I wonder why I can’t keep our master bedroom out of chaos?
I really shouldn’t wonder. It’s because of days like today.
Days when I have to actually do the things that didn’t seem like that big of a deal when I made the commitment to do them.
Days when I am in charge of a first grade party AND host hubby’s office party in our home.
Days when I don’t sit down for the entire day.
Days when I’m frustrated that I feel I have no choice but to throw every last don’t-have-the-time-to-make-a-decision-about-where-this-should-go item into the master bedroom and then work it to ensure that no guests will accidentally see what’s behind that door.
I’m tired.
I totally understand. We usually have Christmas dinner at our house, but clutter and nowhere to store it may prevent it this year. I have a week to whip this house in good enough shape to get through the holidays. I'm tired of having to hide everything and toss it out of the way "just for right now" and then it ends up staying there. Of course, we eventually need the space that is cluttered, so it gets piled somewhere else "just for right now". The stuff gets moved from place to place. Seems like if we were to take the time that we are moving it around and actually sort it, we wouldn't have as much of a problem. But that takes time and energy that I really don't have right now. So… it gets piled somewhere else, "just for right now."
Btw Nony, I have copied your idea of loading the dishwasher everynight(well, not Every night, but as the dishes get dirty). You're right! It does make a big difference to my day to not have to wash a plate everytime we eat. Now if only I can start putting them up…
Did this a couple of weeks ago for a Hanukah party. Then horror of horrors, had someone open the door thinking it was the bathroom. Did I think about how to have it cleaner next time? No, I thought, I need a sign on the bathroom door saying "Bathroom". Oh well, my secret is out ^.^
I usually leave the bathroom door open and all the other doors shut… but we have had a sign before too!