sink, what was that? Because my Comet isn’t cutting it…
I would scrub the grossness on the kitchen sink: the rubber stopper-drain thing leading to the food-waste disposal *barf*
Those gloves are really cute! i am interested in the no sweating thing. I think I would clean the bottom of my recycling bin (you know, the one in the kitchen, not the big one that gets put out). I’ve been ignoring the noxious stuff that’s down there…..
I would clean the kids’ bathroom thoroughly. Messes need to be cleaned in there almost every day, it seems, so I usually talk myself out of a detailed cleaning.
I love the cuff that would keep the yuck from running down my arm. I would use them to clean where my boys (9, 15) miss the toilet (some genius built the seat literally two inches from a wall so you can guess where the splash goes). The pain is coming off now. Bleh.
I like the no sweating part too. I had to wear dish gloves in my last job and would sweat inside them or get dirty bleach water in them. The skin would peel off. It was awful.
Super cute gloves…. and your hang-ups and procrastination sounds WAY to familiar to me! I would put these babies to use washing our bathroom floors. They desperately need it.
Besides my own sometimes gross bathroom, especially the toilet, I would use these at the homeless shelter where I volunteer. It’s one thing when you are cleaning your own family’s disgusting mess but when it’s a stranger…let me tell you, I’ve gagged more than once. I may have missed this in the post but where are these gloves sold?
I really like the fuzzy lining. I hate sweaty hands inside latex gloves!
We would need to buy two pair – one for non gross like for scullery duty, and one for gross like for bathroom and pet cleanup. We can’t have cross contamination now can we? That would be gross.
I need these! I know I will actually clean my bathroom with these. I put off and put off and then tell my husband he has to clean it because he is stronger than me! I know it is terrible. And that usually turns into a big argument about me putting it off and then him having to do it. I like to take baths too and it feels gross taking a bath in my dirty tub. Ugh.
Those gloves would make cleaning the cat’s litter box a lot less traumatic. Ugh!
Since the kids have grown and are gone, no one uses the downstairs bathroom. I shut the door and relegated it to the “out of sight, out of mind” area of my brain. Last week, we had a blockage somewhere in our plumbing. Trying to work through it, he wanted me to flush that one to see if it affected the one upstairs. Oh. My. Gosh. It was SO nasty! I am afraid to tackle it now, so I just shut the door again. Please pick me to win those gloves! I don’t know how else to tackle this job.?
Oh gosh, gloves became my LIFESAVER after having a “duh” moment myself. I would get so grossed out doing dishes (because hubby would stick a dish in the water with food still on it and if cringe and gag and start all over again). I have elbow length gloves for that now :-D. I’d LOVE to try a glove that doesn’t make your hands all sweaty though! Imagine all the surfaces you can clean when you’re not cringing!!
Those gloves are TOTALLY cute!!! They would (almost) make cleaning fun! ?
I would really deep clean my bathroom! Toilet, counters, sinks, tub!! Love the look of these.
I love/hate cleaning gloves! I love not getting stuff on my hands, hate trying to get them after using them a while. These sound awesome!
These look awesome! I’m like you, I despise having to clean and then have the cleaner (or whatever else! *gasp*) run down my arm after! YUCK! I see a lot of people like to talk about how nasty their boys are….my teenage daughter is totally disgusting! Especially her toilet…how she does it, I have NO IDEA! But, because it’s also the guest bathroom, I’m constantly having to clean it :/
I would love to try these out! The inside of it looks like it would work for me, plus, the hanging loop is definitely a BONUS! 🙂
Thanks for being real! I have really been enjoying your podcasts and feel like I’ve finally found someone who gets me!
They look great for cleaning almost anything in the bathroom.
Def the kids bathroom!
I learned a while back that I can touch ANYTHING if I have gloves on. It would be nice, however, if I had a good sturdy pair for cleaning bathrooms so I don’t have to keep buying cheapos.
Well, first of all, the drip catching sleeves. Brilliant! But even better, the LOOP to hang them with! I would so keep them in the bathroom! I hate the gloves stuffed under the sink in my kitchen… And what would I clean? The sink my daughter uses to brush her teeth with charcoal toothpaste! It’s a thing, really, google it! I hate that black grossness all over everything!!!
Well, how about dog pee? Normally, I hate wearing gloves, but I think it is because of that awful, sweaty feeling you described. It would be great to be able to protect myself with gloves without feeling like I need to crawl out of my skin, from the sweaty glove sensation!
I would clean the wall around the cat box. I hate that the most because water drips down my arm with regular gloves.
I hope I win so I won’t have to actually go and buy some myself! I don’t like to wear gloves because my hands sweat, this liner will be great.
