This is a sponsored post, but the opinions and messes are all mine.
It was Chicken Day and I needed to try out Clean Shot Bleach Tablets. Talk about two tasks that go together perfectly.
I’m a big fan of buying chicken in bulk and then trimming it all, cooking a bunch, and bagging a bunch all in one day. It’s so much work on the day when I do it (and I never, ever look forward to doing it) but the months when I don’t have to trim a single chicken breast make it worth the day of work.
Saturday was my Chicken Day, so I cleared everything off of the counters near the sink and prepared to start the process. I was dealing with 40 pounds of chicken. FORTY pounds, y’all.
But once all that chicken has been trimmed and packaged, I still have work to do. This germaphobe can’t rest until every area of the kitchen that chicken touched has been thoroughly cleaned and disinfected.
Because, chicken.
Of all the things that freak me out, chicken causes the most freaking for me.
It was a perfect time to pull out the Clean Shot Bleach Tablets. Basically, I’m hyper-conscious at all times while dealing with raw chicken. I decided to fill up my over-labeled Bleach Solution spray bottle with some water and part of a bleach tablet. According to the directions on the bottle, for cleaning, you dissolve one tablet in a gallon of water. I did the math (after Hubby looked up How Many Ounces are in a Gallon? for me) and decided I needed a quarter of a tablet for my 32 oz spray bottle. I put the tablet in a plastic bag so I wouldn’t have to touch it (or go search for gloves) and it broke easily.
I ended up removing a few ounces of the water from the spray bottle so I could shake the bottle and make the tablet dissolve faster.
After wiping down the area well, I sprayed it all with the bleach solution, let it dry and then wiped it down with a wet paper towel.
I then tried the Clean Shot Bleach Tablets with my Chicken Laundry (that’s laundry that might have been exposed to Chicken Juice, not clothes worn by chickens . . . ). Because I wash my hands fifty-ba-jillion times (approximately) while dealing with all that chicken, I make sure all the towels I use are ones I’m willing to wash with bleach. I also wear an old, white, bleachable t-shirt. I then run a special Chicken Load.
I loved using the tablet for laundry. Just drop a tablet in the drum and go. I shook out a tablet into the bottle’s lid to avoid touching it. (Note: the bottle doesn’t say you can’t touch them, but I’m extra-cautious like that.)
Yay for being able to rest easy, not worrying about Chicken Germs after a long day of chickenizing.
And then, to see how one more suggested use works, I dropped two tablets in a toilet when I started writing this post. They don’t dissolve immediately, but I went back 20ish minutes later and they had dissolved and were ready for me to swish the toilet.
I couldn’t get a picture that showed them dissolved. (If you’ve never tried to take a picture of a bleach tablet dissolved in a toilet, it’s not easy. Trust me.)
The camp where I worked in the summers (where I learned all about professional bathroom cleaning) had us use bleach to clean the toilets once a week. We used other cleaning products the other days of the week. I really like the idea of starting Bathroom Cleaning Day by dropping these tablets in the toilets before I start cleaning so they’ll be ready to scrub the toilet when it’s time.
My General Thoughts on Clean Shot Bleach Tablets:
These things remind me SO much of the chlorine tablets the lifeguards use in our local pool. They look and smell like miniature versions of those things. I used the Regular Scent, but two other scents are available.
In the course of about eighteen hours, I used the Clean Shot Bleach Tablets in three different ways. They were easy to use and I like that they come in a compact container that doesn’t take up a lot of room in my laundry room cabinet. They’re definitely worth keeping on hand.
They do have “childproof” lids, but obviously need to be kept well out of the reach of children. And they’re bleach. So they cannot be mixed with any other cleaning products.
Would you like to win 3 bottles of Clean Shot ($12 value)? Just leave a comment below telling me about the mess you’d tackle! One commenter will be chosen using, and when I email the winner, he/she will need to respond within 48 hours or I’ll have to choose another winner. The giveaway is open to U.S. residents only, and the prize will be fulfilled by Clean Shot. You must leave a comment on this blog post, so if you’re reading by email click the title of the post to get to the site and enter. This giveaway will close on Monday, March 21, 2016 at 9 p.m. Central time. See all my giveaway policies here.
This was a sponsored post, but all experiences, opinions, messes, and germaphobia struggles are mine!!!
I would love to put these in my trash cans and let them soak!
I have a fear of bleach and would love to try these!! I have a baby and a dog and feel like I need to use bleach because of them, but I am afraid either would get into it. These would be easier to have handy yet out of reach!
