Have I mentioned that I’m extra-busy this week?
Well, I am.
And yet . . . there’s this 29 Day Organizing Challenge I said I was doing.
And the whole I-have-a-blog-and-told-the-world-I-was-going-to-get-that-room-figured-out-this-month thing.
I’m being purposefully delusional that I’ll be able to get it finished next week. But alas, there’s another “progress report” link-up today.
Soooo, I did SOMEthing. This bookshelf that was a disaster and that I’ve many times told you to ignore in a picture? I de-disasterized it.
There you go.
Fine, here’s the in-between:
The in-between . . . even though I spent yesterday rehearsing my talk for tomorrow where I’ll be encouraging people to declutter in a way that keeps them from stopping in the middle of a project.
It’s just been that kind of week.
I’m glad I got SOMEthing done, but I do feel a little guilty. There are some normal people readers around here and some room-rearranging-fanatics who seem to really be getting into helping me figure out this room.
And honestly, I’ve loved the advice you’ve been giving. So, only because Alana asked (and she’s one who always comments on posts that no one else comments on . . . ), I’m going to show the room in pictures taken from all four corners.
Even though . . . these pictures will reveal that I never actually dragged that blankety-blank desk out to the curb last Saturday. (Or any other day, for that matter.) Which is pretty stifling to the whole room-rearranging thing.
But hey, you come here for honesty so you knew what you were getting into.
The picture that shows I still haven’t figured out what to do with my Donate Spot now that there’s nothing hiding it.
The picture that shows I still don’t know what to do with my Tap Board. (Where do you store yours?)
The one that just generally shows how messy this room is.
There you go.
Oh, and one more thing in my busy week/day? I’m going to be interviewed on BlogTalkRadio with Debba from Girlfriendology today at 2 p.m. Eastern Time. I’d love for you to come listen in, or you can hear the recording if you miss it.
I’m also linking this to Money Saving Mom’s Clear Out the Clutter link-up. Many a book went into the Donate Spot, and quite a few went straight to my BSF bag to be donated there next week!
The shelf looks much better! We have one like that in the boys’ bedroom, which I go in and straighten up a few times a year. But what I want to know is this: You know those couch cushions that are crushed and constantly falling over/off the couch? (I see you have the same ones that I do!) What the heck are we supposed to do about those!? I hate them with an ever growing passion. They looked nice for the first week we had the couch. Now? Notsomuch. Any ideas?
Maybe try Velcro? I used to have a couch similar to that and it had Velcro on the back of the cushions to help hold them up. I got rid of the couch because we didn’t have room for two couches and I liked my other one better.
Oh I despise couch cushions! I don’t like leather couches but that is what I finally bought just to avoid “messy couch” syndrome. I had a couch that took an hour of vacuuming and primping and jumping and punching the cushions back into shape just to make it look nice again (and Febreze cuz they get so smelly too). Then the kids always took the cushions off to build something and drag them all over my (most likely) dirty yucky floor. They look so pretty and cozy in the magazine pictures though don’t they?
Is your tap board the thing standing against the windows? Would it fit UNDER the couch? Or is it too wide? My couch doesn’t have support feet in the middle, just on the four corner, so that is what I would do. The bonus? Less stuff would get “accidentally kicked/shoved/lost” under the couch if the board is in the way. Not that anything like that happens around here. LOL!
You’ve created a monster! (post) Don’t worry if doesn’t get finished because this is real life not fakey perfect blog that makes others feel hopeless.
Wouldn’t it be fun if we could have a Nony’s Gameroom Party and all come over and chatter and exclaim and shove furniture all around! Sort of like an Amish barn raising. I love the four corners pictures I think the couch/TV set up is looking logical and functional. That bar is frustrating isn’t it? All that space made so awkward. You could always hide the donate pile and tap board back there.
Good luck!
Hooray for the pictures!! Wow. My sense is that this room has come a long, long way. Now I understand your frustration with arranging it–L rooms are so awkward!
Great bookshelf decluttering. Do you have bookends? That will help keep the books from toppling. Smae sized books placed on their sides will act as a bookend if you want.
I thought under the couch might be the best place for the tapboard too–but better, I think, would be to paint something on the underside–a simple abstract landscape? A giant daisy? and then prop it up against the wall here the desk used to be (see how I’m pretending you’ve already gragged it to the curb–cause you will) and then you’ll have a giant piece of art propped oh so casually against the wall like a swank gallery.
It’ll be a focal point and no one will even notice the couch cushions.
My only fear with painting one side is that the paint may come off onto the floor when you put it down to tap. That would be bad!
Sorry to be the kill joy.
dance on the painted side …..AFTER you give it several coats of clear polyurethane.
I think your room has come a long way too! Even in what you are declaring is a messy state, it looks way less messy than some of your old posts about it. is there any way you can use your tap board to hide your donate spot? I like the idea of painting one side, maybe you could prop it up in front of a bunch of big plastic storage containers and use that as your donate spot. Besides the plastic containers would make it easier just to pick them up and carry them off to donate, hmm……Just brainstorming. I think this room has come a long way. It looks like a game/tv kid gathering spot room taht is a “bit” cluttered, not a store room as it sometimes looked in the past (We have an “office” that tends to slide into storeroomness so I can totally relate) You have done a good job. Keep plugging along it will get there.
Good job on the bookshelf! I think Alana’s idea for painting something artsy on the bottom of the tap board and displaying it where the desk won’t be is a good idea. 😉 If you are concerned about protecting the wall, drape a pretty cloth, blanket or towel that compliments the artwork across and behind the top in a decorative way, kind of like you have it now, so that it looks like it’s supposed to be part of the art.
Way to go Nony!! That bookshelf looks amazing!
The bookshelf looks great. We’ve been decluttering lately too, and I feel your pain. I wish life would just stop for a few weeks so I could get it all done.
Awesome post Thanks for sharing
Great job on the book shelf! Although I do lead and participate in some de-cluttering and un-cluttering challenges(yes, there is a difference)-some monthly and some mini. The ones that are “project” or “time” specific doesn’t usually work for me. We are all at different levels, have different daily lives, schedules, and commitments.. Although the one month, one room sounds like a reachable goal, this was an exceptionally busy month for you, with something like your book (which is a exciting, but big project in itself) having both running in the same time frame could cause stress and the feeling that there isn’t time to get these projects done to the point you want them both in during one month(brain-overload). You have come a long way in the “gameroom” break it down into even smaller steps, keep chipping away smaller parts and enjoy each separate space/spot as it gets done, don’t worry about how much time is left in the challenge or month. Your doing a great job…it will get done. Think of all the forward progress/accomplishments you have made over the last few weeks.. (thumbsup and a hug)..chele
great job on the finished bookshelf. This room is going to be fantastic – just what you’ve been waiting for!
Would the tap board fit behind the dresser aka tv stand? You’re getting there! Baby steps! Kick that desk to the curb. You’ll feel great once it’s gone!
I know you are trying to get rid of stuff, not bring in more. But sometimes I need something new and exciting for a room to give me the motivation to keep going.
Have you thought about a nice big
shag area rug to anchor the couch?
or paint the tap board to look like a rug? you’ll figure it all out eventually. i have the utmost confidence in your abilities, nony!
Oh, and how about an ottoman with storage for your donation spot? That way it’s out of sight but still easily accessible.