Don’t just look at the picture. Read the whole post.
Because I’ve gotten even smarter since I came up with this really smart idea.
Gift cards have come a long way in the past ten years. First, they changed to cards instead of certificates, and now you can even give a credit-card-based giftcard that will allow the recipient to use it almost anywhere.
Wonderful, except that these cards have their own quirks. The first time I received one, I got so frustrated when I tried to use it. The item cost around 40$ and the card had 25$ on it. I knew I hadn’t used any of its value yet, but the machine denied the card. These cards were new enough that even the cashier didn’t yet know that she had to input the amount that was on the card as partial payment. Basically, since it’s not the store’s gift card, the store’s register doesn’t know how much is on it.
Soooo, keeping track of the balance is important.
Keeping track? Hmmmmm. Not my strong point.
Of course, you can always call about the balance, but that takes planning ahead.
Planning ahead? Hmmmm. Not my strong point either.
But keeping a Sharpie marker in my purse? I can do that! (Along with a multitude of other totally useful items!) This year, since we used a gift card for “play money” over Christmas break and the balance went down little by little, I simply wrote the amount I spent on the card and did the math.
Remember how I said I’ve gotten even smarter? I found out a few days ago that the remaining balance usually prints on the receipt, eliminating the need for math.
Yes . . . you could keep the receipt.
But keeping up with small pieces of paper? Hmmmmm. Not really my strong point.
Oh, and that Sharpie marker link up there? It’s my Amazon affiliate link. You may be thinking, “She’s delusional. Why would anyone order a Sharpie marker from Amazon?” It’s all part of my plan to get you to wonder how much a Sharpie marker even costs on Amazon so you’ll click over there through my link and then you’ll start looking at new HD televisions and I’ll get the credit for that. But interestingly, when I went to get the link, I saw that you can get a 12 pack of Sharpies for only 70 cents right at this very moment, with 4.99 shipping. Thus ends the longest disclosure statement of all time.
This is a great tip!! And the funniest disclosure statement ever 🙂
If I purchased a gift card, though, mine would definitely be chocolate. Vanilla is wa-ay too boring.
But I’m allergic to chocolate . . .
Oh, I forgot! My sympathies…
Brilliant idea! Love it!
I always wrap the last receipt around the gc and keep them together until it is used again. I never remember to update the balance when I would write on the card.
Yep, this is what I do too.
While this is something I’ve already been doing, I enjoy reading your commentary. 🙂 All the gift cards we got for Christmas already have the starting balance with the date written on the card. 🙂
Now, see, my Catholic-school-girl-of-the-50’s brain would say “but that’s defacing a credit card”! And it would be a big deal, until I realized that defacing a school text book (which is where that one came from) is different from keeping track of your balance on a gift card.
You have your slob brain, I have my C-s-g-o-t-50’s brain that I’m still dealing with, even after all these years. I guess it’s a life-long on-going thing.
I wrap the receipt around the gift card, but then I wonder, “Is this the most current receipt or did I forget to add the last receipt that I had?” So….I end up calling the number on the back of the card to confirm the amount. I LOVE the Sharpie idea!
My tip for when you find gift cards and look them up to see how much is on them that you put the amount on a post-it flag on the card. I think i like your Sharpie idea better 🙂
Now I know I have been overseas too long. It seems natural to order everyday items from Amazon. I have even ordered coconut oil online. So no need too explain to me why you used pens from Amazon.
Good so I’m not a “crazy person” I do the same with my gift cards. I recently found one, that had a balance, but was expired. I called. They asked me what the original balance was… which was on the card. (I wrote it on there. Then they asked what my last transaction was (no idea, it was an old card) I then said “well I know the balance was…” and now they are sending me new card, because i knew the exact balance! 🙂
I never have to keep track of my gift card balances because I immediately go and spend it all
I too use the Sharpie, and, then when there’s only a few dollars, or cents, left on these cards, I add them to my “gift card” balance on Amazon. That way I use every penny!