Oh my so many uses……….outside trashcans, when pressure washing house (add a little to help w/ mildew), towels, etc. Yes I use bleach but these would make my life easier! Thanks for giveaway
I would definitely use these in laundry and toilets. Thank you sharing!
I would LOVE to try using them on my trash cans and outdoor toys/furniture.
Its always a chore to handle cleaning them…plus I’d love to see how they work for the toilet too!!!
I would tackle my son’s dirty, filthy, grimy socks!!!
I like the idea of the outside trashcan. Just drop a couple in and let them dissolve.
Our main floor bathroom is also the bathroom that my 6 and 9 year old boys use. I swear they don’t even look when they pee! lol These would be fantastic for cleaning that bathroom!
Sounds like the kids need these.
If they have something to aim at, it stays way cleaner. Good luck!
My bathroom could definitely use these!
I would find a number of uses for them. I am always nervous to use liquid bleach so these would be a perfect alternative. I would love to use in them in the bathroom my boys wear. I would also use them in the laundry and I love the spray bottle idea!
I like the idea of tablets. We use a dilute bleach spray in the kitchen for things like cutting boards. This would be so much more compact than liquid bleach. And maybe my husband would stop stealing the bleach bottle from the laundry room if he could just take a tablet (or part of one).
Filthy, dirty, grimy boys socks! I like the idea of just dropping them in the washer!
Sorry, my browser crashed after the first comment(#6) – didn’t know it had posted. 🙂
I have used these and do like that they are compact and work well!!
Toilets and white (or other bleach-safe) laundry, of course… but also the cats’ litterboxes, when it’s time for the full changeover. Maybe even use a little bit in the tub once in a while.
These look great! I’d love to give them a try!
Hands down, the toilet is where I’d love to use those tablets. I live in the mountains, and nothing seems to work on the toilet. It’s embarrassing. The laundry would be next. Pets and housework make for really dirty laundry. Tuck!
I love these tablets. They are soooooo much easier to store than bottles of liquid bleach and I never worry about spilling bleach when I do laundry. I bleach my kitchen towels regularly with them. I use them periodically in toilets. I want to try them this spring when I clean the outdoor furniture and flower pots.
I would use them to bleach the white laundry load, as well as general cleaning in bathroom & kitchen!
I also chickenize!! Yes, I also freak about the chicken germs! I must have these in order to successfully defend my neurosis against said germs!
I would definitely tackle my stained toilets! ?
I use bleach in my wash, but am always concerned about it splashing – these tablets would be awesome to try!!! I would use in our toilets too – who doesn’t hate cleaning toilets – anything to help out!!!
I’d like to try them for cleaning toilets!
What a great idea! There’s never enough room under the sink for bottles and bottles of bleach so this is great. I will probably end up using bleach much more. Right now I rarely use it because of the splashing. Where’s your Amazon affiliate link, Nony? I wanted to purchase a bottle from Amazon and give you credit!
I’d use them instead of liquid bleach so I wouldn’t splash it everywhere, especially when doing laundry 🙂
OMG…. I would use these things everywhere. My toilet, my laundry, my clothes, my counters. I am a complete bleach freak, I use it everywhere. It’s not clean if it doesn’t smell like bleach. Lol. I can’t believe that I never knew these things existed.
I bought them for my college-bound daughter to take to the dorm last fall. I liked the fact that they were concentrated, so she didn’t have to make room for a giant jug and that they wouldn’t spill and ruin things if she got careless. I did have to remind her that she had them twice when she called to find out how to get X out of her laundry, but it was great to know they were there when she needed them. They were also fairly inexpensive. I ended up buying a bottle to use when cleaning so I don’t have to have a giant jug in my cleaning cabinet upstairs, as well as in the laundry area in the basement. Two thumbs-up!
Great idea!!!
I would use them for my toilet. Anything to make toilet cleaning easier! And no worries about splashing liquid bleach! Win, win.
Would love to try on these items let alone washing walls and floors
I would use these in the bathroom, laundry room, and kitchen. Really, with the cold we seem to be passing around (and around, and around…), the entire house could probably benefit from a good bleaching.
Bleach TABLETS !! That is brilliant. I would love to meet the person who came up with this. I use liquid bleach in the laundry so would first try them on that. Be great to not worry about bleach splashing on something it is not suppose to be on. Next up would be tossing one in the toilet.. Disolving in a spray bottle would be last because I am fine adding liquid bleach for that.
