Today I:
Made bed.
Emptied Dishwasher
Cleaned Kitchen
Swept kitchen
Checked for clutter on bathroom floors.
Did 5 minute walk-through of the house.
Cleared the clutter from bathroom counters.
I’m hoping that my new non-negotiable for this week, keeping bathroom counters cleared, will be like other tasks have been, and end up being a very short daily check, rather than a task.
been reading your posts backward for the last few days and i have even cried cause you are me, made me understand so much about me .. i do not see the mess till it is out of control.. i have started my own non-negotiable list and the first thing on it was doing the dishes every night, slowly i have added to it today i have 4 on it ..1. dishes done every night,2. dishes put away every morning, 3, litter boxes scooped morning and night 4 all floors swept every morning. I have wrote my list down and will be placing it on the wall in my kitchen where i know i will see it every day to help keep me on track.. list 2 is a weekly list with mop on mon. tackle it tue and thur. wash on wed.. more will be added slowly.. taking 1 day at a time.. thank you so very much for this blog, it does help more then you can understand