I did it. I cleaned off my desk. I did NOT feel like it, but I did it.
Sometimes when I don’t feel like it, I’ll get into the mood once I get started.
Not this time. I never got into the mood, but I didn’t quit.
I really sound crabby today, and I’ll blame that on Billy Blanks. My thighs are killing me after doing a new tae–bo video this morning. I’m glad they hurt because it means I actually did something, but I’m cranky.
Now let me clarify before I show the pictures that the after pic isn’t beautiful. It’s low-clutter, but not beautiful. Something about the half-removed wallpaper showing behind the desk kind of ruins the effect. But hey, one of my excuses for not finishing the wallpaper removal is that I was afraid to move the desk for fear that something would fall on me. Now that excuse is gone.
Was this difficult? No. There was only one pile of things to be filed (not that I have a filing system yet) and one pile of things that never should have been absent-mindedly placed on the desk in the first place. There were also two shopping bags full of trash.
I even got underneath and removed the half-hanging-off slide out keyboard drawer. It broke about a year ago and I’ve been slamming my knee into it ever since. It was probably the most labor-intensive part of this task. Believe me, I looked at the clock, hoping that I didn’t have enough time to do it before I had to go get the boys from school. Unfortunately, I had plenty of time.
Here goes.
And after:
This is a big step in the right direction. At least I got to listen to Wicked while I worked.
Check out more Tackle it Tuesday Posts!
MysticFish says
Great Job! That must feel awesome when you finished and looked at how much you accomplished! I am totally impressed. I probably would have given up. Good on you that you didn't!
Nony says
Thanks for the encouragement! I'm needing it today.
Robyn says
There is nothing like a clean desk!! Nice tackle.
Mom All Day
JessieMomma says
I know this is an old post…. I’m reading backwards…. But I just had to comment that your after photo made me smile. Not because of the huge improvement (although it is inspiring) but because I recognized the “There Was an Old Woman” doll on the shelf! We had one of those when I was a young teen, my nieces and nephews loved that Old Woman! Thank you for the smile, the memory, and the transparency!
Kristy K. James says
Wow…looks like my desk, though I have gotten quite a bit decluttered and organized the past few days. Tackling the desktop today, which wouldn’t be bad if I’d just file stuff…and I DO have a filing system. I just hate paperwork. I’d rather the paperwork fairies visit each night and deal with it for me…but the little snots have been slacking off.
Anyway…time to pull the picture up. Yes, I took photos of my office last week. I actually don’t like looking at them because the clutter doesn’t show up as much when I’m just sitting here. 🙂
Good job. Can’t wait to read more. I need motivation to get rid of the excess stuff in my too small house. 🙂
Karen says
Yesterday I was tackling a long-neglected pile in my bedroom (that was preventing me from closing the closet all the way). I knew it had been there for a while…and then I discovered the unopened box of granola bars that expired in 2011. Yes, it’s October of 2013. Shaking my head…
But hey – it’s gone now, and I found the toothbrush holder I’ve been missing for two years. I knew it was in the house somewhere…and my closet door closes now!
Lynette says
I have to laugh at how much you are like me. I too like to blame inanimate objects (like my desk) for my disorganization/slobbiness. My desk right now that is my Achilles heel. It is an antique drop face desk, with three nooks, a cabinet area, and two little hidden slots for stuff to be stored, as well as the four drawers.I have tried to organized this desk but I just cannot do much with it. But I am going to take the time this evening to get it cleared and organized….thank you so much for your inspiration and for letting us know that we are not the only ones out there.
Ericca says
I have been reading your posts from the beginning as i just recently found you, and i had to comment finally. EVERYTHING you have said about your thought process, excuses, reasonings, everything is exactly me. Even down to the not doing it perfectly and I might as well not start at all. I am learning about my thought process through reading this. I am learning how to overcome my inner child that just doesn’t wanna!
Jennifer says
I know it’s 8 years later, but reading these older posts are encouraging. What a difference three hours made! I’m decluttering in earnest finally, and have so many mental roadblocks. However, with the help of a therapist and realistic blogs like yours, i might be able to parse my belongings to reasonable limits, and have a better set of standards when I marry my honey soon.
I look forward to the rest of your posts!