I would love to try the bleach tablets! I have potty training twins. (I’ll spare you from the details.)
I hear you on cleanup after dealing with raw chicken. I do the same things you, so those bleach tabs would really come in handy!
That was a lot of work…going vegan would really simplify things. 😉
Laundry, toilets, etc..
I haven’t heard about these before. I love the toilet cleaning idea. I have a toilet with a big ole chip under the water line in the bowl (I think a kid threw a rock in there, don’t ask) and would LOVE to bleach the dickens out of that once a week, the tablets would be awesome for that.
Now don’t anyone tell me about the terrible things I’m exposing my family to b/c I haven’t replaced that toilet….they are expensive…and not sexy at ALL!
Well arn’t these the best things I’ve seen in a long time! I ? to clean with bleach- but if I get it on me- it breaks me out…. (And I always seem to get into it somehow) These would be sooo much easier – and less likely to get bleach on me……Simply ? this
I’d love to try them in my toilets, around the kitchen sink before and after cooking and in laundry…I’m always running out of liquid bleach and these could be the answer to having it around, fresh, as needed.
I am going to try this bleach tablet for cleaning. Especially when it come to cleaning up after cutting up chickens and cleaning the entire bathroom. My husband & myself have very week immune systems due to different forms of arthritis. I try to follow your cleaning recommendations anytime I can. Winning the bleach tablets would just be an added plus. Keep up your good job.
I would love to try these in my trash can, in my laundry and for cleaning the kitchen. I like the idea of bleach tablets – no more accidentally spilling the bottle of bleach.
I was curious about how well bleach tablets clean toilets so I did a little internet research. It turns out that “drop in” tablets made by a famous bleach brand will eat up the toilet’s rubber seals after a few years of use. It would be good to know if this one will eventually have the same effect. According to Amazon reviews of the other product, it is the bleach in the product that causes this.
Do you mean ones you drop in the tank? I had a plumber once advise against using anything that was a long term thing that you drop in the tank. But these are the equivalent of pouring bleach in the toilet for a single scrubbing.
You are correct. I looked again at these tablets that were called “bowl cleaner” and discovered that they do go in the tank and not the bowl! So confusing! The reason I was looking for more information was that I wondered if the tablets replace using the thick gel that clings. I didn’t find an answer on the internet. Do you know?
Bathroom! With 2 boys, I need these!
I hàve never heard of these! I would love to give them a try! Wow what a great idea! Ha ha, chicken clothes. Lol.
I would use them to clean my washing machines.
I would use the bleach tablets on the cruddiest job I hate … cleaning the cat litter box! Even with the non-clay litters (the ones that clump for easy removal), eventually, you end up having to clear the whole thing. Cats HATE a dirty box!
Laundry. We have lots of whites that need to be bleached and I’m always afraid I’m going to spill the container of bleach when I pour. These would be awesome!
I’m terrified of bleach because I tend to end up with white spots on all of my clothes. I would LOVE to try these, maybe I can actually disinfect without ruining my outfit!
I just got 40 lbs on boneless skinless chicken breast myself (looks like the same packaging!) and these bleach tabs would be super handy for that!
I’m waiting on my 40lbs of ground beef, so I will definitely have another mess to deal with.
One thing I was told was to be sure you don’t run a dark load immediately after a bleach load in case there’s a little left in the washer. So I generally wash a load of lights or light towels after my whites load (if I use bleach, which I don’t always)
Would love to try these on my toilets. No matter what I use the rings reappear a few days later. It couldn’t hurt…
The toilet idea sounds great. I have four boys….gag.
With all the rain we had this past year, we have mold growing on the outside of our house. I’ve been so busy with tax season that I keep forgetting about it until I’m all dressed up going out the door. I like how nicely the quarter piece dissolved for you, so much easier to use than wrangling liquid bleach into a small dispensing bottle so I can dilute it.
FYI don’t use beach to clean up mold. Use peroxide!
I’d use one in a spray bottle to clean up after my elderly dog, who is so sweet and loyal but suffers from nerve damage in his posterior spinal area (he’s part dachshund) and leaves puddles for me to clean up. It would be so much easier than measuring liquid bleach into the bottle.
Awesome!! And I’m sure they would last longer than regular bleach for long term storage as well!
I personally have like an asthmatic allergic reaction to the smell of bleach. So dear husbands white dress shirts never get truly white. Neither does our tablecloth. Or the white extra dirty cleaning towel. Eww!