Would love to try these. I would scrub my shower tile. I hate tile crevices! Some cheery green gloves to elevate the experience would be awesome!
The shower. Under the kitchen sink. The tub. Kitchen garbage. Bathroom garbage pail.
No wait, the diaper changing table…. NO, the diaper pail! Because the plastic inserts still somehow allow grossness to seep out. The possibilities are endless!
I would love a pair of these gloves. I use gloves to clean my bathrooms too. I can’t stand that icky feeling after I clean the bathroom so I always wear gloves. I would love to try a pair of these. Thanks!
I would have to flip a coin to decide if I would first clean my husband’s sink or the edge of the dishwasher.
My dear mom didn’t use gloves. Her hardworking, loving hands were hideous
My dear mother-in-law didn’t use gloves. Same with her hands
Consequently, I have never used gloves.
Didn’t seem to matter to me
in my 50s, when I looked down and……..SAW THEIR HANDS in my lap!!!!!!!
Just moisturizing every other night isn’t making a bit of difference.
I pray that it is not to late to stop further damage !
Hope to win
THANKS SO MUCH, Dana, for all you have taught and will teach us fellow slobs !
Peace, Love and Blessings !
I ALWAYS use gloves to clean and do dishes. The thought of putting my hands where someone else had licked (when doing dishes) or spit (when cleaning the bathroom sink) grosses me out. I just saw those gloves in the grocery store and wondered about them. Not getting sweaty hands while cleaning works for me!
I would clean my boys bathroom!!!!!!!!!!! They are suppose to keep it clean but gracious they have been slacking & its kinda gross!!!!!!
I want a pair of cleaning gloves to use while cleaning the toilet and to pick up trash in the local park when I go walking. I know when you first think of trash on the ground it doesn’t necessarily seem like you would have to have gloves. That is true for the first few mins because the trash is relatively new and maybe not that bad but the second time around the walking path you are looking at older, deeper trash not to mention that there could always be something really bad like a wipe, diaper, feminine product or unidentifiable needle. Eeekkk?
I would use them to scrub our shower. I like the no drip cuff on those gloves.
The boys’ bathroom!
I’d definitely use them in the bathroom; cleaning the shower without yuckiness dripping down my arm? Bonus!! ? Oh and kitchen garbage bin – Ick!! ?
I really enjoy reading your emails and am always recommending you to my friends. It’s so nice to read from a “real” person’s perspective!
I would use those for cleaning the seam around my shower that wasn’t sealed by the previous owners and gets OMG-nasty. Once I get it completely cleaned out, I can seal it so it doesn’t get like that anymore. The rest of the shower can get pretty gross, too, with five people using just one shower.
I would use these gloves on my kids’ nasty bathtub, my least favorite bathroom job. Maybe it wouldn’t get so nasty if I would clean it more often. Maybe I would clean it more often if I had these cute gloves to keep those strong chemicals off my hands. Maybe then I wouldn’t need to use the strong chemicals, because the tub wouldn’t get as nasty. Hmmmm. . . . Food for thought.
Winner or not, I could use one pair for the kitchen and another for the bathrooms. Thank you for the info about these gloves.
I have a master toilet that is begging to be cleaned and these might inspire me to finally do just that!
I would use them for both bathrooms. I use gloves in kitchen and not sure why I haven’t thought of having 2 different ones in different places!
I would most definitely clean my bathroom with those!
I would totally use these on my daughter’s bathroom! Thanks!
Sometimes Dollar Tree and Walmart have cute rubber gloves for much cheaper than these. I love the fancy rubber gloves since I used to watch “How Clean Is Your House” with those funny English ladies. It has never occurred to me to clean a bathroom or wash a pot without rubber gloves. I have a pair at my kitchen sink ever at the ready, and the bathrooms have their own too.
I would clean the kids bathroom.
The shower tile in our upstairs bathroom!
Toilets. PS, I recently discovered that using a little Pledge on a rag solves the problem of pushing around dust and grime on the sides of the base of the toilet. It’s the little things that keep me going…
In case you are wondering if anyone is still manages to read backwards from the beginning, this is the post that I got up to date on! YAY! It took literally all summer, but your posts are hilarious and worth every minute.
Cute gloves! I love that they have a fuzzy lining. They may even help me want to do more cleaning. My husband would be thrilled!
They do look cute! Are there other colors besides green?
I use baking soda on everything, especially tea stains in my mug, but it strips all the natural oils from my hands. Gloves, who knew?
Cleaning gloves that are cute and don’t make my hands sweat…I’ll try those out in any bathroom. I feel the same way about bathroom grossness!
