To be honest I can’t remember exactly how I ended up at your site. I was searching organising websites for a while. Many had video series that I watched, posts that I read, but little changed in my life.
I can assimilate information, and tell you how others do things, but have little awareness of myself. Partially I think I just didn’t really want to see reality. I am grateful for your site that has helped me take quick looks at the mess, pick a small area with the aim of consistency(and then ignore the mess again).
If I look too long I get overwhelmed and do nothing. Anyway I appreciate how welcoming you are to us slobs as I learn to accept myself, and find ways to have a home rather than rooms with stacks of stuff.
To be honest I can’t remember exactly how I ended up at your site. I was searching organising websites for a while. Many had video series that I watched, posts that I read, but little changed in my life.
I can assimilate information, and tell you how others do things, but have little awareness of myself. Partially I think I just didn’t really want to see reality. I am grateful for your site that has helped me take quick looks at the mess, pick a small area with the aim of consistency(and then ignore the mess again).
If I look too long I get overwhelmed and do nothing. Anyway I appreciate how welcoming you are to us slobs as I learn to accept myself, and find ways to have a home rather than rooms with stacks of stuff.