But now I would have no excuse… I kind of like excuses :-).
Plus I would give one to my mom who constantly ruins clothes when bleaching stuff (and I feel worse if it’s my laundry she is washing like when my washer was out of commission) due to the splash back effect. Her bottle leaks or something…
I haven’t seen them in stores near me so would love to try it, get addicted, and then go crazy trying to find a bottle!
Sarah, these do smell strongly of bleach, so that problem won’t be solved necessarily.
Because I’m a slob and I need to come clean!!!!
I’d love to use one of these dropped in a bathtub full of water. Those little anti-slip sticky things on the bottom of my tub don’t come clean easily. Maybe soaking the tub with a couple of these bleach tabs would dissolve the ick and make the tub look clean again!
Oh, the cat food area. That drippy mess dries to the linoleum in a bad way.
These could have so many uses in my home! Especially when everyone in the house has been sick recently!
Each bottle would have it’s own mess in my house! One would stay in the bathroom for the tub and toilet, one would go in the laundry room to tackly my dingy whites and another in the kitchen to scrub out my sink.
Thanks for the review and opportunity!
These look great. I totally love the toilet idea! Of course laundry too, I hate measuring bleach. These seem so much easier and I’d use them that much more.
I would love these to use in laundry. I am always sloshing it and it usually ends up getting on something it wasn’t intended for.
I would love to win and use the same in my toilets and dilute in spray bottle to use in shower and tub!
First of all let me say how nice it is to hear from another germaphob. Last year when we went on a cruise, I took the tablets to clean out the jacuzzi tub that was in our run. You know when the water drains that there is still some water left back behind in the pipes jets of the tub. I don’t want to sit in someone else’s germ bath water. I dropped two tablets in and filled with hot water. When it was high enough, I turned on the jets for about 10 minutes. I drained it, refilled it and reran the jets to clean the bleach out. My family enjoyed it all week and I didn’t worry about germs from the tub.
Linda from Texas
I’m almost out of bleach and this would save me a trip to the store. 😉
Love it! I’ve never seen these before! I’d put one in each bathroom and the other in the laundry room. Not having to worry about spilling or splashing bleach would be great!
I would love to use these in my toilets! Thanks for the give-away!
I like the idea of using them in the toilets! And I would probably toss one in with my kitchen towels.
(I tried posting a comment earlier but “lost” it & couldn’t find it. Truly, not trying to post twice.)
These are so neat! I’ve never seen them before! I would put a package in each bathroom and one in the laundry room. I love that it doesn’t drip or splash bleach everywhere!
These would be great to sanitize our collection of mega blocks! I’m a fan of hydrogen peroxide, but these intrigue me.
All this talk of splashing bleach cursed me! I ruined a shirt on Saturday due to a bleach splash! It’s been years since I did that! Arghhh!
Toilets for sure! My kids clean the bathrooms daily, so they are always mostly clean. But, it’s up to me to do weekly (or less-than-weekly) deep cleanings. Bleach tablets in the toilet would make the process much quicker.
I would love to try these in the toilets! They look very effective!
Check your email!
I will be picking up 80 lbs of boneless skinless chicken breasts this Thursday at my location in Southern California. I also will be washing my hands a bazillion times while repacking the breasts for my big freezer. I love the idea of bleach in tablet form and would love to try Clean Shots.
So here is a guys perspective who is in charge of laundry. I don’t use liquid bleach (has had the same half gallon in my cupboard for the last two years) because of spillage and mess. I also only use detergent tabs. NO MORE LIQUIDS! I tried Clean Shot and finally are back to white whites! Need to work on being able to find this product in more outlets. Will have to try the other ways to use outlined above!
I’d like to try them for washing my washable terry cloth mop heads in the front load washer and for the toilets. I’ve been enjoying your blog and find it a good motivator. Thanks.
White uniform shirts. Yup, that’s right. My kid’s school requires white uniform shirts for six year olds who like to drink chocolate milk for lunch. By the time I get to the laundry (I SO relate to your past laundry struggles…nice podcast on that BTW) the stain won’t budge. These thing-ies might just do the trick and I’d love to try them!
I LOVE these tablets! I so hope I will always be able to find them winco where I was buying them clearanced them out! 🙁 I stocked up! I love them because I don’t have to measure the bleach! If I won I would use them in my toilet! What a great idea!
I would love to try them in the toilets at home and where i volunteer!
I bleach my toilet bowls, kitchen sink and sponges weekly with a cup of bleach. It’s heavy and bulky. I’ve ruined a few of my tops with the splashing.