When I cleaned houses as a teenager, NO ONE HAD TOLD ME ABOUT CLEANING GLOVES!!!!!! Thank goodness for people like you who share the wealth of knowledge you have acquired with the rest of us! I would use these fabulous gloves to clean, well, EVERYTHING. I have four kids and five bathrooms and . . . just . . . ew.
Definitely the toilet!!
I haven’t been getting your emails for a few days. I wonder what’s wrong?
I miss you!! I need you in my inbox!
Genius gloves!
I would wear them to clean the messes that are too gross to touch. Like the backsplash behind the kitchen sink where a couple bugs drowned.
Sometimes I think I’m afraid of gross messes like that. I hate them but I’d rather look at them day after day than touch them to clean them up. Can anyone relate?
Thanks for the duh moment! I totally related to all you said, right down to needing a shower and the dripping down my arm! Love it! I need these and I’d need to hang them in the bathroom and the cuteness factor is important!
Those gloves are so cute. I would clean my bathtub and shower for sure.
For me it’s the oven and stove – nasty. But I really need them right because I am moving and can’t stand other people’s mess and this house is a mess.
TOILETS! Definitely would use them for the toilets in my house! It’s the cleaning job that grosses me out the most! BUT, with those gloves, I might just be less reluctant to clean them! ?
I would love to try these gloves. I hate to NOT wear gloves because my nails are weak and will break when wet too long, but also hate wearing them because they make my hands sweat. Do they really keep your hands from sweating? That would be awesome!
I have the same issues with bathroom ickiness. I’d use these while cleaning the toilets!
I wish I had a pair of those this morning when I was cleaning up dog doo (the runny kind) off my laundry room floor…. It was nasty! I wish the kids wouldn’t feed him people food!
I need to scrub the inside of my kitchen trash can. Even though I buy the more expensive type of trash bags which grip the top of the can,they don’t always stay up and moisture and scraps have gotten down to the bottom between the bag and the can and it is really gross. I have put off cleaning it too long.
I need some to clean under my kitchen sink. Basically, everything in my home would be cleaner if I wasn’t skeeved out by going under my sink where cleaning supplies live!
They sound great! Would use them to clean the kitty litter box and toilet
I’d wear them to clean the bathroom. I know what you mean about the “fuzziness” inside making the experience of glove wearing much less icky. And maybe I wouldn’t be compelled to throw these away after one use.
I would use these to clean around the base of the toilet. I almost die every time I do it! Lol Okay, I may have been exaggerating, but it feels like it!
Wow, I enjoyed seeing a new idea gloves with a loop to hang gloves.
I am not a person who likes cleaning restrooms, and when I do it is
the mess having a son. who sometimes forgets to put the seat up.
I am sure that he has missed the center of the bowl. So those gloves will be
right at the spot where I will hang them under the sink cabinet. Plus I
could use them to take the scum from the product I will use to scrub the
tub. I like that idea.
I think the bathroom is gross, too. Even grosser when you put off cleaning it (which I do regularly). I’m not sure a pair of gloves would save me from procrastination, but I’m willing to try!
I would clean my kitchen sink. I haven’t adopted the daily dish washing yet. Unidentified food bits are scary!
I would definitely use these for the bathroom.
I would love to use the gloves to clean the nasty shower floor. It gets so soap scummy! Or maybe to clean around the toilets. I HATE when o clean those!
And it if the job is really gross, toss the gloves out! LOL I love your humor about cleaning.
I like the fuzzy on the inside! All bathroom cleaning is gross.
Definitely around the base of the toilet. It kind of leaks, and my husband just hasn’t had time to fix it yet, so everything on the floor right around it is just.. ew. Ew. ew ew ew. And it stays like that.. until I get one of the girls to clean it up for me, because they’re more OK with ew than I am. Which is bad. Because.. I mean, I’m the grownup. I should be doing the super gross stuff, right?!
What I’m saying is, I’m pretty sure my daughters would appreciate me getting a pair of these, and I think I need to.
/stream of conciousness
I had no idea such cute and functional gloves existed. I’ve been scraping by with single-use gloves and they are really not long enough (hellooooo drips down my arms!). Love the idea of a little hook under the bathroom sink for storage, too.
Honestly? I’d clean my bathrooms – especially the scary corners and around the toilet :p.
Love those gloves ideas. This post like inspiring to keep safe our hand while we cleaning the bathroom. Thanks for your helpful post. For next time, I will try to use the gloves to clean the bathroom.
I don’t know why but I seem to buy a new pair of cleaning gloves at least once a month. Maybe if I had a nicer pair like this I would take a little better care and not loose them so often.