Because I cleared the floor of my closet, I also cleaned my bathtub.
The two don’t seem related, but unfortunately they are.
Bathroom Cleaning Day had been inhibited by the fact that I couldn’t get to my bathtub easily. Chairs in front of the bathtub were piled with clothes because I couldn’t get into the closet to put them away.
I had every intention of NOT showing this before picture of my bathtub.
Honestly (thankfully) the picture does not do it justice.
It was . . . icky.
Really icky.
And it makes me sick to my stomach. Not from the ickiness, but the fact that I, who love baths with a fierce passion, went months without taking one.
(I did shower, thankyouverymuch.)
It’s just that with all this in front of the bath:
It was too much trouble. Knowing I’d have to move it all, or let it all fall from its precarious perch to the floor where it would turn into never-worn-but-now-dirty dirty laundry . . . was just too much.
So I didn’t.
I did, however, scooch my way in to sit on the edge of the bathtub and shave my legs in a hurry before leaving for the pool. Y’know. Last summer.
And that left lots of barely-rinsed leg-hair-infused soap-splashes which further discouraged me from dealing with the task.
But now that the closet floor is clear, the residual clutter moved away, and the bathtub is get-to-able, I have cleaned it.
And I love it. And remember why I was so excited to have it when we bought this house.
messee mami says
I feel at ease knowing there are my kind of “normal” people out there in the world.
Tommie says
I adore how our thought patterns are so alike. I agree with messee mami it makes me feel better I am not alone 🙂
Your tub looks amazing!!
Dawn says
Way to go. I am of the firm opinion that before pictures are only proof of how horrible it was. Without those you can’t prove anything 🙂
Shellie says
I have to say I love this post for a multitude of reasons. One, that I am not the only one who leaves stuff undone just because it seems overwhelming. Two, that you finally got to it (encouragement), three, that you now get to enjoy the fruits of your labor! 🙂 Thanks so much for sharing!!!
Sandra says
So happy that I happened upon your FB page a couple weeks ago. My tub looks like this .. in fact worse. I hate baths so cleaning it is on the bottom bottom of my list. However, my bathroom looks so pretty when it’s cleaned .. maybe I’ll tackle it this week. Thanks for your inspiration and motivation!
Andrea @the Distracted says
I love baths too. Sadly I rarely take them because ours is usually so loaded with toys. But at least I’ve finally managed to get a decent bath tub cleaning schedule down. So its only somewhat icky here. Who knows what it will be like in a few months though. Way to go on getting it clean though. Enjoy your baths.
Faith Rich says
my bathtub is worse than that because we are having to replaster so it’s covered in plaster and it doesn’t have a proper water supply or waste so we can’t use it anyway 🙁
Britta Nerber says
Did I miss the part where you said how you cleaned it? Lol I despirately need help with my white tub. It is so stained from the water dripping. Elbow grease gets it off but I could use some cleaner suggestions to help my elbows! Lol I’ve tried everything on the market. Any home remedies?
Dana White says
Have you tried baking soda?
Gina says
Wasn’t able to read post because of all the ad pop ups.
Dana White says
Can you give details? What were the popups about? ANd were you on desktop or mobile? I’m trying to get these issues figured out.