This post is one big affiliate link. I don’t usually do those, but this one came to my attention and I wanted to share since it’s something I personally needed!
I’m in the market for a new iPhone. Honestly, I assumed once I hit my “eligible for upgrade” moment, I’d march right into the store and do the deal.
I did march right in, but I left with my own phone. My own old phone.
And now it’s four months later and my oldest just commented that he never thought I’d be like Dad and dillydally on getting a new phone.
Why didn’t I go for it?
The phone store offered me a measly $21 for my phone. My husband got WAY more than that for his older, less-awesome phone just a few months earlier, so I was a bit ticked.
I’ve since gone in and been given a similar offer. According to the people in the store, there is no way other than walking into the store to find out when they do the bigger offer specials.
I’m a busy lady and I have no interest in walking in time and time again, only to get re-irritated.
So when this particular affiliate offer came to my attention, I looked into it. Through USell I was offered $63 for the phone I need to sell. That’s 25 cents less than Amazon’s Trade In Program offered, but with Amazon you’re getting Amazon credit rather than cash.
So now I’m motivated to get a new phone since I feel more confident I’ll be able to sell my old one for a better price.
I looked at the terms of service and saw that while a buyer (USell matches you with a buyer) can decide your phone isn’t in the condition you said it was in and make a new offer, you can refuse that offer and they’ll send back your phone with no shipping charges. (They send you a pre-paid shipping package to use when you send the phone in the first time.)
I love easy ways to declutter AND make cash, so this is definitely looking into!
If you don’t care about getting money for your old phones, check with local schools and ministries. They often collect old phones.
Go to USell to see what your old phones are worth!
Yes. I’m saying it again. The links in this post are affiliate links.
You can sell other things too:
I always love to get cash from my decluttering! I’m with you on the procrastinating on a new phone as well. I don’t even have a smartphone yet.
I found two old phones that we kept as spares in my basement decluttering yesterday. Since I know we will upgrade soon and would never go back to those old flip phones, I put those phones in a pile for our annual electronic recycling day. In fact, I’m going to put a reminder on my online calendar so I don’t forget!!
Great ideas, just a little too late for me. I sent mine in for a phone recycling program already. Oh well! Maybe next time?
Make sure you check eBay to see what your old phone is worth too. You can usually get a lot more there depending on what type of phone you have. I sold my last phone there, and my son has sold several that way. Just be aware that there seem to be more scam buyers for electronics than other things so set your buyer criteria accordingly.
How do you make sure all of your personal data is off of it? That is my big worry.
I will have to keep that in mind. Right now I use my old phone as an alarm and flashlight (darned expensive way to go for an alarm and flashlight, lol). Like Wendy, I’m always a little concerned about my personal data on things like cell phones and other electronics, so I have quite a stash of things I’d love to get rid of.
Hi Nony,
Just wanted to say I have sold an iphone through Usell and I had a great experience! They were quick, and VERY trouble free to deal with. The money was in my account almost immediately! I highly recommend them! 🙂
Yay! I love hearing this!!