By bragging about what I did, I’ll also reveal that I don’t always declutter so perfectly and considerately.
Honestly, sometimes I throw things into a box in a moment of frantic madness, desperate to get STUFF out of my house.
A slob’s gotta do what a slob’s gotta do.
But this time, I was the Model Declutterer. When I ran across the organizing system from my days as a coupon-a-holic, I knew it was time to let go.
In my warped world, I was once the epitome of organization when it came to coupons.
Because my shopping day was the day our grocery sales started, I clipped and alphabetized my coupons. I didn’t have time to check the “match-ups” before I left the house, so I needed them ALL. (Who knew what was going to be FREE that day??)
I had to shop on that specific day because I was out of the house for Bible Study anyway. Organized AND efficient. Mmm-hmmm.
Anway . . . after I decided to let my pretty dividers go, I felt like a hero when I got up, found a rubber band, and put them into a neat, tied-up package.
Go me!
Oh. A really noble slob would have alphabetized them too?
Yeah . . . that’s never going to happen around here.
Yes! I agree with this post, sometimes you just have to let go. At least you kept them all together by rubber banding them 🙂 That’s progress!
I love it. A cat knocked a recipe box with dividers like that off my the shelves in my office a few weeks ago…and I just scooped everything up and threw it away. Yeah, I know, I should have donated them, I didn’t. I figured it was a sign that I was never going to use it for the project I’d wanted to use them for (more than four years ago). It felt good. And I didn’t even rubber band them together. 😀
It would have been an interesting find if they were still full of old coupons.
I fell ya. Decluttering is so exciting! My friend and I have been decluttering bags of ten things and texting pictures to each other of the best find of the day. Sometimes it is funny, sometimes its sad. But mostly its liberating!
Feel ya. My bad.
I’ve been reading your blog for about a month now, and not only do I love you for feeling my pain as a slob, but I appreciate you so much for getting straight to the point in your posts. Wham, Bam, Thank you Ma’am… now get back to cleaning! 🙂
I know what you mean about getting out there in a quick hurry = to grab the next FREE thing!
Having ‘organizer props’… is a good intention gone awry for me!
I’m holding onto your ‘CONTAINER CONCEPT’ and just doing it a little by little–
I am actually putting things into a box now to get rid of it!
It’s taken me a while. I made a few piles and completely tossed some ‘trashy’ things in the garbage bag (another container!)
Maybe it’s just on my browser, but did anyone else catch the irony of the coupon for Ritz (yuck) crackers at the top of this webpage? Hahaha.
Actually, it’s a revolving coupon, even better. LOL
You’re right, a more noble slob would have alphabetized them. Then the more noble slob would have also thought about whether one of there children’s teachers could use it for something, or maybe a neighbor, then you add it to the pile of things ready to get rid of, but still live in your house because your waiting to find the perfect place to get rid of them.
Congratulations! Organizers are still the hardest things for me to get rid of. Maybe one day I’ll get realistic and actually get rid of the things I am getting rid of.
HA! I did that today too!