Know what’s more annoying than not having a dustpan and having to use the old wet-a-paper-towel-and-wipe-up-the-bits-and-pieces trick?
Not having a dustpan and having to use that trick even though I DID have a dustpan about three minutes before this picture was taken.
Right. I had a dustpan the first time I needed it, but the second time it was nowhere to be found.
No. Where.
After four or five frantic trips through the house, I gave up, mumbling and grumbling.
I wiped up the random bits and pieces, and then I put the broom away. And found the dustpan where it’s supposed to go, in the laundry room.
Who thinks to look where something actually goes?? Not me.
Who puts the dustpan “where it goes” even though it’s still being used? I’d have never guessed this, but the answer is me.
Once those habits get a hold of you, you go on automatic pilot when you see something out. My hubby used to leave the newspaper out when he went to get coffee, by the time he came back with the coffee I had already put the newspaper away out of habit.
Then he tried to set his empty coffee cup out and go get the newspaper first instead. Again…..habit made me put the coffee cup away when he came back with his paper. So he finally resorted to asking me not to touch either but sometimes I’d forget because just picking up and putting away had become a habit.
A piece of cardstock or bit of cardboard work well in a pinch. I hate it when you know that you just had something, and now you can’t find it!
That’s hilarious, but I can relate. I don’t even want to think about how many times I’ve put things where they go – or somewhere to keep them safe – and then it’s a miracle if I find them again. 😀
Now, what I heard in your little story is that you SAW something to be cleaned up, LOOKED for the apparatus to clean it up, and FOLLOWED THROUGH with the clean up even though the apparatus was nowhere to be found. That’s an enormous SLOB WIN in my book. Good job!
Oh. Did I leave out the part about how Girl Scouts would be there in less than an hour . . . ?
I’m having this problem while I wrap. I have scissors and tape and then I don’t. And I can walk around the whole house five times and not figure out where they went. Until I get out more scissors and more tape…cuz i have to have extra sets…and then the originals pop up…
Actually go to the same thing and finally surrendered to the fact that wetting a paper towel and wiping it up right then and there is so much more comforting than trying to search like I am Indiana Jones for the dustpan. It made me frankly felt better about myself and I didn’t waste time looking for the dustpan and being mad at myself that I couldn’t find it. It’s kind of a game changer for me. Paper towels do cost money however the peace of mind that I have at conquering a small task just like you’d mentioned is worth its weight in gold to me it makes me feel like a better person