I’d love to try these!
Because we use bleach on so many things, I usually have 3 gallon jugs on hand but don’t have room to store those bulky containers. I use it on laundry, bathrooms, general cleaning and my hubby uses a lot of bleach for cleaning out ice chests after crawfish boils and also for cleaning out my daughter’s turtle tank. And then he uses it on the bathtub afterward! So these would really come in handy…for how often we use bleach….and especially storage-wise!
I would love to try this in my laundry. My son plays football and his socks and football year get so dingy.
I’d love to try these in my laundry, kitchen and bathroom!
I would clean my toilets….I have toddlers, enough said.
Looks like a great idea 🙂
I love to use Clean Shot Bleach Tablets for every cleaning project. I don’t have to worry anymore about “the splash”! From laundry to kitchen and bathroom. I recommend these to everyone.
Ooooh. I hate liquid bleach, so this would be an awesome alternative.
I’m physically handicapped and unable to do any of the cleaning that needs to be done (hubby tries, but seriously doesn’t seem to “see” the overall germiness that I see!) I’d love to try these in the toilet and sink area in the bath. But. #1 would be wiping down the kitchen counters and sink; and the appliances! Glad for this post; I’ll be sure to write it on the grocery list for hubby to pick up so we can try it out ~ just imagine ~ I won’t have to “see” the germiness and he may see what I’ve been talking about for the past who-knows-how-many # of years! LOL
I use a ton of white towelsto try to cut down on our paper towel use. I bleach them every week. These would be perfect because I have a major fear of bleach!
Id love to use it for spring cleaning (outside trash cans, spray bottle for deep cleaning, and scrubbing the concrete basement floor)
Use bleach in the laundry and bathrooms..
Slowly replacing 35 year old fixtures in a house can be expensive but necessary after being abused by hard water and iron deposits. I used the bleach tablets diluted in a spray bottle as well to tackle the stained porcelain sink. It doesn’t stay white for long, but it makes me happy to see it (appear) clean for a few days. Orange tub just went out the door last month. Sink is next on the chopping block.
I would love to try these on our cloth diapers. I think they would work great.
I would definitely use them for toilets, but might try in my power washer for the mold and icky buildup on my brick patio!
I like the idea of sanitizing the toilet before I get in there to clean it. Another way I could use it is to put in s spray bottle and clean the grout lines in the shower.
I hate using liquid bleach on my undies so I would love if these worked just as well.
I would use it in the laundry with my white clothing. I would all so use a tablet in a spray bottle to pre treat stains on my white clothes. I would then clean my grout in the bath room, and test your method of dropping a tablet in the toilet bowl to sanitize and de-stain. I would even test de-grimming the inside nooks and crannies of our dishwasher by spraying it down with the product mixed with water..but at a stronger solution.
I would use them in the laundry for me hours, in a spray bottle in the kitchen, in the toilets – a lot. They seem very handy. Would love to try them!
I love the idea of dropping the tablets in the toilet to clean and your spray bottle. I’m horrible at keeping up with cleaning on a regular basis so a goal of bleach cleaning with these tablets once a week seems easy and doable!
These look interesting. I’m largely interested in trying them in the toilet and in a spray bottle. I tend to pour too much bleach… Everywhere and ruin my clothes, every time.
I’d attack those toilets!
I use these ALL the time in laundry, cleaning, etc. I prefer this over liquid or powder bleach bc I don’t have to worry about my kids spilling bleach all over if they use it.
Also, for my toilet I use a swimming pool tablet and leave it in the back of the toilet. It dissolves slowly so it lasts for a few weeks and the clean toilet last a week or so after its all dissolved. Our toilets stay super clean without scrubbing. Only thing we have to do is wipe them down with bleach the bowls are always gleaming.
I’d love to try them in the laundry!
never heard of them, would like to try them! thanks.
I would use the tablets to clean and sanitize the animal water and food bowls. They get really gross. I would also use them to clean my husbands water cooler ( the type with a dispenser).
Arghhh! I totally jinxed myself by my comment on this post! The next weekend (the very next) I splashed bleach on my hot pink (well, not so hot now) shirt! You’d think I’d learn!
Kathy says:
Will dilute, use with cotton balls to tackle the corners of our shower’s grout.
Thank you.
I clean everything with rubbing alcohol. It disenfects faster than anything, in about 10 seconds, and it is far safer than anything because it will completely evaporate from surfaces.