It’s Friday again . . . how exactly did that happen?
Last week was the first Focus Check Friday, something I’m planning to do every Friday. You can read this post where I explain its basic concept.
My focus this week has been on our garage sale. Our blankety-blank garage sale. I’m not too terribly excited to get up early (crazy early) on Saturday morning. But I know that I have to do it. I have to get all of this stuff out of here, so we can truly start living a more clutter-free life. We’ve made such huge progress this year, since starting the blog, but as long as it’s still sitting outside that door, we’re really only clutter-moved, not yet clutter-free.
I have done my weekly tasks each day this week. Monday I did laundry, Tuesday I cleaned bathrooms, and today I mopped the kitchen floor. I’m proud of myself for that. If I didn’t have designated days for those things, I definitely wouldn’t have done them on a week when the much-more-important garage sale prep was looming over me.
Last week for Focus Check Friday, I realized I needed to re-focus on my daily checklist. Every day but yesterday, I physically picked up the list and carried it around the house, consciously checking things off. It made a huge difference.
Next week is the week before school lets out. My goal for the week is to make my garage park-able. We recently swapped a mini-van for a Suburban, so I have no idea if that is even physically possible, but I won’t know until I try. If it is possible, I’d love to be able to park in the garage before the seat-burning heat of summer hits full force.
How’s your focus? Did you have any successes or struggles last week? Do you have something you need to focus on next week? This is your excuse to share, blab . . . . whatever. Join the linky below, leave a comment, or just talk to yourself while you’re driving down the road. Take a moment to focus on your home, and what is and isn’t working for you in it.
If you link up below, please say something like “I’m participating in Focus Check Friday over at A Slob Comes Clean” and link back to this post. If you need help to know how to do that, let me know.
How have I done this week? I'm pretty organized, and I make a to-do list every day based on a Master To-Do list for each day of the week. I love "focus checking" even though some would say I'm not the type of person to need that. We ALL need to focus check. I was able to do all daily chores, and it looks like all will be kept up with next week as well. I allow myself to skip a chore if necessary due to large volunteer jobs or doctor's appts, but I don't think that will be necessary. My main goals for the next 7 days are to nail down my summer homeschool lessons and hourly schedule for my kids. (I can't wait to get them home from public school so we can do stuff together!!!) They are 14 and almost 10 and extremely helpful to have around. Also, I have a pile of papers that need to be organized and scheduled onto the calendar. Next focus check Friday I hope to report that everything is done! Thanks for this opportunity!
Just a comment on yard sales. I've had the best luck starting my sale Friday afternoon. Usually 1 or 2 p.m. until dark. Then, I can start later on Saturday am cause most of the stuff is gone. I made $400 on my last sale. I should be working on one now. I have a bunch of stuff to sell.
Good luck.
Let's see… Wednesday was a good day, I cooked AND did dishes. How is it that I feel like a domestic rock star when I do that? Normal people do it all the time. My grandmothers did it three meals a day for 10+ kids. But I digress…
Yesterday, I cleaned our basement which contains my craft area and our office, AND I did a ton of bookwork on the computer. I made a crayon keeper for the 3 year old (because I got sick of them rattling around in my purse). I fixed a couple pair of pants that have been in the repair bin for quite a while. I prodded Hubs into going to visit his grandmother who is in a nursing home.
Today, I worked this morning at my part time job, went grocery shopping this afternoon (and other errands – library, Hobby Lobby, Goodwill) and then mowed the lawn tonight after the little one was tucked in.
No wonder I'm tired. Normal people do this stuff every DAY?!? Really? Sigh. I need to build some endurance…
Writing this before sunrise on Monday morning. That’s still before the week has begun, right?
Anyway, I started something new last Wednesday. My husband said that I always focus on my endless to-do list and never give myself credit for the tasks that I get done. So I started a Did List. Everything household management that I didn’t want to do today but used willpower to complete gets added to the list.
It’s surprisingly comforting and motivating! Except for Friday, I’m averaging 9 Did tasks a day, on top of working a little overtime at the office each day. Even though I’m not really feeling it, I’m *acting* pretty focused recently.
The in-laws will be here in a couple of weeks, so I’m glad to have dropped off 8 medium-to-large boxes of donations at the center yesterday. I can now turn my attention to scrubbing limescale off of faucets, cleaning bathroom baseboards, and cleaning kitchen appliances and range hood.
I don’t think it’s been a week Because I am breezing through your blog 5 years later.
Today I am in total focus mode going into a 4 day weekend. I had a wonderful day Tuesday where I lacked motivation and played with the kids Legos all day. But now things are better. I have 4 days away then 4 days before my parents come and stay a week. Sad to say I have a house Keeper lined up. I don’t want my house to be a mess and then my mom who was some how will do nothing but clean my house if it is a mess and she is getting close to 70. So Today keeping the focus and getting stuff done.
I emptiedmy big suitcase from a trip last summer. Normally I would cram it all in the closet or under the bed. Yesterday I sorted and I have one small drawer in my dresser for summer/vacation/Hawaii clothes. The rest are in a Donate Box by the front door just waiting until it’s full, should be very soon. Doing levis today. Container living speaks to me. Thank you!
I have a spare room that had become my dumping ground. A few months ago I cleaned it (I shoved everything in the closet). I started a crafting hobby that I really enjoy, but the room was so cluttered with my crafting stuff it looked even worse than before. I realized I had to make a choice. What exactly was in the closet anyway. I’ve been slowly taking one box at a time & purging. I have 3 donate boxes already filled & I’ve made many trips to the garbage. It’s coming along slowly but I put a shelf in the, cleaned out part of the closet & have most of my crafting supplies neatly put away. I’m about 1/4 of the way done but what a difference it makes already & it feels really good.
I moved here 3 years ago & paid a lot of money to bring all this stuff with me. I didn’t even know what it was, it was boxes I had in a closet where I lived so figured I needed whatever it was. Well I don’t. I could kick myself, but at least I’m finally realizing what I DON’T need. After this I have a closet in my bedroom that I don’t exactly know what’s in there. Thank you for your inspiration & honesty that has got me going.